18.1 Configuring Timeline

The Timeline feature is disabled by default. You can configure this feature either using the Property Management or the Timeline option in the Admin UI.


If you enable or disable this feature using the Property Management option, the same changes will be reflected in the Timeline UI or vice versa. After you enable or disable this feature, you need to restart the server and reload the Contributor UI.
Before you configure the Timeline feature, copy the services.xml file from the <ORACLE_HOME/wcsites/webcentersites/sites-home/template/config directory and paste it to the <DOMAIN_HOME>/wcsites/wcsites/config directory.

To configure the Timeline feature using the Timeline UI, you must do the following:

  1. Log in to the Admin interface as a general administrator.

  2. In the General Admin tree, click the Timeline > Configure option.

  3. In the Timeline:Configure page, fill in the details as follows:

    • Select the Enabled or Disabled option.

    • From the Select Asset Types list, select any asset type.

    • The list of Default Supported Asset Types is displayed.

    • Select the Manage Revision Tracking link to track the asset revisions.

      • In the Manage Revision Tracking page, enter the number in the Revisions to keep field and select the assets for which you want to track the revisions and then click Save.

      • If you want to remove the tracked revisions of the asset types, specify the date in the Remove Excess Revisions field and then click Save. All the tracked revisions before that date will be removed.

To configure this feature, change the values of the properties using the Property Management option in the Admin UI. To change the properties:

  1. Log in to the Admin interface as a general administrator.

  2. In the General Admin tree, click the Admin > System Tools > Property Management option.

    Property Name Default Value Description
    cs.enabletimeline false

    This property controls if Timeline feature is enabled or disabled for the system. When the value is false, Timeline is disabled.

    To enable Timeline, set this value to true.

    cs.revisionassettype   Enables the revision tracking for the selected asset types if they are not revision tracked. Set cs.revisionassettype to comma separated string of content asset types (Flex and Basic asset types are created by the user). For example:cs.revisionassettype=Content_C,Content_P,Product_P,Product_C,AVIArticle,AVIImage
    cs.showassetsifnoasset false Defines the behavior of an asset that is being previewed does not exist for the given preview date.

    If the value is true, it will return the first available revision if it exists or the current asset if no revisions exist. This setting is applicable only for all the revision supported asset types.

    If the value is false, it will return the empty result. Used only when cs.enabletimeline is set to true.

For instructions on how to access the Property Management Tool in the Admin interface and use it to verify or modify property values, see Using the Property Management Tool in the Property Files Reference for Oracle WebCenter Sites.

For information on the guidelines and limitations, see Guidelines and Limitations for Previewing Assets in Timeline Mode in the Developing with Oracle WebCenter Sites.