Hardware Management Agent Configuration File

By default, the Hardware Management Agent manages the storage poller and provides Oracle ILOM information about storage devices in the system including any changes to these devices.

The trap proxy notifies the agent when Oracle ILOM has sent a trap. Instead of regularly polling Oracle ILOM for information, detection of a trap will initiate an update cycle to get the newest data from Oracle ILOM. By default, if no traps trigger a polling cycle then Oracle ILOM is polled by the Hardware Management Agent once per hour.


The trap-based polling feature will only work if the host is configured for SNMP monitoring and the Oracle LOM trap proxy has been set up. For information on setting up the Oracle ILOM trap proxy, see Configuring Oracle ILOM SNMP Trap Forwarding Using itpconfig.

If more precise real-time data of sensor values (temperature/voltage) is required, a custom "polling_round_delay" configuration option can be added to the /etc/ssm/hwmgmtd.conf file. Adding this option into the configuration file allows you to change the default polling interval.

For SNMP monitoring, the Hardware Management Agent can be configured as an SNMP agent for the SUN-HW-MONITORING-MIB and SUN-STORAGE-MIB that are part of Oracle Hardware Management Pack. This enables the native SNMP service running on the host to query information stored in these MIBs. By default, this feature is turned off but can be configured in the hwmgmtd.conf configuration file.

To prevent possible memory leaks that can cause performance issues, the Hardware Management Agent service (svc:/system/sp/management:default) can be configured to monitor its own memory usage and reset itself if a configurable threshold is crossed.

The Hardware Management Agent also records log messages in the /var/log/ssm/hwmgmtd.log file. These messages can be used to troubleshoot the running status of the Hardware Management Agent. Log level configuration is done using basic or bit flag parameters.

The following subsections describe the configurable parameters in the hwmgmtd.conf file. For information on performing the configuration, see Configure the Hardware Management Agent for SNMP Support and Logging Level.