Setting Host Control and Boot Properties on SPARC Host Server

Oracle ILOM provides a set of SPARC server properties that enables system administrators to view host control information, as well as optionally set properties to control system boot behavior.

System administrators can view host control information or set configurable SPARC server boot properties from the Oracle ILOM CLI or web interface. For more details about these properties, see the following table.


CLI paths for multi-domain SPARC servers are not provided in the following table. For these type of servers, append /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n to the start of the CLI paths described in the following tables. For further information about performing these actions on a multi-domain SPARC server, refer to the administration guide for the server.

Table 8-8 Host Control Information and Boot Properties on SPARC Managed Server

User Interface Configurable Target and User Role:
  • SP CLI: /HOST property_name
  • Web: Host Management > Host Control
  • User Role: Reset and Host Control (r) role is required to modify host configurable properties.
  • To apply property modifications made on the web Host Control page, you must click Save.
Property Default Description

Host Control Information


Read-only properties

View SPARC server host control information for:

  • MAC Address – Displays Ethernet MAC address assigned to managed device.
  • Hypervisor Version – Displays Hypervision firmware version.
  • OBP– Displays the OpenBoot PROM (OBP) firmware version.
  • POST Version – Displays the current POST version.
  • SysFW Version – Displays the current Oracle ILOM firmware version installed.
  • Host Status – Displays the current power state for the host operating system.

CLI Syntax for Host Control Information:

show /HOST

Alert Forwarding



Disabled (default) | Enabled

The Alert Forwarding property controls whether the SP will forward events to the host system operating system (OS).

Note. The Alert Forwarding property became configurable as of Oracle ILOM 4.0.1.x. Prior to the 4.0.1.x firmware release, the Alert Forwarding property was set to enabled by default and was not configurable.

When set to disabled, the events are not forwarded to the host OS. When set to enabled, events are forwarded to the host OS and appear as "SC Alert: message" on the host OS console.

CLI Syntax for Alert Forwarding

set /HOST alert_forwarding disabled | enabled

Auto Restart Policy



Reset |Dump Core|None

Set to instruct the Oracle ILOM which action to take if the host operating system hangs.

  • Reset (default) – . Oracle ILOM attempts to reset the Oracle Solaris guest when the watchdog timer expires.
  • None – Oracle ILOM takes no action other than to issue a warning.
  • Dump Core – Oracle ILOM attempts to force a core dump of the operating system when the Oracle Solaris watchdog timer expires.

CLI Syntax for Auto Restart Policy:

set /HOST autorestart= reset|dumpcore|none

Hardware BTI Mitigation


Default | Enabled | Disabled

Note. The Hardware BTI Mitigation property is available for configuration as of Oracle ILOM firmware version 4.0.2.x on SPARC T5 servers, M-Series servers, or later SPARC platforms. In addition, this property is available for configuration on SPARC T4 servers as of Oracle ILOM firmware release

Web interface:

NoteTo set the Hardware BTI Mitigation property on a SPARC M-Series server, navigate to the Host Management >Host Control page on the appropriate PDomain page .

  • Default – When Default is selected, the system will use the Oracle default setting for harware-based mitigation for CVE-2017-5715 (Branch Target Injection, Spectre Variant 2). The Default property is enabled by default.
  • Enabled – Select Enabled to turn on the hardware-based mitigation mode for CVE-2017-5715 (Branch Target Injection, Spectre Variant 2), regardless of the Default property value. When enabled, this property provides a secure configuration option, but some applications might experience lower performance.
  • Disabled – Select Disabled to turn off the hardware-based mitigation mode for CVE-2017-5715 (Branch Target Injection, Spectre Variant 2), regardless of the Default property value. When disabled, the system might be vulnerable to Branch Target Injection style attacks, but some applications might experience improved performance.

CLI Syntax for Hardware BTI Mitigation:

SPARC M-Series (PDomains):

set /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_#/HOST hw_bti_mitigation= default | disabled | enabled

Auto Run on Error



None| Powercycle| Poweroff

Note Powercycle is the default setting on SPARC M5 series servers and some M7 series servers.

Action to be taken when the host encounters an error that requires a restart.

  • None - No action is taken if a fatal error is encountered.
  • Powercycle - The host is power cycled if a fatal error is encountered.
  • Poweroff (default) - The host is powered off if a fatal error is encountered.

CLI Syntax for Auto Run on Error:

set /HOST autorunonerror= none|powercycle|poweroff

Note For earlier Oracle SPARC servers, like the T-3 Series servers, the properties for autorunonerror=true|false. When set to true, the host is power cycled if a fatal error is encountered. When set to false (default), the host is powered off if a fatal error is encountered.

Boot Timeout

( boottimeout=)

0, timer disabled

0 (default) | Integers 300 to 3600

Enter a time-out value for the boot timer in seconds. This value will be used if the host boot process fails. The boot timer is disabled by default (set to 0)

CLI Syntax for Boot Timeout:

set /HOST boottimeout= [0, 300... 360000]

Boot Restart Policy

( bootrestart=)

None, policy disabled


Set to instruct Oracle ILOM whether to restart the SPARC server if the system times out.

CLI Syntax for Boot Restart Policy:

set /HOST bootrestart= reset|none

Max Boot Fails Allowed


3 attempts

Integer between 0 and 10000 attempts.

Set the maximum number of attempts allowed if the Oracle Solaris boot process fails.

If the host does not boot successfully within the number of tries indicated by max boot fail, the host is powered off or power cycled (depending upon the setting of boot fail recovery). In either case, boot timeout is set to 0 (zero seconds), disabling further attempts to restart the host.

CLI Syntax for Max Boot Fails Allowed:

set /HOST maxbootfails= 0 to 10000

Boot Fail Recovery



Powercycle |Poweroff | None

Set this property to instruct Oracle ILOM which action to take if the boot process is unsuccessful after reaching the maximum number of boot attempts.

  • Poweroff (default) – Oracle ILOM powers off the SPARC server after reaching the maximum boot attempts allowed.
  • Powercycle – Oracle ILOM power cycles the SPARC server after reaching the maximum boot attempts allowed.
  • None - The Boot Fail Recovery property is disabled.

CLI Syntax for Boot Fail Recovery:

set /HOST bootfailrecovery=off|none|powercycle