Connect to an Oracle Database

You can create a connection to a database and use the connection to access data, build a dataset, and visualize data.

You can't use remote connections to save a dataset from a Data Flow.

  1. On the Home page, click Create, then click Connection.
  2. In Create Connection dialog, click the connection type, for example, Oracle Database.
  3. Enter a unique name for the connection, and specify database connection details.
    • If you’re not creating an SSL connection, specify the connection information for the database, such as the hostname, port, credentials, service name and so on.
    • If you’re creating an SSL connection, in the Client Wallet field, click Select to browse for the cwallet.sso file. Ask your administrator for the location of the cwallet.sso file.
  4. Use the Connection Type option to specify how you'd like to connect.
    • When you create connections to Oracle Databases, you can connect in two ways using the Connection Type option:
      • Basic - Specify the Host, Port, and Service Name of the database.
      • Advanced - In the Connection String field specify the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) ID of databases running in a RAC cluster. For example: =(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS_LIST= (LOAD_BALANCE=on)(FAILOVER=ON) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=

    • Enable Bulk Replication - If you’re loading a dataset for a workbook, then this option should be turned off and you can ignore it. This option is reserved for data analysts and advanced users for replicating data from one database to another database.

  5. If you're connecting to an on-premises database, click Use Remote Data Connectivity.
    Check with your administrator that you can access the on-premises database.
  6. If you want data modelers to be able to use these connection details. click System connection. See Database Connection Options.
  7. Under Authentication, specify how you'd like to authenticate the connection:
    • Always use these credentials - Oracle Analytics always uses the login name and password you provide for the connection. Users aren’t prompted to log in.
    • Require users to enter their own credentials - Oracle Analytics prompts users to enter their own user name and password for the data source. Users can only access the data for which they have the permissions, privileges, and role assignments.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Use the connection to connect to your data. For example, from the Home page, click Create, then click Dataset, then select the connection that you just created.