Set Application-Level Configuration Properties

If you have the Service Administrator role, or the Power User role for applications that you created, you can customize applications using application-level configuration properties. Application-level configuration properties apply to all cubes in the application.

One way to specify configuration properties of an application is to do it prior to building the application and cube, using the application workbook. To see an example, go to Files in the Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase web interface, and download the application workbook Sample_Basic.xlsx. It is located in the gallery, in the Demo Samples section (under Block Storage). In this application workbook, go to the Cube.Settings worksheet. Under Application Configuration, you can see that the DATACACHESIZE property is set to 3M, and the INDEXCACHESIZE property is set to 1M.

The following steps tell you how to configure an application that is already deployed, by adding properties and their corresponding values in the Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase web interface.

  1. On the Applications page, select the application you want to configure.
  2. From the Actions menu to the right of the application, click Inspect, then click Configuration.
  3. To add a property, click Image of the add icon.. Select a property from the list. When done adding properties, close the list window.
  4. To change a property's value, double-click a property row and edit its value.
  5. When you’re finished making changes, click Apply.
    The configuration changes will take effect next time the application restarts.

For syntax and information about each of the application configuration properties you can use, see Config Settings List in the Technical Reference for Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase.

Do not attempt to modify essbase.cfg on the Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase file system. This configuration is automatically set.