Manage Jobs

Jobs are operations such as loading data, building dimensions, exporting cubes, running MaxL scripts, running calculations, and clearing data. Jobs are asynchronous, meaning they are run in the background as a unique thread. Each job has a unique id.

Viewing Job Status

Because jobs are run in the background, you must refresh the Jobs page to view their status. Users have access to job listings based on the role they are assigned in Essbase. For example, if you are a user with the Service Administrator role can see all jobs; if you have the User role, you can see only the jobs you ran.

The job listing by default shows all the jobs for all the applications provisioned to the logged in user. You can scroll down to see the history of all the jobs that you ran.

  1. On the Applications page, click Jobs.

  2. Click Refresh to refresh once, or click Auto Refresh to refresh the jobs every few seconds. In Cube Designer, job status is refreshed automatically.

Viewing Job Details

You can also view details for an individual job. To view job details, click the Actions menu, and select Job Details to see input and output details for a job.

Job details include information such as script names, data file names, user names, number of records processed and rejected, and completion status.