Send Email Reports and Track Deliveries

Send email reports to anyone inside or outside the organization or use agents to send reports to a range of other devices. Keep everyone up-to-date with regular daily or weekly reports.

Send Email Reports Once, Weekly, or Daily

Send Email reports to one or more recipients directly from the catalog. It’s easy to distribute reports this way and quicker than downloading a report and mailing it from your email client. To keep everyone up-to-date, schedule daily or weekly emails.

For information about email limits and how to optimize email delivery, see What are the limits for email delivery?

  1. On the Classic Home page, do one of the following:
    • Navigate to the item you want to email, click Edit, and in the Results tab, click Email.
    • Click Catalog, navigate to the item you want to email, click the More action menu, and select Email.
  2. Enter the email address for one or more recipients.
    Separate multiple email addresses with a comma. For example:,
  3. Customize the Subject line.
  4. Send the email Now or click Later to set a date and time in the future.
  5. To email report updates on a daily or weekly basis, click Repeat and then select Daily or Weekly.
You can check the status of email deliveries from the Console.

Email Security Alert

Content that you send by email isn’t encrypted. It's your responsibility to safeguard any sensitive data that you send.

Track the Reports You Distribute By Email or Through Agents

Track the reports you’ve chosen to send to people by email from the Console. Quickly see when reports were sent and which items are pending (scheduled to run in the future). Review, change, or delete your deliveries (scheduled or completed) from the same page.

Any agents that you set up to deliver content are displayed in the Console too. This way, all your delivery information is in one place.

You can filter the deliveries by their status to track deliveries most important to you. The various status messages are explained here.

Delivery Status Description

Someone canceled the delivery.

Users can cancel any delivery that they own.

Completed Delivery ran successfully.

Users can temporarily disable any delivery or agent that they own through the catalog.

For example, you might stop a job running on its defined schedule if you want to edit the report or change who sees the report.


Delivery ran as scheduled but it didn't complete successfully.

Click Show details... after the error icon (Error icon) to find out what went wrong so you can fix it.

Not Scheduled

No one has set up a schedule for the delivery or the scheduled run date is for a date in the past (rather than a future date).

Running Delivery is in progress.

Administrators can temporarily suspend deliveries that other users set up.

For example, before you migrate from a test environment to a production environment, your administrator might suspend deliveries in the test environment, and resume them in the production environment.

Timed Out

Delivery timed out because it took too long to complete.

Try Again

Something went wrong. Try to run the delivery again.


Delivery ran as scheduled but it wasn't 100% successful.

For example, the delivery specifies 10 recipients but only 9 of them received it because 1 of the email addresses was incorrect.

Click Show details... after the warning icon (Warning icon) to find out more.

To track deliveries from the Console:

  1. Go to the Home Page, click Navigator, and then click Console.
  2. Click Monitor Deliveries.

    Deliveries are listed by run date, with the most recent delivery displayed first. Initially, you see only the deliveries sent in the last 24 hours (Last Day). To see deliveries for the last week or all deliveries, select Last 7 Days or All Times.

    Click Show Scheduled Deliveries (then Apply) to show deliveries that are scheduled to run in the future. For example, you might schedule a delivery to run tomorrow at 9am. If you look at the Deliveries page the night before or at 8am, you'll see the delivery only when you select Show Scheduled Deliveries as the delivery hasn't run yet.

  3. Filter the list of deliveries by name, time, or status, and then click Apply.
    • Name: To filter by name, start typing the name of the delivery you’re looking for in the search box, and then press Enter.

    • Time: To filter by time, click the time filter. Select from Last Day, Last 7 Days, All Times.

    • Status: To filter by status, click Filter by Status. Select one or more from Failed, Warning, Completed, Canceled, Timed Out, Try Again, Running, Disabled, Suspended, Not Scheduled.

    • Show Scheduled Deliveries: Select to include deliveries that are scheduled to run in the future. Deselect to show only deliveries that have run or are running.

  4. Click Actions for a delivery to review or manage a single delivery.
  5. To preview the content, click Actions for the delivery, and select View Report.
    This option isn’t available if the delivery is generated by an agent.
  6. To see details about a delivery, such as the date of last and next run, delivery frequency, history, agent path, and so on, click Actions for the delivery and select Inspect.
    • History: Click History to view and search for historical job runs. Use the name, time, and status filters to help you find the delivery you want.

    • Recipients: Click Recipients to view details about the users who will receive the delivery.

  7. To edit a delivery, click Actions for the delivery, and select Edit.
    • Email deliveries — Update the email options.

    • Agent deliveries — Edit the agent associated with the delivery.

  8. To troubleshoot a delivery that fails or completes with a warning, click Show details....

    Error icon Failed - Click Show details... to find out what went wrong so you can fix it.

    Warning icon Warning - Click Show details... to find out more.

  9. To disable a delivery, click Actions for the delivery, and select Disable.

    If you want to enable the delivery later on, click Actions for the delivery, and select Enable.

  10. To delete a delivery and all future scheduled deliveries, select Delete, then OK to confirm.
  11. To delete, resume, or suspend multiple deliveries, Ctrl-click to select them and then right-click to select the action you want to perform (Delete, Resume, Suspend).

View and Edit Recipients for Deliveries

You can review and edit the recipients of all your deliveries and agents from the Monitor Deliveries page. If you need to make recipient changes across multiple deliveries, the Monitor Deliveries page offers a convenient way to do it.

  1. In the Oracle Analytics Home page, click the Navigator, and then click Console.
  2. Click Monitor Deliveries.
  3. To view the current recipients for a delivery, click the Action menu for the delivery, and select Inspect.
  4. Click Recipients.
  5. Review the current recipient list.

    To filter the list, click the down arrow and select the type of recipient you want to view. Either Users, Emails, or Application Roles. The Application Role filter doesn’t show you the users assigned to each application role. If needed, administrators can obtain this information from the Users and Roles page in the Console.

    To search for a particulate recipient, start typing the name of the user, email address, or application role in the search box.

  6. To edit the recipients, click the Action menu for the delivery, and select Edit.
  7. Modify the list of recipients for the agent or email delivery.
    • For agents, click Recipients and modify the recipient list.
    • For email deliveries, edit the email addresses in the To field.

Suspend and Resume Deliveries

Administrators can temporarily suspend any delivery, at any time.

  1. In the Oracle Analytics Home page, click the Navigator, and then click Console.
  2. Click Monitor Deliveries.
  3. To access everyone’s deliveries in addition to your own, click the Action menu for the page, and select Admin View.
  4. To suspend a delivery, click the Action menu for the delivery and select Suspend.
    To suspend multiple deliveries at once, select Shift + click or Ctrl + click to select all the deliveries you want to suspend, then right-click and select Suspend.
  5. To resume a delivery, click the Action menu for the delivery and select Resume.
  6. To resume or suspend multiple deliveries, Ctrl-click to select them, and then right-click to select the action you want to perform (Resume or Suspend).

Restore and Enable Delivery Schedules

When you restore content from a snapshot or migrate content from a different environment, delivery schedules defined for agents, analyses, and dashboards in the snapshot aren’t restored or activated right away. When you’re ready to restore deliveries on your system, you can decide whether to enable or disable delivery schedules on your system. This is useful as you might not want to immediately start delivering content.

For example, if you're restoring a production environment, you probably want to restart deliveries as soon as possible. Whereas in a test environment, you might prefer to disable deliveries after restoration and activate them at a later date.

  1. In the Oracle Analytics Home page, click the Navigator, and then click Console.
  2. Click Monitor Deliveries.
  3. To restore deliveries, click the Action menu for the page and select Restore Deliveries.
  4. Select whether to restore and activate deliveries or restore deliveries only. Select one of the following:
    • Maintain Delivery Schedule Status

      All delivery schedules maintain their status (enabled or disabled).

      • Existing delivery schedules remain unchanged.
      • New delivery schedules created during the restore process inherit the schedule status that’s defined in the corresponding agent, analysis or dashboard.

      For example, this option is useful when you restore deliveries in a production environment where you want deliveries to be active immediately.

    • Disable Delivery Schedules for New Deliveries

      Delivery schedules that are created during the restore process for agents, analyses, and dashboards are disabled. Existing delivery schedules remain unchanged.

      For example, this option is useful when you restore deliveries in a test environment where you don’t need to activate deliveries immediately.

    • Disable All Delivery Schedules And Delete All History (Not recommended)

      All delivery schedules are disabled during the restore process and any delivery history is deleted.

      • Existing delivery schedules are disabled.
      • New delivery schedules created for agents, analyses, and dashboards during the restore process are disabled.
      • Historical delivery details no longer available.

      This option is not recommended. If you do select this option, you must manually enable delivery schedules for all agents, analyses, and dashboards.

  5. Click Restore.
  6. To activate a delivery, click the Action menu for the delivery, and select Enable.

    To activate multiple deliveries at once, select Shift + click or Ctrl + click to select all the deliveries you want to activate, then right-click and select Enable.

    If necessary, click Edit to redefine the delivery schedule.

Change the Owner or Time Zone for Deliveries

If you're an administrator, you can change the owner or time zone for one or more deliveries. You can make yourself the new owner or select a different user. This is useful when the original owner changes, leaves your organization, or after migration from a different environment. The change time zone option also comes in handy if you need to change the time zone for multiple deliveries, and this is especially useful when you migrate deliveries from a different environment with a different time zone.

For example, you might migrate deliveries from an on-premises Oracle Analytics Server environment where the time zone is correctly set to your local US time to an environment with a different time zone. If you migrate to Oracle Analytics Cloud where the time zone changes to UTC, your deliveries arrive too early. In this scenario, you need an easy way to update the time zone for all your deliveries.

  1. In the Oracle Analytics Home page, click the Navigator, and then click Console.
  2. Click Monitor Deliveries.
    Description of deliveries_actions_change.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration deliveries_actions_change.jpg

    The Change menu is available only to administrators. If you don't have the required permissions, ask your administrator to make the changes for you.

  3. To change the owner of a delivery, click the Action menu for the delivery, select Change, and then Owner.
    To change multiple deliveries at once, select Shift + click or Ctrl + click to select all the deliveries you want, then right-click and select Change, then Owner.
    1. Start typing the name of the new owner to find the user. Use * as a wildcard.
      Alternatively, click Assign to Me to make yourself the new owner.
    2. Click Change Owner.
    3. If the current owner and the RunAs user for a delivery are the same, the new owner becomes the new RunAs user. Click OK to acknowledge and allow changes to the RunAs user, where required.
      When the RunAs user changes, take care to review the new RunAs user’s data and object security to ensure the required access levels are applied.
  4. To change the time zone of a delivery, click the Action menu for the delivery, select Change, and then Time Zone.
    To change multiple deliveries at once, select Shift + click or Ctrl + click to select all the deliveries you want, then right-click and select Change, then Time Zone.
    1. Select the new time zone for the deliveries you selected.
    2. To only change a specific time zone, click Change only selected deliveries with a specific time zone and then select the time zone you want to change.
      Don't select the checkbox if you want all deliveries to use the new time zone.
    3. Click Change Time Zone.

Generate and Download a Deliveries Report (CSV)

If you're an administrator, you can generate a report that contains details about your deliveries and download the report in CSV format for analysis. You can customize the report so it only contains information you want to see. For example, if you're interested in active deliveries, there's an option to exclude deliveries that are disabled or suspended from the report. You can also control the detail that's included and whether to include everyone's deliveries or just your own.

Delivery reports can include the following information:

  • Name - Name of the agent delivering the report.
  • Agent Path - Location of the agent delivering the report.
  • Content Data - Name of the report being delivered.
  • Content Type - Type of content in the report.
  • Owner - User who created the delivery.
  • Repeats - Delivery frequency. For example, once, daily, weekly, and so on.
  • Run As User - User running the report.
  • User Recipients - Users receiving the report.
  • Email Recipients - Email addresses of users receiving the report.
  • Application Role Recipients - Application roles receiving the report, that is, users assigned to these application roles receive the report.
  • Disabled - Specifies whether the delivery is disabled: TRUE or FALSE
  • Suspended - Specifies whether the delivery is suspended: TRUE or FALSE
  1. In the Oracle Analytics Home page, click the Navigator, and then click Console.
  2. Click Monitor Deliveries.
  3. Click the Action menu for the page, and select Export Deliveries Report.


    To include everyone's deliveries in the report rather than only deliveries that you own, click Admin View before you click Export Deliveries Report.
    Description of deliveries_actions_exportreport.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration deliveries_actions_exportreport.jpg
  4. Customize the report.
    • Select Exclude disabled and suspended jobs from the report if you want the report to contain only jobs that are active.
    • Deselect information to exclude it from the report.
    Description of deliveries_report_options.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration deliveries_report_options.jpg
  5. To generate the report and download the CSV file to your local file system, click Export.
  6. Navigate to your download folder and open the report in your favorite editor.

    Look for a CSV file with the name: DeliveriesReport<timestamp>. For example, DeliveriesReport20240620100144854.csv.

    Description of deliveries_report_csv.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration deliveries_report_csv.jpg