Begin to Build a Workbook and Create Visualizations

To start a workbook, choose and add a dataset and then drag and drop its columns onto the Visualize page's canvas to create visualizations.

You create workbooks to store and organize your analytics content, such as graphs and charts.
If you want to learn about the datasets that are available to you, then you can view a list of datasets and find out more information about each dataset. See View a List of Datasets and Information About Them.
  1. On the Home page, click Create and click Workbook.
  2. In the Add Data dialog, click a dataset and then click Add to Workbook.
  3. In the Data Panel, locate and drag and drop data columns onto the Visualize canvas to start building visualizations.
  4. Click Save.
    • To share a workbook with others and include it in the Home page's Navigation Menu as a link, you can save the workbook in the /Shared Folders/first level sub-folder with Add to Navigation Menu selected.


      Exclude special characters from your workbook name otherwise it won't display in the Navigation Menu. See About Naming Restrictions for Catalog Objects.