Find and Explore Your Content

From the Home page you can find your analytics content, such as workbooks, datasets, connections, and data flows.

Find Your Content

From the Home page you can use the search bar to search for the content you're interested in.

Use the search bar to search for content using search terms, content types, and search tags.


You can use advanced search commands in combination with search terms to refine your search results for exact matches, multi-term matches, and field-level matches. See Search Options
  1. On the Home page, in the search bar, type in a search term and either press Enter to search for content or Shift + Enter to visualize data.
    1. Specify the full or partial name of what you're looking for. The search is case-insensitive.
      Description of searching-content.png follows
      Description of the illustration searching-content.png
    2. (Browser dependent) Click Dictate (if displayed) and speak your search term.
  2. Click in the search bar for a drop-down list of all content types, such as workbook, dashboard, report, watchlist connection, or model. Click a content type to add it to the search bar. For example:
    • Click Workbook to display visualization content
    • Click Dashboard or Analysis to display reporting content
    • Click Report to display pixel-perfect reporting content
    • Click Watchlist to display visualization cards grouped in watchlists
    • Click an option in the Data category to display connections, datasets, data flows, machine learning models, and other data-related content.
    • To narrow your search, add a free text search term to the search bar. For example, if you've searched on Workbooks, enter 'My Web Analysis' to display a workbook named My Web Analysis.
  3. Add or remove search tags to your search term.
    • Enter 'type:' or 'filter:' to display a list of search tags that you can select from.
    • Paste in 'type:' or 'filter:' followed by one search term (not case-sensitive). For example:
      • Paste type:connection to find your connections. Or, paste type:workbook to find your workbooks.
      • Paste filter:recent to display your recently accessed content. Paste filter:favorites to find content that you've marked as a favorite.

        You can combine the filter command with the type command. For example, paste in type:workbook filter:recent.

  4. To clear your search terms, in the search bar click X or select search tags and press delete.

Search Options

You can enter advanced search commands in the search bar to tailor your search results for exact matches, multi-term matches, and field-level matches.

You can combine multiple search terms with commands to narrow or widen your search. For example, name:(revenue AND Analysis). Search commands and search terms are case-insensitive.

Search Command Description Example


Enter AND between search terms to only display content which contains all the search terms. All forms of AND, such as, and, &&, or entering two search terms together, will return the same results.

Revenue AND Forecast

Revenue and Forecast

Revenue && Forecast

Revenue Forecast


Enter OR between search terms to display content that contains any of the search terms.

Revenue OR Profit

Revenue or Profit

Revenue || Profit


After entering a search term, enter NOT followed by more search terms to exclude any content from the results which match the search terms entered after the NOT command.

Revenue NOT Product

Revenue not Product


Enter the question mark (?) character in a search term as a wildcard to signify a single unknown character. This ensures that the search results include content with words matching the known characters from the search term. For example, searching for st?r would include results containing star and stir.



Enter the asterisk (*) character at the end of a partial search term or root word as a wildcard to find all content that contains the partial search term as well as content that contain variations of the root word. For example, searching for employ* would include results for employee, employment, or employer.



Enter name: followed by a search term to search for content where the search term is part of the Name field.

name:Revenue Analysis


Enter description: followed by a search term to search for content where the search term is contained in the Description field of the content.




Enter owner: followed by a search term to search for content where the search term is contained in the Owner field of the content.



Enter columns: followed by a search term to search for objects that reference columns matching the search term.



Enter text: at the beginning of a search followed by a search term to search for content where the search term is contained in any of the content's fields.



Enclose a search term with double quotation marks to search for content that includes phrases or stop words which match the search term.

"Balance Letter"

"Research by analysis"

Search Tips

Use these tips to help you find your content.

  • Searching in Non-English Locales - When you enter criteria in the search field, what displays in the drop-down list of suggestions can differ depending upon your locale setting. For example, if you’re using an English locale and enter sales, then the drop-down list of suggestions contains items named sale and sales. However, if you’re using a non-English locale such as Korean and type sales, then the drop-down list of suggestions contains only items that are named sales and items such as sale aren’t included in the drop-down list of suggestions.
  • Searching for New Objects and Data - If you create or save a workbook or create a dataset and then immediately try to search for it, then it’s likely that your search results won’t contain matches. If this happens, refresh your browser. If you still can't find the new object or data, then wait a few minutes for the indexing process to run, and retry your search. Users can access only the data they've been given permission to access.

Explore Your Content

You can quickly access your analytics content using the Navigator bar.

  1. On the Home page click the Navigator menu.
  2. Click Page Menu, then click Customize Home Page.

    Customize how to display categories on the Home page.

  3. Click the icon representing the content size (small, medium, or large), or click Hidden to hide the content.Display options for content
  4. Click the down arrow and select the number of rows to display.
    Select the number of rows to display for a selected category on the Home page

  5. Click and hold the handle Handle icon to drag a content category into new position, and then drag the content category row to reorder its display sequence on the home page.

  6. Click Open Editors in New Tabs.
  7. Click Save.