1 Basics

What can I do with Oracle Analytics Synopsis?

Oracle Analytics Synopsis provides instant analytics on a mobile device. With this app, you can quickly and easily turn data into meaningful data visualizations, without any detailed knowledge of data exploration or data science.

With Oracle Analytics Synopsis, you can:

  • Import spreadsheet data and receive instant data visualization.

  • Change the initial visualization; for example, from a donut chart to a bar chart. Based on the complexity of the data, the app displays the data in an appropriate chart; however, you can easily change the chart format.

  • Select specific data from your spreadsheet for the analysis.

  • Change the format of the data; for example, you can change the preferred currency, opt to display the number data as percentage, and specify the decimal character and number separator.

  • Transform data from a number value to text value; for example, you can change the month value to display as text rather than as a number.

  • Share the analysis using the apps on your mobile device.

  • Export the project to destinations of your choice.

  • Add frequently used charts to your charts list.
  • Import data from Oracle Analytics Cloud data sets and your fitness data from the Google Fit app.

  • Scan printed tables with the device camera, view real time chart visualization atop table data, create a project instantly, and spot trends in the printed data.

  • Scan the nutrition label of your favorite foods to store and analyze the nutrition data.

  • Expand the data set in a project by merging two projects; for example, add data across time periods or regions.

  • View project and chart insights for a predictive analysis.

  • Add a new column of calculated numbers in a data file; for example, create a new Profits column in the data file by subtracting Sales values from Cost values.

  • Change the initial visualization; for example, from a donut chart to a word cloud chart in which the size of the word represents the size of a measure.

  • Add multiple text elements such as month and year to charts; thereby use time specific controls to select date ranges and times when manipulating charts with a time dimension.

  • Back up and restore projects.

What kind of data can I upload?

You can import data as numbers (for example, gross price = 1000) and text values (for example, country = Canada).

What is a number card?

A number card displays the important number from the number values in your spreadsheet data; for example, the sum of sales price or manufacturing price.

What are my charts?

My charts contain visualizations of data that you frequently use or want to refer to.

Are there any performance limits in the app?

On both Android and iOS, the app is limited by the processor power, memory, and storage on the device. The app performs well on most modern devices (those manufactured in the year 2015 and later), but older devices or devices with limited storage may perform slower, have issues loading large files, or experience other issues that cannot be addressed.

What are the file size considerations?

The app supports XLSX and CSV file types. Here are the recommended file sizes based on the number of rows:

File Type Android iOS
XLSX 250,000 25,000
CSV 250,000 250,000

Large files can take longer to load and are not recommended. Files that have more that 20,000 unique values in a single text column impact chart and project performance. The app (for Android and iOS) can load files while in the background, so files that take longer to load can process while you work on other tasks on the device.

How do I configure mobile applications for single sign-on in Oracle Analytics Cloud?

You must set up OAuth in Oracle Identity Cloud Service for mobile access.

  1. Log in to Oracle Identity Cloud Service using your administrator credentials.


    If you don't have access to Oracle Identity Cloud Service, then ask your administrator to set up OAuth.
  2. In the Oracle Identity Cloud Service console, expand the Navigation menu, and then click Applications.
  3. On the Applications page, click Add.
  4. In the Add Application dialog, click Mobile Application.
  5. In the Details section, enter a name and description to identify the application, and then click Next.
    For example:
    • Name: MyMobileApp
    • Description: Mobile application for Oracle Analytics
    Description of configure-mobile-apps-sso-oac-4.gif follows
    Description of the illustration configure-mobile-apps-sso-oac-4.gif
  6. To identify this application as a client:
    1. Display the Authorization section in the Client step.
    2. Select Authorization Code and Allow non-HTTPS URLs.
    3. Enter these values exactly as specified:
      • Redirect URL: idcsmobileapp://nodata

        This URL scheme identifies the application to open.

      • Post Logout Redirect URL: idcsmobileapp://logout
    Description of configure-mobile-apps-sso-oac-5.gif follows
    Description of the illustration configure-mobile-apps-sso-oac-5.gif


    Ensure that you don't populate the Logout URL field.
  7. In the Client step, scroll down and select Add Scope and the Oracle Analytics Cloud instance that you want to access through this application.
    You see an URL in the Resources section.
  8. In the Resources section, scroll to the end of the URL and note the entire URL.
  9. In the Client step, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add below Grant the client access to Identity Cloud Service Admin APIs.
  10. In the Add App Role dialog, select the application roles that you want to assign to this application, and then click Add.
  11. In the Client step, click Next until you reach the last step, and then click Finish.
  12. From the Application Added dialog, make a note of the Client ID value, and then click Close.


    The mobile application needs the Client ID value to integrate with Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
  13. From Applications, click the test page of the mobile application you just created; for example, MyMobileAppTest or MobileAppTest, and then click Activate.
  14. In the Activate Application dialog, click Activate Application.

How do I access Oracle Identity Cloud Service using single sign-on from Oracle Analytics Synopsis?

You can access Oracle Identity Cloud Service using single sign-on from Oracle Analytics Synopsis with a MagicURL.

A MagicURL contains all the required information to access using single sign-on and can be shared across your organization. It contains these five elements:
  • Mobile app code name: synopsisoracle
  • Client ID: Value of the mobile application that you configured for single sign-on in Oracle Analytics Cloud. For example, 123ab456cd.
  • Oracle Analytics Cloud Scope URL: Available in the Resources section of the mobile application that you configured for single sign-on in Oracle Analytics Cloud. For example, https://ABCDFG1234.analytics.oac.com:123urn:opc:resource:consumer:all.
  • Oracle Analytics Cloud URL. For example, https://analytics.myserver.com.
  • Oracle Identity Cloud Service URL. For example, https://analytics.myserver.com.

The MagicURL with these values would look like: synopsisoracle://oauth?clientID=123ab456cd&friendlyURL=https://analytics.myserver.com&scope=openid%20https://ABCDFG1234.analytics.oac.com:123urn:opc:resource:consumer:all&idcsURL=https://123abc456fgh.identity.oraclecloud.com


To retrieve the Client ID and the Scope URL, navigate to your Oracle Identity Cloud Service Admin Console, click Applications, click Mobile App, and then click Configuration. You see Client ID in the General Information section and Scope URL in the Client Configuration section by scrolling down until you see Token Insurance Policy.

How do I create and distribute the MagicURL for Oracle Analytics Synopsis manually?

After you complete the federated single sign-on configuration, create the MagicURL based on bits of information taken from the configuration. To create the MagicURL, you must have administrator privileges in Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
  1. Collect the information required for the MagicURL.
  2. Use the following URL format and replace the brackets and their content, for each one of its corresponding elements:
    [Mobile App code name]://oauth?clientID=[Client ID]&friendlyURL=[OAC friendly URL]&scope=openid%20[Scope URL]&idcsURL=[IDCS URL]
  3. Distribute the MagicURL to your user community using email, a corporate messenger, or other appropriate channel.

How do I use the MagicURL for Oracle Analytics Synopsis?

As a user who has installed Oracle Analytics Synopsis and received the MagicURL sent by your organization, tap the MagicURL from your mobile device. The app opens and automatically provisions itself.


You mustn’t use Gmail as your mail client to access the MagicURL; a known issue exists with Gmail where such hyperlinks are treated as plain text.