About Application Workbooks

Application workbooks comprise a series of worksheets, which can appear in any order, and define a cube, including cube settings and dimensional hierarchies. Optionally, you can define data worksheets to be loaded automatically when you create the cube, and calculation worksheets to be executed after you load the data. There are strict layout and syntax requirements for application workbooks, and there are many validations to ensure that workbook contents are complete and formatted correctly. If the application workbook contents are not correct, then the cube building process will not be successful.

You can modify the worksheets directly in Microsoft Excel or by using the Designer Panel.

Essbase provides application workbook templates for creating block storage and aggregate storage applications and cubes.

  • Block Storage Sample (Stored): Block storage application workbook. File name: Sample_Basic.xlsx.

  • Block Storage Sample (Dynamic): Block storage application workbook. All non-leaf level members are dynamic. File name: Sample_Basic_Dynamic.xlsx.

  • Block Storage Sample (Scenario): Block storage application workbook with scenarios enabled. All non-leaf level members are dynamic. File name: Sample_Basic_Scenario.xlsx.

  • Aggregate Storage Sample: Aggregate storage application workbook. File name: ASO_Sample.xlsx.

  • Aggregate Storage Sample Data: Data for the aggregate storage application workbook. File name: ASO_Sample_DATA.txt.

  • Tabular Data Sample: Tabular data Excel file. File name: Sample_Table.xlsx.

Oracle recommends that you download a sample application workbook and examine the worksheets. See Application Workbooks Reference.