Revert Scenario Values Back to Base Values

Initially, scenario values are not stored and they are an exact mirror of the base values. After you change the scenario values in Excel and submit the changes to the cube, the scenario values are stored, and they are different from the base. You can revert the scenario values back to the base by typing #Revert in the changed cells and clicking Submit Data on the Smart View ribbon.

To revert scenario values back to the base:
  1. In Excel, type #Revert in the scenario cells you want to revert to the base.
  2. Click Submit Data on the Smart View ribbon.
The selected scenario values are updated to the base values.


  1. Initially, the value in sb1 is an exact mirror of the value in base.
    Image of a grid with a base member and a scenario member showing the same value.

  2. Submit a new value, 100, to sb1.
    Image of a grid with the scenario member showing a value of 100.

  3. Submit #Revert to sb1.
    Image of a grid showing #Revert in the sb1 cell.

  4. Refresh the sheet. See that sb1 again reflects the base value of 678.
    Image of a grid with a base member and a scenario member showing the same value.