Export Cubes to Application Workbooks in Cube Designer

In Cube Designer, you can export any cube that exists in the cloud service.

  1. Select the build method, either parent-child or generation format.
  2. In Excel, on the Cube Designer ribbon, select Local Image of the Local icon on the Cube Designer ribbon., then select Export cube to application workbook.
  3. On the Export Cube dialog box, select the application and cube that you want to export.
    • Select Include Data if you want input level data included in the application workbook.
      • In block storage cubes, if the size of the data is 400 MB or less, data is exported to the application workbook, on the Data worksheet. If the data size exceeds 400 MB, data is exported to a flat file named Cubename.txt, which is included in a file named Cubename.zip. The .zip file is created in the specified export directory if the export process is successful.

      • In aggregate storage cubes, regardless of the size of the data, it is always exported to a flat file named Cubename.txt, which is included in a file named Cubename.zip. The .zip file is created in the specified export directory if the export process is successful.

    • Select Include Calculation Scripts if you want calculation scripts in your block storage cube included in the application workbook.

      Aggregate storage cubes do not have calculation scripts.

    Image of the cube designer export cube dialog box.

  4. Click Run.
  5. When the export is completed, click OK.
    The application workbook is saved to the local folder location: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Oracle\smartview\DBX. Because it is saved to the local folder location, you can open it using the Local Image of the Local icon on the Cube Designer ribbon. icon on the Cube Designer ribbon.

The exported application workbook can be imported to the cloud service. See these topics: