Service Data Provider

Service Data Provider represents a data provider that provides data by fetching it from a service or endpoint and that can be bound to components. It also allows externalizing fetches through an action chain.

The Service Data Provider can be used to fetch collections of data either implicitly using a configured endpoint, or externally by delegating to an action chain. Additionally, when Service Data Provider uses an Oracle Cloud Applications service, the built-in business object REST API transforms associated with the service automatically enable capabilities such as sorting, filtering, and pagination of the data. When used with endpoints not part of an Oracle Cloud Applications service, it's important for service authors to provide a custom transforms implementation that supports these capabilities. (It's worth noting that some functionality is controlled by the type of endpoint. For example, pagination properties such as limit and offset are available on a Get Many endpoint, but not a Get One endpoint.)

A variable that uses this built-in type can be bound to collection components like listView, table, combobox/select, chart, and other JET components that accept a data provider.

When the properties of the Service Data Provider variable change, it listens to the variable onValueChanged event, and notifies all its subscribers (such as components) to refresh (by raising a data provider event). Currently, UI components are the only listeners of this event.