5.4 Create a Data Transforms Connection for Remote Data Load

You can connect to an existing Data Transforms instance and run a data load remotely.

To create this connection, you need to specify the URL of the Data Transforms instance along with the name of the ODI rest API from where you want to run the data load.

To define a Data Transforms connection:

  1. From the left pane of the Home page, click the Connections tab.
    Connections page appears.
  2. Click Create Connection.
    Create Connection page slides in.
  3. For Select Type,
    • In the Name field, enter the name of the newly created connection
    • Select Services as the type of connection that you wish to create.
  4. In the Endpoint URL textbox, enter the URL of the ODI rest API from where you want to run the data load. Enter the URL in the format http://<host-ip-address>:<port>/odi-rest.
  5. In the User text box enter SUPERVISOR as the user name.
  6. In the Password text box enter the ODI Supervisor password.
  7. After providing all the required connection details, click Test Connection to test the established connection.
  8. Click Create.
    The new connection is created.

The newly created connections are displayed in the Connections page.

Click the Actions icon (Actions icon) next to the selected connection to perform the following operations:

  • Select Edit to edit the provided connection details.
  • Select Test Connection to test the created connection.
  • Click Export to export the connection. See Export Objects.
  • Select Delete Schema to delete schemas.
  • Select Delete Connection to delete the created connection.

You can also search for the required connection to know its details based on the following filters:

  • Name of the Connection.
  • Technology associated with the created Connection.