Sync Your Files

By default all cloud folders owned by you are synced automatically. If you have a lot of files, this may take a while the first time you sync. If there are folders in the cloud that you don't actively work with, or if there are folders you don't own that others have shared with you, you may want to choose what folders to sync.

To choose what folders to sync, click the desktop app icon to open sync activity and then click the More icon, and select Choose Folders to Sync from Cloud to open up the folder sync dialog.

You can also open the dialog by right-clicking the desktop app icon in the notification area (Windows) or in the menu bar extras area (Mac) and selecting Choose Folders to Sync from Cloud from the contextual menu.

In the dialog, you can opt to automatically sync all the folders you own or you can choose folders to sync, including those shared with you. You don’t have to do anything more. The desktop app is "set and forget" software. It runs until you tell it to stop.

If you want to sync subfolders but not entire cloud folders, there are a couple of ways to do it. You can either unselect the cloud folder then select the subfolders you want to sync, or you can leave the cloud folder syncing everything and just unselect the subfolders you don't want to sync. The way you choose determines the sync behavior.

You must have at least a Downloader role in a shared folder for it to appear in your list of folders for syncing. If you’re building websites, you can also sync themes, templates, and other assets associated with your sites. You must have a manager role for those items in order to see them in the list of items available for syncing.

Storage Location

When you initially signed in, a local account folder was created for you by default named Oracle Content. If you have only one account, this is where your synced files are stored and where you add files and folders you want synced to the cloud. To view the contents, right-click the desktop app icon in the notification area (on Windows) and select Open in Explorer or in the menu bar extras area (on Mac) and select Open in Finder.

If you are a member of multiple services and sync more than one account, then your synced files are stored in a folder that you name when you add each account.

In Windows, the default location for all local account folders is:

  • C:\Users\USER_NAME\Oracle Content-Accounts

On a Mac, the default location for all local account folders is:

  • /Users/USER_NAME/Oracle Content-Accounts

You can change the location of any local account folder using the sync activity dialog.
  1. Click the desktop app icon in the notification area (Windows) or in the menu bar extras area (Mac) to open the sync activity.

  2. Click the accounts icon to open the Accounts dialog.

  3. Hover over the account to change and click the menu icon, then select Edit.

  4. Click Change Location and navigate to the place you want the local account folder.

  5. Once you've selected a new location, click Done.


You can’t move the location to an external drive.