Use Seeded Content Workflows

Oracle Content Management provides a quick start application package with simple multi-step content approval workflows to use in Oracle Content Management.

For instructions on downloading the quick start application package and setting up the processes for use, see Oracle Integration with Assets.

Here are some example use cases for the quick start processes:

One-Step Content Approval Workflow Example

The one-step content approval workflow process (OCEOneStepApplication.exp) is a simple workflow where an author submits a draft for review (step 1) and the editor can approve, reject, or request changes. If the editor requests changes, then the changes are made and the author resubmits to start the workflow process again.

One-step content approval workflow diagram (described in text)

One-Step Content Approval and Publish Workflow Example

The one-step content approval and publish workflow process (OCEOneStepPublish.exp) is a simple workflow where an author submits a draft for review (step 1) and the editor can approve, reject, or request changes. If the editor requests changes, then the changes are made and the author resubmits to start the workflow process again. After the content is approved, Oracle Content Management validates and publishes the content.

One-step content approval and publish workflow diagram (described in text)

One-Step Content Approval and Publish with Extended Workflow Example

The one-step content approval and publish with extended workflow process (OCEOneStepPublishExtended.exp) is a simple workflow where an author submits a draft for review (step 1) and the editor can approve, reject, or request changes. If the editor requests changes, then the changes are made and the author resubmits to start the workflow process again. After the content is approved, Oracle Content Management attempts to validate and publish the content. If there are any issues during validating or publishing, the author is notified and asked to correct the issues, the asset stays in workflow, and the issue appears on the In progress tab of the Workflow panel.

One-step content approval and publish with extended workflow diagram (described in text)

Two-Step Content Approval Workflow Example with Single Change Request Option

The two-step content approval workflow process (OCETwoStepApplication.exp) adds an additional approval layer where an author submits a draft for review and the editor can request changes or pass it along for final approval. For example, let's say that all items must be approved by the legal department for final approval. An author can submit their draft to an editor for approval (step one), who can request changes (restarting step one) or approve it and submit it to the legal department for final approval (step 2). The legal department can then approve it, or return the item to the author and request changes, starting the process again.

Two-step content approval workflow with single change request option diagram (described in text)

Two-Step Content Approval Workflow Example with Multiple Change Request Option

The two-step content approval workflow process (OCETwoStepApplication.exp) can shorten change requests by adding some complexity. For example, an author can submit their draft to an editor for approval (step one), who can request changes (restarting step one) or approve it and submit it to the legal department for final approval (step 2). By adding the option for the legal department to request changes from the editor rather than just the author, the workflow doesn't necessarily need to be re-started, potentially shortening the approval time.

Two-step content approval workflow with multiple change request option diagram (described in text)

Three-Step Content Approval Workflow Example with Single Change Request Option

The three-step content approval workflow process (OCEThreeStepApplication.exp) adds an additional approval layer. For example, let's say that all items must be approved by the legal department but then final approval must come from the compliance department. An author can submit their draft to an editor for approval (step 1), who can request changes (restarting step 1) or approve it and submit it to the legal department for approval (step 2). The legal department can then return the item to the author and request changes, starting the process again, or pass it to the compliance department (step 3). The compliance department can then request changes from the author (restarting the process), or approve it.

Three-step content approval workflow with single change request option diagram (described in text)

Three-Step Content Approval Workflow Example with Multiple Change Request Option

The three-step content approval workflow process (OCEThreeStepApplication.exp) can shorten change requests by adding some complexity. For example, an author can submit their draft to an editor for approval (step 1), who can request changes (restarting step 1) or approve it and submit it to the legal department for approval (step 2). The legal department can then return the item to the author for changes (restarting the process). However, by adding the option to request changes directly from the editor, the legal department doesn't have to restart the workflow, which can shorten the process. Once the legal department approves it, the item is passed to the compliance department (step 3). The compliance department can then request changes from the author (restarting the process), or shorten the process by requesting changes from either the editor or legal department, and finally, approving it.

Three-step content approval workflow with multiple change request option diagram (described in text)