Propagate Changes from Test to Production with Oracle Content Management Toolkit

After you develop a site template, you can use the command-line interface (CLI) of Content Toolkit to propagate the template from development to test to production on your Oracle Content Management servers.

To propagate changes, you can use Toolkit commands to create sites and manage their life cycles on development, test, and production servers. You can make changes to sites in a development environment and propagate those changes to test and production environments. You can also incorporate this set of command-line utilities into your scripting environments to manage your deployments. With the CLI utilities, you can roll out new items, such as assets and components, as well as updates of existing content.

The following steps show how to use the Content Toolkit CLI to propagate your changes from development to test to production:

  1. Set up development, test, and production servers with the same repository and localization policy.

    To propagate changes from a development server to a test server and then to a production server, you need to set up a repository with the same name and localization policy on each of the three servers. The default localization policy for the asset repository is en-US, but you can use a different one if it is the same in all three servers.

    See Set Up Asset Repositories.

  2. Register your development, test, and production servers with Oracle Content Management.

    Before you propagate changes to a site, you need to register each of the servers. You can register a server with the cec register-server command provided by Content Toolkit:

    cec register-server <name>

    Specify the following command options:

    • -e <endpoint> for the server URL

    • -u <user> and -p <password> for connecting to the server

    • -t <type>, which is optional, to set the server type. The default value is pod_ec.

      When connecting to an Oracle Content Management tenant on Oracle Public Cloud, use pod_ec only.

    For example, the following command registers a server that is a tenant on Oracle Public cloud:

    cec register-server DEV -e -u user1 -p <password>

    The next command registers a standalone development instance of Oracle Content Management:

    cec register-server DEV -e -u user1 -p <password>

    After you register an Oracle Content Management server, you can list its contents with the cec list Toolkit command.

    The following command lists the contents of a development server:

    cec-compontents> cec list -s DEV
     - Logged in to remote server: <host:port>
      Name                           Token
      StarterSite                    <site-id>
      Name                           Type                       Published
      FooterBar                      Component group
      StarterComponent               Local component
      StarterFooter                  Component group
      StarterNavMenu                 Local component
    Localization policies:
      Name                           Required languages         Optional Languages
      en-US                          en-US
    Sites:                           Theme                      Type        Published   Online
      Name                           StarterSiteTheme           Enterprise
      Name                           Theme                      Type
      StarterTemplate                StarterTheme               Standard
  3. Upload a site template to your development server and create a site from the template.

    You can create a site template with the cec create-template command and then upload the template to the development server. Then you can create a site from the template with the cec create-site command. The following commands create a template and upload the template:

    - cec create-template blog -f BlogTemplate
    - cec upload-template blog -s DEV

    The next command creates a site named blog from the uploaded template:

    cec-components> cec create-site blog -t blog -r r -l "en-US" -d "en-US" --server DEV
     - Logged in to remote server: <https:<host:<port>
     - establish user session
     - get template
     - get repository
     - get localization policy
     - creating enterprise site . . .
       name                 blog
       template             blog
       site prefix          blog
       repository           r
       localization policy  en-US
       default language     en-US
     - submit create site site
     - create site in process: percentage 95
     - create site in process: percentage 95
     - create site in process: percentage 95
     - create site in process: percentage 95
     - create site in process: percentage 95
     - site created
  4. Publish the site and bring it online on your development server.

    After you create a site, you can use the cec control-site command to publish the site and bring it online:

    cec-components> cec control-site
    Usage: cec contrl-site <action>
    Perform <action> on site in CEC server. Specify the site with -s <site> Specify the server with -r <server>.
      --site, -s    <site> Site
      --server, -r  <server> The registered CEC server
      --help, -h    Show help
      cec control-site publish -s Site1              Publish site Site1 on the server
      cec control-site publish -s Site1 -r UAT       Publish site Site1 on the registered server UAT
      cec control-site unpublish -s Site1 -r UAT     Inpublish site Site1 on the registered server UAT
      cec control-site bring-online -s Site1 -r UAT  Bring site Site1 online on the registered server UAT
      cec control-site take-offline -s Site1 -r UAT  Take site Site1 offline on the registered server UAT
    Not enough non-option arguments: got 0, need at least 1
    cec-components> cec control-site publish --site blog --server DEV
     - Logged in to the remote server: https://<host>:<port>
     - establish user session
     - get site: runtimeStatus: offline publishStatus: unpublished
     - submit publish site
     - publish in process: percentage 20
     - publish in process: percentage 40
     - publish in process: percentage 49
     - publish in process: percentage 49
     - publish in process: percentage 50
     - publish in process: percentage 50
  5. To move a site from DEV to UAT, you need to package up the site. The packaging model for moving sites between servers is the template. Create a new template from the site you created on your development server and download the template.

    The cec create-template-from-site command in the following example creates a site template named blog2 from blog.

    cec create-template-from-site blog2 -s blog

    Download the template you created from your development site with the cec download-template command:

    cec-components: cec download-template blog2 --server DEV
     - Logged in to remote server: https://<host>:<port>
     - establish user session
     - export template
     - template download to /Users/<user-name>/devenv/git/webclient/developer/sites-toolkit/cec-components/dist/
     - the template will be at /Users/<user-name>/devenv/git/webclient/developer/sites-toolkit/cec-components/src/main/templates/blog2
     - the theme for the template will be at /Users/<user-name>/devenv/git/webclient/developer/sites-toolkit/cec-components/src/main/themes/blogTheme
     - create link _scs_theme_root_
     - create link _scs_design_name_
     - override component /Users/<user-name>devenv/git/webclient/developer/sites-toolkit/cec-components/src/main/components/Starter-Blog-Author-Summary
     - override component /Users/<user-name>devenv/git/webclient/developer/sites-toolkit/cec-components/src/main/components/Starter-Blog-Post-Content
     - override component /Users/<user-name>devenv/git/webclient/developer/sites-toolkit/cec-components/src/main/components/Starter-Blog-Post-Header
     - override component /Users/<user-name>devenv/git/webclient/developer/sites-toolkit/cec-components/src/main/components/Starter-Blog-Post-Search-Result
     - override component /Users/<user-name>devenv/git/webclient/developer/sites-toolkit/cec-components/src/main/components/Starter-Blog-Post-Post-Sidebar
     - override component /Users/<user-name>devenv/git/webclient/developer/sites-toolkit/cec-components/src/main/components/Starter-Blog-Post-Summary
     - set themeName to blogTheme in siteinfo.json
     - unzip tmplate content file
     *** template is ready to test: https://localhost:8085/templates/blog2
    cec upload-template blog2 --server UAT
  6. Upload the template to create the content types and content layout maps.

    cec upload-template blog2 --server UAT
  7. Upload the template but exclude the content items (content template) from the template.

    cec upload-template blog2 --server UAT -x

    You want to do this to create a site with content that has the same GUIDs as the original site. When you create a site from a template that contains content, all the content in the new site will have new GUIDs. Because we want to allow update of content rather than creating new content, you need to exclude the content from the template.

  8. Create the site from the template.

    cec create-site blog -t blog2 -r r -l "en-US" -d "end-US" --server UAT
  9. Upload the content template to the site's channel and collection. You need to do this because you excluded it from the template in step 7.

    cec upload-content blog2 -t -r r -c blog -l "blog site" --server UAT 
  10. Publish the site and bring it online on your test server.

    Use the cec control-site command to publish the site and bring it online:

    cec-components> cec control-site publish --site blog --server UAT
     - Logged in to the remote server: https://<host>:<port>
     - establish user session
     - get site: runtimeStatus: offline publishStatus: unpublished
     - submit publish site
     - publish in process: percentage 20
     - publish in process: percentage 40
     - publish in process: percentage 49
     - publish in process: percentage 49
     - publish in process: percentage 50
     - publish in process: percentage 50
     - publish blob finished
  11. If you then make changes to your site blog on the DEV server, you can propagate the changes to the site you have already created on the UAT server.

  12. Create another template from your site so the template will have your changes.

    cec create-template-from-site blog3 -s blog --server DEV
  13. Download the template.

    cec download-template blog3 -s DEV
  14. Upload the template and create a site from it to propagate the changes to your test environment.

    cec upload-template blog3 -s UAT

    This command creates or updates any components and themes that have changed, but excludes the content.

  15. Now use the update-site command to pick up the content and update the pages.

    cec update-site blog -t blog3 - UAT

    For example:

    cec-components> cec update-site blog -t blog3 --server UAT
    Updating site: blog3
     - Logged in to remote server: https://<host>:<port>
     - pages               : updating file# 6    of 6    files
     - content             : updating file# 3    of 3    files
     - System Files        : updating file# 5    of 5    files
     - controller          : no files in update, removing files on server
     - favicons            : no files in update, removing files on server
     - misc                : no files in update, removing files on server
     - seo                 : no files in update, removing files on server
     - system              : no files in update, removing files on server
     - created content file /Users/<user-name>/devenv/git/webclient/developer/sites-toolkit/cec-compnents/dist/
     - upload content file
     - get CSRF token
     - submit import job, updating content
     - import job in progress. . .
     - import job in progress. . .
     - import job in progress. . .
     - content imported:
    Update Site Results:
     - Site Pages          : completed with 0 errors.
     - Embedded Content    : completed with 0 errors.
     - System Files        : completed with 0 errors.
     - Settings Files      : completed with 0 errors.
     - Content Update      : completed with 0 errors.
  16. Check the site to verify that the changes were propagated.

  17. Do the same steps to move from the UAT server to the PROD server as you did to move the site from DEV to UAT.

  18. Create the site on your production server, bring it online, and verify the changes.

    You can use the cec list command to view the contents of your production site and make sure it includes the changes you made in the development environment. Also, you can check the site to verify that the changes have been propagated to production.