24 Manage Taxonomies

A taxonomy is a hierarchy of categories, mapped to your business structure, used to organize your assets and to help users find assets by drilling down into the area they're working on. You can also use a taxonomy for site security purposes, to manage access to site content when multiple sites share a repository. You must be a content administrator to create taxonomies, but you can share them with other content administrators or repository administrators to help with building and managing them.

You can assign a taxonomy to more than one repository, and you can assign multiple taxonomies to a repository. For example, you could create different taxonomies for each department and for each product or initiative in your business. Then you could apply "Marketing Department" and "Products" taxonomies to your Marketing repository, and apply "Sales Department" and Products" taxonomies to your Sales repository.


  • If you're using Oracle Content Management Starter Edition, you're limited to only two taxonomies. To increase the number of taxonomies and take advantage of the full feature set, upgrade to the Premium Edition.
  • Taxonomies are available only in Oracle Content Management, not Oracle Content Management-Classic.

Taxonomy Lifecycle

When you create a taxonomy, it starts as a draft. You can share the taxonomy with other content administrators or repository administrators so they can help edit and manage the taxonomy and build the hierarchy of categories. When the taxonomy is finalized, you must promote it and associate it with at least one repository in order for it to be used with assets. Managers of the associated repositories will be notified by email that the taxonomy is ready. Then asset users can organize content into the categories. When you're ready to make the asset categorization information available publicly for your published sites and assets, you can publish the taxonomy.

As your business changes, you and the other users you shared the taxonomy with, can update your taxonomies. When you edit a promoted or published taxonomy, a new draft is created. Changes you make in the draft won't affect the repository organization. When the updated structure is approved, you can promote the new taxonomy version for use in your organization, and assets will be recategorized accordingly. Then you can publish the new version of the taxonomy when you're ready to make the category updates public.

Using a Taxonomy to Manage Sites in a Shared Repository

If you want multiple sites to share the same asset repository while you still control access to site-specific content, you use a taxonomy to apply the granular security. For example, site contributors would be able to access common assets such as corporate logos and assets intended for use on sites they manage, but not have access to assets intended for other sites. To use a taxonomy for site security, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a taxonomy, selecting Use for Site security management, and adding at least one top-level category. The top-level category will contain categories for each new site that is created.
  2. Promote the taxonomy.
  3. Associate the taxonomy with the shared repository.
  4. Create a site template, selecting Require Site Security Taxonomy.
  5. Create a site from the template, selecting the shared repository and parent (top-level) category.

Oracle Content Management automatically adds a new site category to the taxonomy and creates groups for site viewers and site content contributors. Any assets added to the site will automatically be categorized with the site category. When the site is shared with someone, they will automatically be added to the appropriate site group, based on the role they're given.

Working with Taxonomies

By default the Taxonomies page shows all taxonomies you can edit or manage, sorted by name. You can see what versions are available for each taxonomy:

  • Draft icon—If a draft is available, you see a checkmark (Checkmark icon) next to the draft icon.
  • Promoted icon—If the taxonomy has been promoted, you see what version was most recently promoted.
  • Published icon—If the taxonomy has been published, you see what version was most recently published.

Use the drop-down menus on the right to filter by taxonomy status, to see all taxonomies you have access to (not just the ones you can edit or manage), and to change the sort order. You can also use the search box to find a taxonomy by name.

Depending on your role, you can manage taxonomies in the following ways:

Create a Taxonomy

A taxonomy is a hierarchy of categories, mapped to your business structure, used to organize your assets and to help users find assets by drilling down into the area they're working on. You can also use a taxonomy for site security purposes, to manage access to site content when multiple sites share a repository.

You must be a content administrator to create taxonomies.

To create a taxonomy:

  1. Sign in as a content administrator in your browser and click Content under Administration in the left navigation menu.
  2. Choose Taxonomies from the drop-down list, and then click Create.
  3. Enter a name for the taxonomy. Don’t use special characters in the name.
  4. Enter an three-letter abbreviation for the taxonomy. If you don't enter an abbreviation, the first three letters of the taxonomy name will be used.
  5. Enter an optional description describing what the taxonomy should be used for.
  6. Click Create.
  7. Build your taxonomy. Alternatively you can share the taxonomy to have other users help you build the taxonomy.
    • Use taxonomy for site security—If you're creating a taxonomy to manage sites in a shared repository, select Use for Site security management, and add at least one top-level category. Site categories are automatically created during site creation. You can't create site categories manually.

      You can't change this setting after the taxonomy has been published.

    • Add a category—To add a top-level category, click Add Category.
    • Add a sibling—To add a category at the same level as the selected category, click Add Sibling or Add Sibling icon.
    • Add a child—To add a category under the selected category, click Add Child or Add Child icon.
    • Reorganize categories—To reorganize a category, drag it to a new location; select it, and click Indent or Outdent; or select it, click Move, then select the category you want to move it into.
    • Copy a category—To copy a category, select it, and click Copy. Select the destination, and then click Copy.
    • Rename a category—To rename a category, select it, and change the name in the Category Properties pane, or click Rename or Edit icon.
    • Delete a category—To delete a category, select it, and click Delete or Delete icon
    • Allow publishing—If you want this asset categorization information available publicly for your published sites and assets, allow publishing of this taxonomy by selecting Allow publishing of this taxonomy.

      You might not want to allow all taxonomies to be published. For example, if this taxonomy is only for business asset repositories or only for internal use, you won't want to publish it.

      You can't change this setting after the taxonomy has been published.

      This setting isn't available if you selected Use for Site security management.

    • View or edit the properties for the taxonomy or category—To view or edit the properties for the taxonomy or category, click the additional properties pane, then, in the drop-down menu, select the Taxonomy Properties or Category Properties.
  8. When you're done, click Done.

After creating your taxonomy, you must promote it and associate it with at least one repository in order for it to be used with assets.

Promote a Taxonomy

You must have the manager role for the taxonomy to promote the taxonomy.

To promote a taxonomy:

  1. On the Taxonomies page, select the taxonomy you want to promote, and then click Promote.
  2. Select whether you want this taxonomy to be publishable. For example, if this taxonomy is only for business asset repositories or only for internal use, you won't want to publish it.
  3. Confirm that you want to promote the taxonomy, and then click Promote.


You can't promote empty taxonomies (taxonomies with no categories).

After promoting your taxonomy for the first time, you must associate it with at least one repository in order for it to be used with assets. Then users can categorize assets in the repository.

Publish a Taxonomy

This feature applies only to taxonomies that are used in digital asset repositories and will be used for published content. You can't publish a taxonomy that is used to manage sites in a shared repository.

When you publish a taxonomy, it can be published to any channels associated with the repositories that use the taxonomy. If the repositories don't already have publishing channels associated with them, associate them now.

You must have the manager role for the taxonomy to publish the taxonomy.

To publish a taxonomy:

  1. On the Taxonomies page, select the taxonomy you want to publish, and then click Publish.
  2. By default, you see all the publishing channels associated with the repositories that use this taxonomy. You can optionally remove channels. The taxonomy information will be publicly available for any sites and assets that have been published to the selected channels.
  3. Confirm that you want to publish the taxonomy, and then click Publish.

Associate a Taxonomy with a Repository

After you promote a taxonomy, you must associate it with at least one repository in order for it to be used with assets. Managers of the associated repositories will be notified by email that the taxonomy is ready. Then asset users can organize content into the categories.

You can associate a taxonomy with a repository when you create the repository or you can edit the repository to add the taxonomy.

To edit a repository to add a taxonomy:

  1. Sign in as a repository administrator in your browser and click Content under Administration in the left navigation menu.
  2. Choose Repositories from the drop-down list.
  3. Open the repository you want to associate the taxonomy with.
  4. Under Taxonomies, choose the taxonomies to be used with the repository. Only promoted taxonomies are available in the list.

Edit a Taxonomy

Depending on your role for the taxonomy you can perform different edit actions on the taxonomy.

To edit a taxonomy:

  1. On the Taxonomies page, select the taxonomy you want to edit, and then click Edit.
  2. If you have at least the editor role, you can edit the categories and hierarchy as needed.

    Site categories are automatically created during site creation. You can't create, edit, or delete site categories.

  3. To view the properties for the taxonomy or category, click the additional properties pane. If you have the editor role, you can view the properties. If you have the manager role, you can also edit the properties.
  4. When you're done making changes, click Done.

Remember to promote the new version of the taxonomy, and publish it if necessary.

Share a Taxonomy

You share a taxonomy to allow others to edit or manage the taxonomy itself. Sharing a taxonomy is like sharing any file or folder. Just select the taxonomy, click Members, and choose members you want to be able to edit or manage the taxonomy. You can share with individuals or with groups.

You control users ability to use a taxonomy through settings in the repository. First, the taxonomy must be associated with the repository. By default, that allows a user with access to the repository to view, filter by, and categorize assets with the taxonomy's categories.

Add a Member to a Taxonomy

You must have the manager role for the taxonomy to share the taxonomy.

To add a member to a taxonomy:

  1. Select the taxonomy, and then click Members.
  2. Enter part of the user or group name, display name, or email address, and then choose the user or group from the results. You see only those users who are content administrators or repository administrators. If you add a group, note that only those users who are content administrators or repository administrators will be able to access the Taxonomies page.
  3. Choose the role you want them to have.
    • Editor—Edit the taxonomy by adding or removing categories.
    • Manager—Fully manage the taxonomy, including adding other users, promoting, publishing, and deleting the taxonomy.
  4. Click Add.

View Taxonomy Member Activity

You can see which members were added, removed, or edited in the taxonomy membership.

  1. If you're not already viewing the taxonomy membership, open it by selecting the taxonomy, and then clicking Members.
  2. Open the sidebar by clicking the additional properties pane.

    The Activity pane shows the following information about each change to the taxonomy membership.

    • The action that occurred, such as member added, removed, or role updated
    • The date and time the action occurred
    • The user who performed the action
    • A description of the action, including the member on which the action was performed

Delete a Taxonomy

You can delete taxonomies whether they are drafted or promoted. Published taxonomies must be unpublished first, and promoted taxonomies must be removed from any repository to which they are assigned.

You must have the manager role for the taxonomy to delete the taxonomy.

To delete a draft taxonomy:

  • On the Taxonomies page, select the taxonomy you want to delete and click Delete Draft.

To delete a promoted taxonomy:

  • On the Taxonomies page, select the taxonomy you want to delete and click Delete Promoted.

If a promoted taxonomy is assigned to a repository, a message prompts you to remove it from the assigned repository before attempting to delete it again. When you remove a taxonomy from an assigned repository, all of its categories are removed from the assets in the repository and they are recategorized. If the assets were published, the recategorized assets may need to be republished.

If a taxonomy has both a draft and a promoted state, then a Delete pull-down menu is available on the menu bar so you can select which taxonomy state you want to delete.

To delete a published taxonomy:

  • On the Taxonomies page, select the taxonomy you want to delete and click Unpublish. Once unpublished, you can select and delete the promoted taxonomy.

Export a Taxonomy

You can export a taxonomy that has been promoted or published and download it as a JSON file. This is useful if you want to import a taxonomy as a draft version of a new or existing promoted taxonomy.

You must have the manager role for the taxonomy to export the taxonomy.

  1. On the Taxonomies page, select the taxonomy you want to export from the list of promoted taxonomies.
  2. Click Export.
    • If the promoted and published versions are the same, then a JSON file is created and a notification displays with a link to download the file.
    • If the promoted and published versions are different, then you are asked to choose which version to export. After selecting, a JSON file is created and a notification displays with a link to download the file.
  3. Click Download and save the file.

Import a Taxonomy

You can import a taxonomy JSON file either as a new taxonomy or as a draft version of an existing promoted taxonomy.

You must be a content administrator to import the taxonomy.

To import a taxonomy:

  1. On the Taxonomies page, click Import.
  2. Navigate to the taxonomy JSON file in Oracle Content Management that you want to import. If the JSON file is not currently stored as a document in Oracle Content Management, click Upload, navigate to the JSON file and upload it to Oracle Content Management.
  3. Once you have selected the taxonomy to import, click OK.
  4. Choose to import the taxonomy as a draft of an existing taxonomy, or as a new taxonomy.
    • If you choose to import it as a draft of an existing taxonomy, the JSON file must be named the same as the existing taxonomy and the taxonomy must not have an existing draft.
    • If you choose to create a new taxonomy, the new taxonomy will take the name, abbreviation and description from the JSON file, or you can click Provide new Name, Abbreviation and Description and enter new information.
  5. When done, click Import.

Preview a Taxonomy

You can preview any current version of a taxonomy (draft, promoted, or published) to which you have access.

You must have the manager role for the taxonomy to preview the taxonomy.

To preview a taxonomy:

  1. On the Taxonomies page, select a taxonomy, and then, in the View menu, choose the version you want to view (draft, promoted, or published).
  2. You can search for a category or expand categories to browse the taxonomy hierarchy.
  3. When you're finished, click Done to close the taxonomy.


You can't edit the taxonomy or view its properties while previewing a taxonomy.

View Taxonomy Activity

The Taxonomy Activity pane details specific activities performed on the taxonomy such as taxonomy edits, category edits, promotion, repository association changes, publishing, export, and import.

You must have at least the editor role for the taxonomy to view the activity.

To view taxonomy activity:

  1. On the Taxonomies page, select a taxonomy, and then click Edit.
  2. Click the additional properties pane. The properties pane opens.
  3. In the drop-down menu, select Activity.

View or Edit Taxonomy Properties

The taxonomy properties show information such as taxonomy name, abbreviation, description, when the taxonomy was last updated, promoted, and published; the API information; and any custom properties.

You must have at least the editor role for the taxonomy to view the taxonomy properties. You must have the manager role for the taxonomy to edit taxonomy properties.

To view taxonomy properties:

  1. On the Taxonomies page, select a taxonomy, and then click Edit.
  2. Click the additional properties pane. The properties pane opens.
  3. In the drop-down menu, select Taxonomy Properties.

The Taxonomy Properties pane includes the following tabs:

Taxonomy Properties

The General tab shows the properties for the taxonomy.

  • Name, abbreviation, and description
  • Date and time the taxonomy was last updated and by whom
  • If the taxonomy has been promoted, you see the last version that was promoted
  • Whether or not the taxonomy is used for site security; if the taxonomy has been published, it's not being used for site security
  • If the taxonomy has been published, you see that last version that was published and the channels to which it was published.
  • Taxonomy API ID—To copy the ID to the clipboard, click Copy icon next to it.
  • Custom properties

If you have the manager role for the taxonomy, you can change the following options:

  • Taxonomy information—You can edit the name, abbreviation, and description.
  • Site security—If the taxonomy hasn't been published yet, you can select or clear Use for Site security management. If you want multiple sites to share the same asset repository while you still control access to site-specific content, you use a taxonomy to apply the granular security.
  • Publishing—If the taxonomy hasn't been published yet, you can select or clear Allow publishing of this taxonomy. Publishing a taxonomy makes the asset categorization information available publicly for your published sites and assets. You might not want to allow all taxonomies to be published. For example, if this taxonomy is only for business asset repositories or only for internal use, you won't want to publish it.
  • Custom properties—You can edit the custom properties.
    • To add custom name/value pairs, click Add.
    • To delete a property, click x next to it.

Taxonomy Property Types

The Property Types tab shows the standard and custom property types for taxonomy categories. Property types define the data fields and appearance for properties that can be stored for a category.

Standard property types include: Category Name, Description, Taxonomy Path, API Name, Keywords, Synonyms, and Related Categories. There might be some property types that you don't need to publish.

The Custom Property Types section lists any custom properties and whether they allow single or multiple values.

If you have the manager role for the taxonomy, you can perform the following actions:

  • You can select whether or not to publish keywords, synonyms, related categories, and custom properties.
  • To create a custom property:
    1. Click Create Property Type.
    2. Enter a name for the property type. It can't contain the following characters: ' ; " : ? < > % *


      The required API name is generated automatically and can't be changed.
    3. Enter an optional description describing what the taxonomy property type should be used for.
    4. Select whether the property can contain a single value or multiple values.
    5. If you want to allow publishing of this property type, select Allow this field to be published. Publishing a property type makes the asset categorization information available publicly for your published sites and assets. You might not want to allow all property types to be published. For example, if this property type is only for business asset repositories or only for internal use, you won't want to publish it.
    6. Click Next.
    7. On the appearance page, set what your data field will look like and if you want to apply any kind of validation. Each data field has different appearance options, such as validation, minimum or maximum length, or if the data needs to follow a particular pattern, such as a valid email address or zip code.
    8. When you finished, click OK.
  • To edit an existing custom property, click Edit icon.
  • To delete a custom property, click X.

View or Edit Category Properties

The category properties show the category name, description, or API name.

You must have at least the editor role for the taxonomy to view the category properties. You must have the manager role for the taxonomy to edit category properties.

To view category properties:

  1. On the Taxonomies page, select a taxonomy, and then click Edit.
  2. Click the additional properties pane. The properties pane opens.
  3. To view category properties, select a category, and then, in the drop-down menu, select Category Properties.

The category properties include: Category Name, Description, Taxonomy Path, API Name, Keywords, Synonyms, Related Categories, and any custom properties. Properties that are publishable are indicated with an asterisk (*).

If you have the manager role for the taxonomy, you can edit the category properties: by clicking Edit. The Taxonomy Path isn't editable.
  1. Click Edit.
  2. Edit the name, description, API name, keywords, or synonyms.
  3. Edit the related categories.
    • To add a related category, click +, select a taxonomy, select a category, and then click Add.
    • To edit a related category, click Select icon, and select a new category.
    • To delete a related category, click Delete icon.
    • When you're finished, click Done.

Taxonomy Property Type Data Field Appearance

Set what your taxonomy property type data field will look like and if you want to apply any kind of validation.

Single Value Data Field Appearance Options

If you select single value, you have the following data value appearance options.

Appearance of Data Field Options
Radio buttons
  • Options—Enter the options that are available to the content contributor. You may also select one as a default option.
  • JSON—Enter JSON equivalent of options.
Single text box
  • Default value—Optionally, enter the text you want as the default.
  • Length validation—Enter minimum and maximum character limits.
  • Pattern validation—Select a pattern (email, URL, phone number, zip code), or enter a custom regular expression.
Single-select menu
  • Options—Enter the options that are available to the content contributor. You may also select one as a default option.
  • JSON—Enter JSON equivalent of options.
Single-select menu (Visual Builder endpoint)
  • Visual Builder endpoint URL
  • Endpoint security—Select if the Visual Builder endpoint requires an authenticated user.
  • REST field for label—Enter the REST field to use for the field label.
  • REST field for value—Enter the REST field to use for the field value.
  • Test the configuration.
Text area
  • Default value—Optionally, enter the text you want as the default.
  • Length validation—Enter minimum and maximum character limits.
  • Pattern validation—Select a pattern (email, URL, phone number, zip code), or enter a custom regular expression.

Multiple Value Data Field Appearance Options

If you select multiple values, you have the following data value appearance options.

Appearance of Data Field Options
  • Options—Enter the options that are available to the content contributor. You may also select one or more as default options.
  • JSON—Enter JSON equivalent of options.
Multi-select menu
  • Options—Enter the options that are available to the content contributor. You may also select one or more as default options.
  • JSON—Enter JSON equivalent of options.
Multi-select menu (Visual Builder endpoint)
  • Visual Builder endpoint URL
  • Endpoint security—Select if the Visual Builder endpoint requires an authenticated user.
  • REST field for label—Enter the REST field to use for the field label.
  • REST field for value—Enter the REST field to use for the field value.
  • Test the configuration.
Single text box
  • Default value—Optionally, enter the text you want as the default.
  • Length validation—Enter minimum and maximum character limits.
  • Pattern validation—Select a pattern (email, URL, phone number, zip code), or enter a custom regular expression.
Tag cloud
  • Default value—Optionally, enter the text you want as the default.
  • Length validation—Enter minimum and maximum character limits.
  • Pattern validation—Select a pattern (email, URL, phone number, zip code), or enter a custom regular expression.
Text area
  • Default value—Optionally, enter the text you want as the default.
  • Length validation—Enter minimum and maximum character limits.
  • Pattern validation—Select a pattern (email, URL, phone number, zip code), or enter a custom regular expression.