Localize Asset Source Files

You can localize an asset or a batch of assets by exporting the source files from the Assets page.


If you're using Oracle Content Management Starter Edition, you're limited to adding translations for a single asset at a time; you can't localize a batch of assets. To take advantage of the full feature set, upgrade to the Premium Edition.

Alternatively, you can add a language to an asset by completing the content form in the new language.

Select a topic to get started:

Export Assets for Translation

To export an asset or assets for translation:

  1. Click Assets in the side navigation menu to see assets available to you. Select the repository of the asset or assets you are localizing.
  2. Select the asset or assets you want to export for translation. You can select individual assets from the Assets page, or a whole collection of assets from the Collections page.
  3. Click Translate. You may need to first click More and then select Translate.
  4. Enter information for the batch of assets you’re exporting — the translation job, and then click Create:
    1. Enter a name for the translation job.
    2. Select the source language.
    3. Select the target languages into which these assets will be translated.
    4. Select whether you want to translate the asset's dependencies along with the asset.
    5. Select whether to include only published versions of the assets. Including only published assets means any revisions of assets being worked on in the source language that have not yet been published will be excluded from the translation job. This is useful if content providers begin new drafts of assets in the source language as soon as the asset is published.
    6. Choose whether to export the translation package for manual translation (Export Translation Package), or select a translation connector to translate the package.
    7. If you selected a translation connector that includes additional data, enter it. Required fields are marked with "*".
    8. Click Create when done.
  5. If you're manually translating the content, download the Zip file of the exported assets after the translation job has finished. Click Translation Jobs in the banner, select the translation job, then click Download. Then continue with manually translating the language files.

    If you're translating the content using a translation connector, there's no need to download a translation job Zip file. You can continue with importing the translations.

Manually Translating Language Files

The export Zip file you download contains a root folder (the source language folder) and job.json (describing the translation job and the exported files). The root folder contains a JSON file (the source language string files) for each asset you exported. The JSON files are named with the format asset_GUID-asset_name.json.

If you're translating digital assets that allow a separate native media file for each language, you'll also see a files subfolder in the root folder. The files subfolder contains a subfolder for each of these digital assets, named with the asset GUID. Those digital asset subfolders contain the native media files for the source language.

Translation zip hierarchy, described in text

To manually translate the source language files:

  1. For each language you selected as a target language, create a folder in the Zip file at the same level as the root folder, for example, de, es, and fr.


    If the translation job was created prior to December 2018, you must include a folder for each language you selected when creating the translation job. If the translation job was created after December 2018, you can translate a subset of the selected languages. For example, you could translate into German (de) now, and then translate into Spanish (es) and French (fr) at a later time.
  2. Copy the entire contents of the root folder to each language folder.
  3. Translate the strings in all of the string files (the asset_GUID-asset_name.json files) to the appropriate languages. Do not delete any strings from the JSON files, and do not rename the files.
  4. If you're supplying translated native media files for any digital assets, replace the source language files in the digital asset subfolders (/files/asset_GUID) with the translated ones.
  5. Zip up the job.json, root folder, and all the language folders with the translated files.

Import the Translations

After translating the assets, import the translations:

  1. If you're not already on the Translation Jobs page, go to the Assets page, click More Actions and select Translation Jobs.
  2. Depending on whether you translated the source files manually or with a translation connector, you'll import the translations in different ways:
    • If translating the content manually, in the upper right corner, click Import Translation File. Click Upload, select the Zip file of translated assets, then click Open. After uploading the file, click OK.
    • If translating the content using a translation connector, right-click on the finished translation job and select Import.
      Translation Connector Import Option
  3. Oracle Content Management validates the translation package. If you want to see which assets are included in the translation job, click the link in the dialog.

    If the translation job includes native media files, any translated language with a missing native media file will use the source language file, or, if this is an update to a previously translated language, the existing translated file will be retained.

  4. When you're ready to import the translations, click Import.

    The status of the import appears above the banner. You can view the details of the job by clicking Details.