Upload Files

There are several ways to copy your files from your computer to the cloud. File uploading continues in the background, so you can continue to work while files are being added.

  • Drag and drop the files from your local computer to your web browser.
  • Click Upload on the menu bar to add files to the current location.
  • Select an unopened folder and choose Upload to this Folder from the right-click menu or click Upload icon in the actions bar.
  • You can also select a file and choose Upload New Version from the right-click menu or click Upload icon in the actions bar.

Keep these things in mind when you’re uploading files:

  • You can tag files as you upload them by giving them identifying keywords. If you decide later that you want to use that item as a digital asset, you can easily search for the tag and add it to your digital assets collection or folder.
  • Try to keep file uploads smaller than 5 GB. Some web browsers can't process files bigger than that.
  • To add the contents of an entire folder, you can upload a .zip file of the folder and contents and unzip it in Oracle Content Management. You can also set up the desktop app. Just add the folder into the sync folder and the content is added to Oracle Content Management for you.
  • If someone shared a folder with you, you must have at least a Contributor role in the folder to be able to edit a file there. When you edit a file you are uploading a new version of the file to the folder.
  • Your service administrator may limit the kinds of files you can upload. To see what file types aren't allowed, open your user menu. Click Preferences . The Documents section lists any limitations on file types and file sizes (if there are any). Files types are listed according to the file extensions, such as .mp3 or .exe.
  • To cancel an upload, click the Details link on the information bar at the top of the screen while the file uploads. Click the X for the file you want to cancel.