Add Content Items to a Channel

You can use the Content Toolkit control-content command to add content items to a channel in an Oracle Content Management server.

The control-content <action> command has an action, add, for adding content items to an Oracle Content Management channel:

cec control-content add -c Channel1 -r Repo1 -s UAT

This command add all items in the repository Repo1 to the channel Channel1 on the registered server UAT.

You can specify the server with -s <server>or use the server specified in the file.

The valid actions for the content-usage command follow:

  • publish
  • unpublish
  • add
  • remove

Options for the content-usage command follow:

  • --channel, -c Channel [required]
  • --repository, -r Repository [required when <action> is add]
  • --server, -s The registered Oracle Content Management server
  • --help, -h Show help [boolean]

Examples of the control-content command follow:

cec control-content publish -c Channel1

Publish all items in channel Channel1 on the server specified in the file

cec control-content publish -c Channel1 -s UAT

Publish all items in channel Channel1 on the registered server UAT

cec control-content unpublish -c Channel1 -s UAT

Unpublish all items in channel Channel1 on the registered server UAT

cec control-content add -c Channel1 -r Repo1 -s UAT 

Add all items in repository Repo1 to channel Channel1 on the registered server UAT.

cec control-content remove -c Channel1 -s UAT

 Remove all items in channel Channel1 on the registered server UAT