Deterministic Encryption


The Deterministic Encryption masking format encrypts column data using a cryptographic key and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES 128). The format of the column data after encryption is similar to that of the original values. For example, if you mask nine-digit numbers, the encrypted values also have nine digits.

Deterministic Encryption is a deterministic and reversible masking format. It is helpful when businesses need to mask and send their data to a third party for analysis, reporting, or any other business processing purpose. After the processed data is received from the third party, the original data can be recovered (decrypted) using the same seed value that was used to encrypt the data.


Deterministic Encryption is not supported for Oracle Database


  • Regular Expression: Provide a regular expression to mask a character or numeric column.

    For data with characters in the ASCII character set, providing a regular expression is optional. However, you need to provide a regular expression if the data contains multi-byte characters. If not provided, an error is returned when a multi-byte character is found.

    In the case of ASCII characters, if a regular expression is not provided, Deterministic Encryption can encrypt variable-length column values while preserving their original format.

    If a regular expression is provided, the column values in all the rows must match the regular expression. Deterministic Encryption supports a subset of the regular expression language. It supports encryption of fixed-length strings, and does not support * or + syntax of regular expressions. The encrypted values also match the regular expression, which helps to ensure that the original format is preserved. If an original value does not match the regular expression, Deterministic Encryption might not produce a one-to-one mapping. All non-confirming values are mapped to a single encrypted value, thereby producing a many-to-one mapping.

    Deterministic Encryption can encrypt column values with up to 27 characters. This limit excludes special characters. Also, the limit can be lower for multi-byte characters.


    If you choose to encrypt without using a regular expression, the column values exceeding the length restriction still get masked, but you might not be able to decrypt them back properly. If a regular expression is provided, size estimation is done using the regular expression and an error is returned if the length restriction is exceeded.

  • Seed Value: Deterministic Encryption uses a seed value to generate a cryptographic key for encryption and decryption. Provide the seed value at the time of submitting the data masking job. It can be any string containing alphanumeric characters.
  • Decrypt Option: If your masking policy has a sensitive column using the Deterministic Encryption masking format, you are shown the decrypt option while submitting the data masking job. Choosing this option, you can decrypt the encrypted column values.
  • For Date types: To mask a date type column, provide a start and end date. You can use the calendar widget to select the dates. The start date must be less than or equal to the end date.

    The column values in all the rows must be within the specified date range. The encrypted values are also within the specified range. Therefore, to ensure uniqueness, the total number of dates in the range must be greater than or equal to the number of distinct original values in the column. If an original value is not in the specified date range, Deterministic Encryption might not produce a one-to-one mapping. All non-confirming values are mapped to a single encrypted value, thereby producing a many-to-one mapping.

Supported Data Types

  • Character
  • Numeric
  • Date


  • Supports Double-Byte Characters: Yes
  • Combinable: No
  • Deterministic: Yes
  • Reversible: Yes
  • Uniqueness: Yes. Refer to the Inputs section to see specific conditions.


Suppose you want to encrypt US Social Security numbers, such as 333-93-4245. You can simply choose Deterministic Encryption without providing a regular expression. It automatically encrypts the numbers while preserving the format.

If you want to restrict the characters in encrypted values, you can provide a regular expression. For example, you can use the regular expression [1-8][0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4} if the first digit in your numbers is between 1 and 8, and you want to ensure the same in the encrypted values.

See Also:

Regular Expressions for help on writing regular expressions.