Filter the Task List

You can apply different filters to the task list to view only tasks that match a certain criteria.

Task List Filters

Filter Description
My Tasks Displays tasks assigned to you.
High Priority Displays marked as high priority.
Worked on by Me Displays tasks from process instances that you have started and other tasks that you interacted with in the past, for example, a task that you may have reassigned to someone.
Started by Me Displays tasks from process instances you started.
Administered by Me For users assigned the Process Owner role, displays tasks from applications they administer.
Reviewed by Me For users assigned the Process Reviewer role, displays tasks from applications they can review.
Reports to Me Displays tasks that are assigned to reportees that report to you. For example, if you are a manager who manages ten reportees, you can see the assigned tasks of all the ten reportees.

Status Filters

You can select one or more status filters.

Filter Description
Assigned The assigned state indicates a task has been assigned to a user, role, or group and its ready for action by a user.
Info Requested Information is requested on a task.
Suspended Processing has stopped on the task. You can't perform any actions on the task and due dates are suspended while the task remains in this state.
Withdrawn The task is no longer needed. This is one of the possible ways to close a task.
Error The task encountered an unrecoverable error. This is a terminal state.
Expired The task is past its expiration date and has expired. This is a terminal state.
Alerted When there is a recoverable fault that has happened with task assignment, the task is moved to ALERTED state and assigned to the error assignee.

Assignee Filters

Filter Description
Me Displays tasks directly assigned you.
Me and My Group Displays tasks that are assigned to anyone, including you, in the groups you belongs to.
Claimed by Others Displays tasks that are assigned other participants.

From Filters

You can select one or more participants. When you click the Browse icon, a search dialog box opens. You can search users by first name, last name, email, or ID.

Filter Description
All Displays all tasks.
[Specific User] Displays the tasks that were previously processed by this specific user. This option accepts multiple selection.

Due Date Filters

Filter Description
All Displays all tasks.
Today Displays the tasks that are due today.
Tomorrow Displays the tasks that are due tomorrow.
This Week Displays the tasks that are due this week.
This Month Displays the tasks that are due this month.

Application Filters

You can select one or more applications. When you click the Browse icon a list with the available applications appears.

Filter Description
All Displays all tasks.
[Specific Application] Displays the tasks that belong to this specific application. This option accepts multiple selection.


When you click a user or shared filter, you can see the total task count of each filter under Saved Filters or Shared Filters. Note that a filter’s task count is valid only till the due date set on the filter. The task count may not be accurate with respect to future dates (post the due date).