Edit XSLT Code in the Mapper

You can directly edit the XSLT code of your mappings inside the mapper. This action is useful for use cases in which mapping is not possible in the graphical mapper. This eliminates the need to export your XSLT code from Oracle Integration, edit the code manually in a text editor or in a separate graphical tool such as Eclipse or Oracle JDeveloper, and then re-import the code into the mapper in Oracle Integration.

Editing of XSLT code for advanced use cases such as the following is supported:
  • Create internal variables using <xsl:variable>
  • Correlate multiple sources grouped by key fields using <xsl:for-each-group>
  • Dynamically create target name-value pairs based on runtime data using <xsl:element>, <xsl:attribute>
  • Implement "push style" XSLT using <xsl:template>, <xsl:call-template>, and <xsl:apply-templates>
  • Write your own functions in XSLT using <xsl:function>
  • Copy node sets using <xsl:copy> and <xsl:copy-of>
  1. Click Code.

    The current XSLT code for your mappings is displayed.
    Description of mapper_code.png follows
    Description of the illustration mapper_code.png

See the following sections for XSLT code editing guidelines:

Restrictions on Editing

The following sections of your XSLT code remain read-only and cannot be edited.
  • Attribute version numbers:
    <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
  • The mapper schema section where sources and targets are specified:
    <oracle-xsl-mapper:schema xml:id="id_2">
                  <oracle-xsl-mapper:mapSources xml:id="id_3">
                        <oracle-xsl-mapper:source type="WSDL" xml:id="id_4">
                              <oracle-xsl-mapper:schema location="../../application_8/outbound_9/resourcegroup_10/echoRequest_REQUEST.wsdl" xml:id="id_5"/>
                              <oracle-xsl-mapper:rootElement name="execute" namespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/cloud/adapter/REST/echoRequest_REQUEST/types" xml:id="id_6"/>
                        <oracle-xsl-mapper:source type="WSDL" xml:id="id_20">
                              <oracle-xsl-mapper:schema location="../../processor_83/resourcegroup_84/sList_REQUEST.wsdl" xml:id="id_21"/>
                              <oracle-xsl-mapper:rootElement name="ListFilesResponse" namespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/cloud/adapter/stagefile/sList_REQUEST/types" xml:id="id_22"/>
                              <oracle-xsl-mapper:param name="sList" xml:id="id_23"/>
                        <oracle-xsl-mapper:source type="XSD" xml:id="id_24">
                              <oracle-xsl-mapper:schema location="../../processor_27/resourcegroup_28/ICSIntegrationMetadata.xsd" xml:id="id_25"/>
                              <oracle-xsl-mapper:rootElement name="metadata" namespace="http://www.oracle.com/2014/03/ic/integration/metadata" xml:id="id_26"/>
                              <oracle-xsl-mapper:param name="self" xml:id="id_27"/>
                  <oracle-xsl-mapper:mapTargets xml:id="id_7">
                        <oracle-xsl-mapper:target type="WSDL" xml:id="id_8">
                              <oracle-xsl-mapper:schema location="../../application_8/outbound_9/resourcegroup_10/echoRequest_REQUEST.wsdl" xml:id="id_9"/>
                              <oracle-xsl-mapper:rootElement name="executeResponse" namespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/cloud/adapter/REST/echoRequest_REQUEST/types" xml:id="id_10"/>
                  <!--GENERATED BY ORACLE XSL MAPPER>
  • The global parameter declaration section:
    <xsl:param name="sList" xml:id="id_28"/>
            <xsl:param name="self" xml:id="id_29"/>
            <xsl:param name="tracking_var_1" xml:id="id_30"/>
            <xsl:param name="tracking_var_2" xml:id="id_31"/>
            <xsl:param name="tracking_var_3" xml:id="id_32"/>
            <xsl:param name="var_assignment_1" xml:id="id_33"/>

Toolbar Options

The toolbar above your XSLT code provides a series of shortcuts for navigating through and editing XSLT code.

Option Description
Undo icon Undo your last editing changes to the XSLT code.
Redo icon Redo your last editing changes to the XSLT code.
Search icon Search for specific entries in your XSLT code. Use the next (Search for next entry) and previous (Search for previous entry) buttons to navigate through the code.
Find and replace icon Find and replace specific entries in your XSLT code.
  1. Enter the text to replace, and press Enter:
    Replace text icon

  2. Enter the text to substitute, and press Enter:
    Replace with text

  3. Replace the text individually or globally when prompted.
    Replace options of Yes, No, All, and Stop

Go to line icon Enter the line number in your XSLT code to access.

Edit the XSLT Code

The following section of your XSLT code is where the changes you make in the graphical designer are reflected. You can also edit the XSLT code in this section and see your changes reflected in the designer.
<xsl:template match="/" xml:id="id_11">
            <nstrgmpr:executeResponse xml:id="id_12">
                  <nstrgdfl:response-wrapper xml:id="id_16">
                        <nstrgdfl:Message xml:id="id_17">
                              <xsl:value-of select="/nstrgmpr:execute/nstrgmpr:TemplateParameters/nsmpr0:message" xml:id="id_18"/>
                        <nstrgdfl:Welcome xml:id="id_19">"Welcome to OIC!!!  Echo was successful."</nstrgdfl:Welcome>
For example, assume you have the following XSLT code that you want to replace:
             <nstrgdfl:Welcome xml:id="id_19">"Welcome to OIC!!! Echo was successful."

This code is currently visible in the mapper as literal text:
The TemplateParameters element in the source section is mapped to the Message element in the target section. Below is the Expression Builder section with a string value of Welcome to OIC!!! Echo was successful.

  1. Replace the literal value of "Welcome to OIC!!! Echo was successful." with the variable $tracking_var_3:
    <nstrgdfl:Welcome xml:id="id_19">
                 <xsl:value-of select="$tracking_var_3" xml:id="id_18"/>
  2. Click Designer.

    The designer is updated to reflect your changes:
    The Designer, Code, Test, and Recommend buttons appear in the upper left. To the right are the Developer, XSLT, View, and Filter buttons. The Tracking Variable 3 source element is mapped to the Welcome target element. Below is the Expression Builder section with a value of Tracking Variable 3.


    If you make changes that the mapper does not recognize and attempt to click Designer, the tab is disabled and a message is displayed indicating that the change is not supported. You must resolve those issues before you can return to the designer.
  3. Click Validate or Close (which also performs validation) to exit the mapper, then click Apply to save your changes when prompted.

Code Validation

As you make updates to the XSLT code, your changes are validated. Validation safeguards prevent you from returning to the designer if there are errors. For example:

  • Typographical errors:
    1. Assume you make a typographical error such as forgetting the f at the end of xsl:value o.

    2. Click Designer. An error message is displayed in the banner and you are prevented from returning to the designer until you fix the error.
      Unknown: xsl:value-o
    3. Correct the error and click Designer to return to the designer.
  • XML syntax errors:
    1. Assume you make an XML syntax error such as forgetting to enter a closing bracket (>) after Welcome in the following code. The subsequent code is highlighted in red to indicate an error.
      The Welcome icon is missing a closing bracket, which causes the code below to appear in red, indicating an error.

    2. Click Designer. An error message is displayed in the banner and you are prevented from returning to the designer or accessing other tabs such as Test until you fix the error.
      There are syntax errors in the edited code. Please fix them before navigating away from the tab
    3. Correct the error and click Designer to return to the designer.
  • Unsupported constructs in the mapper (for example, you import XSLT code into the mapper that includes unsupported functions):
    1. Click the edit icon to open the mapper.
      Edit link is being selected from the mapper icon.

      The Code tab opens by default with the following message.

    2. Expand the number to the left of the error for details. For example:
      The number icon has been expanded to show three messages about why the map cannot be loaded in graphical view.

      These are coding patterns and constructors that are not supported in the designer. The designer does not know how to render or manage them. When the XSTL code includes unsupported patterns or constructors, you cannot navigate to the designer.