Restore a Deleted Application

Visual applications that you've deleted are moved to a Soft Deleted status for 30 days after initial deletion and can be recovered if they've not been removed from the system. Soft deleted apps are permanently deleted if you do so explicitly or 30 days pass without any action. Permanently deleted applications cannot be restored.

To recover a soft deleted application within 30 days of deleting it:

  1. On the Home page, search for the deleted application using the Trash status filter. You can apply additional filter criteria by entering a partial or full name for the application.

  2. Locate the application (or version) you want to restore, click its Options menu Menu icon, and select Restore.

    Opening an application from Trash allows you to view its contents in read-only mode.

  3. Once your application is restored, change the Status filter to All and locate your restored application.