Copying a Template

Copy an existing template in Oracle Cloud Stack as an alternative to creating a new template.

Before copying a template for the first time, configure the storage location for unpublished template files. See Configuring Template Storage.

Cloning an Oracle Template

Create a copy of an Oracle-defined Oracle Cloud Stack template.

To learn more about these templates, see About Oracle Stack Templates.

  1. Access the Oracle Cloud Stack console, and then click Templates.
  2. To the right of the Oracle template that you want to copy, click Clone this template Clone icon.

    The new template is added to the list of unpublished (draft) templates and it is displayed in the Template Builder. By default, the new template has the same name as the source template, but the text “Oracle” is removed.

  3. In the text field at the top of the page, update the default name for this template.
  4. Optional: Click Blue arrow, and then update the templateVersion and templateDescription.
  5. Click Save the current template Save icon.

Copying an Unpublished Template

Copy an unpublished Oracle Cloud Stack template.

  1. Access the Oracle Cloud Stack console, and then click Templates.
  2. Click Unpublished.
  3. Click the template that you want to copy.
  4. Click Copy the current template Copy icon.
    The new template is displayed in the Template Builder and by default has the name SourceTemplateName-copy.
  5. In the text field at the top of the page, update the default name for this template.
  6. Optional: Click Blue arrow, and then update the templateVersion and templateDescription.
  7. Click Save the current template Save icon.

Copying a Custom Published Template

Copy a previously-published, user-defined template by editing it in the Oracle Cloud Stack console.

  1. Access the Oracle Cloud Stack console, and then click Templates.
  2. To the right of the template that you want to copy, click Edit this template Pencil.

    The new template is added to the list of unpublished (draft) templates and it is displayed in the Template Builder. By default the new template has the same name and version as the source template.

  3. To the left of the template’s name, click Blue arrow.
  4. Choose from one of these options:
    • If the new template will replace the source template, modify the templateVersion. Do not modify the template’s name.
    • If the new template will be used in addition to the source template, modify the template’s name, and optionally modify the templateVersion.
    In order a publish a template, it must have a unique name or version.
  5. Optional: Update the templateDescription.
  6. Click Save the current template Save icon.