About Oracle IT Analytics

Oracle IT Analytics enables you to view information about the availability, capability, and performance of your IT resources through rich, powerful analytics applications and data explorers.

Oracle IT Analytics includes the following applications and data explorers:

Resource Analytics

  • Database Resource Analytics: Analyze resource utilization trends of your database systems and compare them with available capacity. Perform a side-by-side comparison to identify which database consumes more resources and how the trend of resource consumption has changed. In addition, you can optimize your IT resources by identifying under-utilized and over-utilized resources, analyze database resources by different dimensions, such as cost center, and database version. You can also plan and forecast future resource usage based on either a single resource target or a group of targets.

  • App Server Resource Analytics: Analyze the utilization of your app server (middleware) resources, and forecast utilization based on current trends. You can also analyze the resources by different usage dimensions, such as heap, memory, and CPU.

  • Host Resource Analytics: View and analyze utilization trends for critical server resources such as CPU, Memory, and Storage. You can also analyze, compare, and contrast resource usage across servers.

  • Exadata Analytics: Gain visibility into the performance of your workloads that run on a shared Exa infrastructure. You can analyze the top resource consuming Exadata systems, the critical Exadata systems, and the spare capacity for new workloads. This analysis helps you optimize the capacity based on proactive planning.

Performance Analytics

  • Database Performance Analytics: Perform a historical, comparative analysis to find any bottlenecks affecting enterprise-wide database performance. You can also determine the root cause of recurring systemic problems, identify the performance profile and activity types for CPU or I/O intensive database activities, and analyze SQL queries across multiple databases to identify which SQL statements consume the most database time and to help understand the trend of each query’s performance.

  • Application Performance Analytics: Monitor the performance of your applications through viewing the page performance, server request performance, page views and load time, page load time, tier response breakdown, error distribution, and a profile of the users.

  • SQL Analytics: Analyze the SQL performance problems for enterprise-wide applications across a fleet of databases. In addition, view trends and key insights to SQL performance issues to proactively avoid future problems.

  • App Server Performance Analytics: Draw analytical insights for heterogeneous application servers including garbage collection overhead, workload, resource usage, availability, configuration profiles, and so on.

  • Availability Analytics: Gain visibility in to the overall health of your IT systems and applications. This application integrates with data collected from Oracle Application Performance Monitoring.

Data Explorers

  • Search: Search, browse, and compare systems running in your on-premises or cloud environment. With Data Explorer: Search, you can analyze your IT assets, including the distribution of Oracle WebLogic Servers by versions across enterprise-wide hardware platforms and configuration of database servers with associated core count, applied patches, and installed options. You can view real-time performance snapshots, such as the top 25 Oracle WebLogic Server workload by requests or heap utilization.

In addition, to take complete advantage of the capabilities of Oracle IT Analytics, use it with Oracle WebLogic Server Management Pack and Oracle Database Diagnostics Pack. See Pre-installation and Planning Considerations.

You can access the Oracle IT Analytics applications from the home page of Oracle Management Cloud (OMC). Select the application of your choice from the IT Analytics drop-down list on the OMC home page. Alternatively, you can also access these applications from the OMC Navigation menu. Click IT Analytics from the menu, and then select the application of your choice.