Download and Customize Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring JSONs

Download the set of JSON files provided for the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring, included in the Infrastructure Monitoring sub-folder of this zip file:

General Guidelines For Editing JSON Files

  • Identify the JSON files you will be working with. The name of each file is based on the entity internal names. For example, the file omc_mysql_db_sample.json is the JSON entity definition file for an entity whose internal name is omc_mysql_db (My SQL Database) and its corresponding credentials file is omc_mysql_creds.json.
  • IMPORTANT! In entity definition files, change the values indicated in the angle brackets (< >) and remove the angle brackets. DO NOT change any other values.
  • IMPORTANT! In credentials files, change the values indicated in the square brackets ([ ]) and keep the square brackets. DO NOT change any other values.
  • Consider using a JSON validation tool when you are ready to save your files.
  • Check My Oracle Support Infrastructure Monitoring Cloud Service Master Note (Doc ID 2195015.1) for certified entity versions and more release-specific information.

JSON Files Description

The entity definition JSON file helps you specify the type of entities that you want to monitor with your service and includes some of the required parameters for a successful discovery into your service. The entity definition files include the following:

  • Name and type of entity, as well as other entity-specific information, such as entity connection information.


    Entity naming restrictions: Entity names cannot be longer than 256 characters. You can use any alphabetic, numeric or the following special characters:
    • underscore “_”

    • dash “-”

    • at “@”

    • hashtag “#”

    • colon “:”

    • forward slash “/”

    • equal “=”

    • period “.”

  • References to a credentials unique identifier specified in a corresponding credentials file.

An entity definition file is accompanied by a corresponding credentials JSON file, if that entity requires monitoring credentials. The credentials JSON file contains the credentials (for example, a user name and password pair) for that entity that allows the service to perform monitoring tasks. You can list these credentials directly in your JSON file or include them in a separate local file.

A credentials file follows this format:

 {"id":"id1", "name":"credName1", "credType":"type1", 
   "properties":[{"name":"prop1", "value":"CLEAR[value1]"}, 
               {"name":"prop2", "value":"FILE[/tmp/filename]"}]
This sample format includes:
  • A credential with an id (id1). This credential must match the credential reference in the entity definition and must be unique.

  • A name (CredName1), which can be any name that you specify to distinguish your credentials.

  • A credential type, from a predefined set of known types (for example, DBCreds for databases).

  • A property name (prop1) whose value (value1) is specified in clear text.

  • A property (prop2) whose value is the content of the file /tmp/filename. See the table below for details on these variables.


This is an example of an Oracle Database entity definition JSON file named omc_oracle_db_prod1.json. This file specifies the details for a database with SID PROD1, hosted on and listening on port 1521. This file points to a credentials unique ID, SQLCreds, that must be defined in a credentials file. Note the fields in bold are the only ones that needed to be customized and the angled brackets (< >) are removed.

	"entities": [{
		"name": "oracle_PROD1",
		"type": "omc_oracle_db",
		"displayName": "West Coast Financials Production (Oracle)",
		"timezoneRegion": "America/Los_Angeles",
		"credentialRefs": ["SQLCreds"],
		"properties": {
			"host_name": {
				"displayName": "host_name",
				"value": " "
			"port": {
				"displayName": "port",
				"value": "1521"
			"sid": {
				"displayName": "sid",
				"value": "PROD1"
			"capability": {
				"displayName": "capability",
				"value": "monitoring"

The following is an example of the required credentials file, omc_oracle_db_creds.json that corresponds to the Oracle Database entity definition JSON file above. The credentials JSON file defines the unique credentials ID, SQLCreds, referenced in the entity definition file and specifies the connection to the Oracle Database instance as user name moncs, password moncs with a role Normal.

Note the square brackets are not removed.

	"credentials" : [
		"id" : "SQLCreds",
		"name" : "SQLCreds",
		"credType" : "DBCreds",
		"properties" : [
				"name" : "DBUserName",
				"value" : "CLEAR[moncs]"
				"name" : "DBPassword",
				"value" : "CLEAR[moncs]"
				"name" : "DBRole",
				"value" : "CLEAR[Normal]"