1 Introduction to Oracle Management Cloud

Oracle Management Cloud is a suite of integrated monitoring, management, and analytics cloud offerings. This suite is designed for today’s heterogeneous environments: on-premises, Oracle Cloud, and third-party cloud services.

Operational data in IT organizations, including machine-generated data, can be of different types and dimensions, and is often stored in multiple systems. Oracle Management Cloud enables you to store uploaded data in a single unified platform. It automatically analyzes data using machine learning, proactive monitoring, analysis, and correlation across its offerings. Using Oracle Management Cloud, you can eliminate multiple information silos in end-user and infrastructure data, resolve application issues faster, and run IT like a business.

Oracle Management Cloud Terminology

The following table defines the Oracle Management Cloud-specific terms you’ll come across as you begin working with Oracle Management Cloud:

Term Definition


Oracle Management Cloud agents collect configuration, performance, availability, and log data from monitored entities and make this information available in Oracle Management Cloud.


Entities are monitored technical assets or resources such as databases, host servers, compute resources, or application servers. Entities can be in on-premises or cloud environments.

Depending on the types of entities you monitor, an entity may be considered more than one for billing purposes. For example, one Application Performance Monitoring (APM) agent is considered 15 entities.

See Entity Conversion Formulas.

License Editions

License editions are predefined categories of Oracle Management Cloud offerings.

See Oracle Management Cloud Offerings.

For the definitions of generic Oracle Cloud terms, see Oracle Cloud Terminology in Getting Started with Oracle Cloud.

Oracle Management Cloud Offerings

The offerings in the Oracle Management Cloud suite provide real-time monitoring, alerting, rapid diagnostics, operational insight, and business analytics. These offerings are made available through Oracle Management Cloud license editions.

Oracle Management Cloud offerings are categorized and available in three license editions, and you can select one or more license editions, based on your business requirements. The following table lists Oracle Management Cloud license editions and a description of the offerings they include.


If you’re a Government Cloud customer, then see Oracle Management Cloud – Government Subscription Model for information on the license editions available to you.
Oracle Management Cloud License Edition Oracle Management Cloud Offerings

Oracle Management Cloud – Standard Edition

  • Oracle Application Performance Monitoring: Provides a platform for monitoring and managing applications.

  • Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring: Monitors the status and health of the entire IT infrastructure from a single platform and alerts administrators about issues.

  • Oracle Database Management: Monitors the health and performance of Autonomous Databases and on-premises Oracle Databases on a unified platform.

Note: The data collected is retained for 30 days.

Oracle Management Cloud – Enterprise Edition

  • The offerings available in the Standard Edition.

  • Oracle Orchestration: Automates cloud and on-premises infrastructure and executes tasks by calling REST API or third-party automation framework.

  • Oracle IT Analytics: Provides a 360-degree insight into the performance, availability, and capacity of applications and infrastructure investments.

Note: The data collected is retained for 13 months.

Oracle Management Cloud – Log Analytics Edition

  • Oracle Log Analytics: Monitors, aggregates, indexes, and analyzes log data from applications and infrastructure.