8 Install and Configure APM Java Agent on Oracle E-Business Suite

You can monitor the performance of Oracle E-Business Suite applications using Oracle Application Performance Monitoring.

Oracle E-Business Suite: Requirements and Installation Instructions

You can install Oracle APM Java Agent to monitor Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) applications.

Prerequisites for Deploying APM Java Agent on Oracle E-Business Suite

  • The machine hosting Oracle E-Business Suite should be able to establish an HTTPS connection either directly or indirectly (using a proxy server or an Oracle Management Cloud gateway) to Oracle Management Cloud. For more information about Oracle Management Cloud gateway, see Install a Gateway.
  • The HTTPS connection must use TLS 1.2 security protocol.

  • If the JDK version you are running doesn't support TLS 1.2 security protocol, refer to My Oracle Support Doc ID 2703411.1 before proceeding with the APM agent installation.

  • The install user of APM Java Agent should be the same as Oracle E-Business Suite install user.
  • The Oracle E-Business Suite user should have read and write permissions to the directories that host the APM Java Agent.

Download the APM Java Agent Software for Oracle E-Business Suite

  1. From the Oracle Management Cloud menu, navigate to Administration and Agents.

  2. On the Oracle Management Cloud Agents page, click the Action Menu on the top right corner of the page and select Download Agents.

    The Agent Software Download page is displayed.

  3. From the Agent Type dropdown list, select APM Agent.

  4. Click APM Java Agent.

  5. Extract the contents of the installer ZIP file.

Install and Provision APM Java Agent on Oracle E-Business Suite

  • Before you install the APM Java Agent, log in to the machine running the application server as a user who installed the application server.

  • The application server user should have Read-Write access to the APM Java Agent directories.

To install and provision the APM Java Agent:
  1. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the APM Java Agent software.
  2. Run the provisioning script:
    chmod +x ProvisionAPMJavaAsAgent.sh
    $ ./ProvisionApmJavaAsAgent.sh -d <PATH_TO_fs_ne> -no-wallet
    • -d is the absolute path of the home directory of the WebLogic Server domain. The APM Java Agent will be installed under this directory.
    • <PATH_TO_fs_ne> is the full path for the non edition directory. For example: /u01/ebs122/fs_ne/. Alternatively, any other non edition location can be used (i.e., not under fs1 or fs2).
    • Note the installation shown here is for an environment without a gateway or a proxy.
  3. When prompted, provide the value of the registration key that you've created or downloaded earlier.
  4. Review the values and confirm. To change the values, enter n and run the script again with new values. 
  5. To proceed with the installation, enter y.
    The APM Java Agent is installed.

Enable the APM Java Agent in the WebLogic Managed Servers

To enable the access to Oracle E-Business Suite from Oracle Application Performance Monitoring, JVM configuration changes must be made to the WebLogic Managed Servers. Perform the following steps on each of the managed servers of the oacore, oafm, forms and forms-c4ws services:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console as a user with admin security role. By default, it’s the user weblogic.
  2. Click Servers. The WebLogic Administration Server and Managed Servers summary page is displayed.
  3. Choose the managed server for which to change the configuration - oacore, oafm, forms or forms-c4ws. If you need to monitor the Java applet traffic in Oracle E-Business Suite Forms Applications then also include the forms server and then refer to Deploy the APM Java Agent with Oracle Forms Monitoring.
  4. A page containing various tabs for the settings of the managed server appears.
    Click Server Start tab.
  5. In the Change Center, click Lock and Edit. Update the Arguments field with the parameters required for Oracle Application Performance Monitoring. Ensure that the existing arguments are not altered.
  6. Click Save.
  7. In the Change Center, click Activate Changes to activate the changes.
  8. Repeat all the above steps for each of the managed servers of the oacore, oafm, forms and forms-c4ws services, till each managed server has the JVM arguments updated.
  9. Restart the managed servers using the script available at $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME in the Oracle E-Business Suite environment for stopping and starting the managed servers.

Once you have successfully installed an APM Agent, you can enable End User Monitoring in an Oracle E-Business Suite environment by configuring browser agents with Reference injection type for APM Agents related to oacore managed servers. See Enable and Configure End User Monitoring.

Configure User Name Reporting for Oracle E-Business Suite

To configure user name reporting for Oracle E-Business Suite, do the following:

  1. Create a file in the $OA_HTML directory on the EBS server. For example omc_username.htm.

  2. Insert one of the javascript tags described under get username from EBS Username on Configure User Name Reporting.

    The exact tag to be used depends on details of your EBS deployment.

    For example, you can insert the following javascript snippet:
    <script type='text/javascript' charset='UTF-8'>
      var namefromCookie = apmeum.util.getCookie('EBSUSERNAME');
      if (namefromCookie != null && namefromCookie.length > 0) {
        apmeum.username = namefromCookie;
      } else {
        var spanList1 = document.getElementsByClassName("x1f");
        var spanList2 = document.getElementsByClassName("x2u");
        if (spanList1 != null && spanList1.length > 0) {
          var loginName = spanList1[0].innerHTML;
          apmeum.username = loginName.replace('welcome ','');
        } else if (spanList2 != null && spanList2.length > 0) {
          var loginName = spanList2[0].innerHTML;
          apmeum.username = loginName;

    The above javascript snippet captures the EBSUSERNAME EBS user name value and stores it into a cookie in case there are pages where the EBS user name variable isn't present, but you still require the value of the EBS user name.

  3. Log into EBS as the SYSADMIN user and select the Functional Administrator Responsibility option.
  4. Navigate to Personalization tab and enter the path /oracle/apps/fnd/sso/login/webui and click Go to retrieve the document.
  5. Select the Personalize Page icon for the MainLoginPG document.
  6. Accept the defaults on the Choose Personalization Context screen and click Apply. Note that the scope is now /oracle/apps/fnd/sso/login/webui/MainLoginPG.
  7. Select the Complete View option under Personalization Structure, and click on the Create Item icon for the Page Layout row.
  8. On the Create Item form, do the following:

    • Set Item Style to URL include.
    • Enter a name for the ID, for Example OMC_USERNAME.
    • Set Source URI to /OA_HTML/omc_username.htm. (This is the file created in Step 1).
    • Click Apply to save changes.

    On the Personalization page you will see the "include url" item added using the steps above.

  9. Verify in a new browser window that the name is captured and showing up as a cookie, as well as in the information send via a POST command to the OMC collector.

Deploy the APM Java Agent with Oracle Forms Monitoring

You can deploy APM Java Agent with Oracle Forms Monitoring in Oracle E-Business Suite.


  • Oracle Forms server needs to be configured in servlet mode: A Java servlet, called the Forms Listener servlet, manages communication between the Forms Java client and the OracleAS Forms services.

    To check if Oracle Forms server is running in servlet mode, do the following:
    • Set the environment variables for Oracle E-Business Suite using the script EBSapps.env.

      For example: source /u01/install/APPS/EBSapps.env run

    • Check if servlet mode is configured by inspecting the value of connectMode parameter from the Forms configuration file.

      $ grep connectMode $FORMS_WEB_CONFIG_FILE

      For more information about checking if Oracle Forms server is running in servlet or socket mode, see Checking Socket and Servlet Mode.

  • Ensure that the Forms Server is sending the Form Name inside the Forms protocol.

    In order to do that, you need to configure the parameter FORMS_RUEI_SEND_FORM_NAME=TRUE in the default.env file or the $APPL_TOP/APPS<S_CONTEXTNAME>.env file.

  • Ensure that Forms is patched by checking if parameter: FORMS_RUEI_SEND_FORM_NAME is available.

    If the following command returns FORMS_RUEI_SEND_FORM_NAME then the Forms environment is patched.
    $ strings $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libiffw.so | grep RUEI
  • Check if Forms server is running and the environment is set correctly by running the following command:
    $ strings /proc/$(pgrep -x frmweb)/environ | grep RUEI
    If the command returns: strings: '/proc//environ': No such file then the frmweb process is not running and you need to start it to make sure that it is running. You may need to have a LIVE applet session running in order for this process to exist.

Deploy the APM Java Agent with Oracle Forms Monitoring

  1. Follow the instructions for Download the APM Java Agent Software for Oracle E-Business Suite and Install and Provision APM Java Agent on Oracle E-Business Suite.
  2. Follow the instructions for Enable the APM Java Agent in the WebLogic Managed Server and deploy the APM Java Agent to the managed server. The Forms managed server is usually called forms_server1.
  3. Start the managed server: forms_server1.
  4. Verify that the last line in <domain-home>/apmagent/logs/forms_server1/AgentStartup.log looks similar to the following:
    0xd<2019-03-20T11:37:18.800-0700> INFO <STARTUP> Agent startup successfully completed - the agent is now operational and monitoring traffic

APM Java Agent supports Oracle Forms monitoring only with Oracle E-Business Suite release 12. Older releases are not supported.