Adding and Configuring the Live Experience Widget for your iOS App

Your customers initiate engagements with your associates by tapping on the Oracle Live Experience widget.

Learn how to add and configure the widget so that it provides the exact experience you intend to deliver to your customers through your iOS app.

We've created an iOS SDK to make this task as simple and straightforward as possible.
  1. Extend your existing iOS app to include the Live Experience framework.
  2. Add the widget.
  3. Configure the widget in as many views as you need.

These instructions are for the Swift programming language. For Objective-C, see Add and Configure the Live Experience Widget for your iOS App in Objective-C.

Start by configuring the widget with service information so it can connect to Oracle Live Experience. Then you configure the widget service settings.

Import the widget framework:
import OracleLive
Configure the widget service settings:
Controller.shared.service.userID = "
Controller.shared.service.tenantID = "MyTenantID"
Controller.shared.service.clientID = "clientID"
Controller.shared.service.authToken = "MyAuthToken"
Controller.shared.service.address = "cloudURL"

The example above sets the end user ID, the tenant ID, the Live Experience application client ID retrived from the Admin Console by selecting Application and then Details, the authToken retrieved from Authenticate with Live Experience for iOS, and the Live Experience cloud URL (either or

For more information on service configuration, see the Live Experience iOS API Reference.

Note: The example above uses hard coded strings. In a production application, you'll want to store such items in a string table, or request them from a separate user interface layout and activity. When you test the integration of the mobile widget into your application and make your first call, ensure the initialized userID isn't the same as the email address used to log into the Associate Desktop.