Configure File Manager Controls

Use a file manager control to upload multiple files to an external document store and list the uploaded files in your web form.

The file manager control has two controls - file upload and file list. If you want to delete either the file upload or file list control, click the delete icon on the top-right of the control. But keep in mind that deleting the file upload or file list control also deletes all the associated configurations, which will not be restored when you add the control back to the file manager control.

Note that you cannot do the following in a file manager control:
  • Move the file upload or file list control outside the file manager control in your web form.
  • Add any other control inside the file manager control.

To configure file manager control:

  1. From the Advanced Palette, drag the File Manager control onto the canvas.
  2. Select the control and edit its properties on the Properties pane's General tab. Notice that the Container tab is selected by default for the file manager control in the Properties pane.
    Field Description
    Name An internal identifier that you will use to identify the control.
    Label The title of the file manager control that the user will see in the form.
    Description For a file manager control, provides additional information or instructions for the user.
    Hide Set this property to hide the control.
    Connector and Resource Allows you to choose the connector that uploads the files to the external document store. After choosing the Connector, choose the corresponding Resource. The connector and resource chosen here will apply for both file upload and file list controls.

    See Work with Connectors.

    Events Allows you to configure On Load event for the control. The event is triggered when the file manager control gets loaded.

    See Add Dynamic Behavior to Forms.

  3. If you want to configure the properties of the file upload control, see Configure File Upload Control.
  4. If you want to configure the properties of the file list control, see Configure File List Control.
  5. On the Styling tab, edit the control’s styling properties.
  6. Click Preview to try out using the control.

Configure File Upload Control

A file upload control allows users to upload multiple files to an external document store. The base64 string of the file content is uploaded via a POST API call.

Since the files are controlled by external APIs and are not stored in the process, the file upload control will not perform any anti-virus scans or checks.


  • The file upload control is a part of the file manager control. It cannot be added separately outside the file manager control in the web form.
  • Binary file upload is not supported.
  • The maximum aggregate file size allowed is 2 MB.
  • You can upload up to 5 files simultaneously.

To configure file upload control:

  1. Select the file upload control and edit its properties on the Properties pane's General tab. Notice that the Upload tab is selected by default for the file upload control in the Properties pane.
    Field Description
    Name An internal identifier that you will use to identify the control.
    Label The title of the file upload control that the user will see in the form.
    Accept only these file types Defines the accepted file types as comma-separated values. If no file types are specified, the control accepts all the files.
    Maximum Upload Size Defines the maximum file size allowed in megabytes. The default value is 2 MB.
    Help Help text that will appear for the control. If you specify help text, a help icon appears next to the name of the control and displays the help text when a user hovers over it or clicks it.
    Primary Text Text that will appear in the drop-zone of the file picker.
    Secondary Text Subtext that will appear in the drop-zone of the file picker.
    Disabled Set this property to display the control as inactive.
    Hide Set this property to hide the control.
    Auto Focus Set this property to automatically select the control when the web form loads.
    Events Allows you to configure events for the control. You can choose one of the following events:
    • On Load: The event is triggered when file upload control gets loaded.
    • On Upload: The event is triggered when file is uploaded successfully.
    • On Error: The event is triggered when file upload is unsuccessful.


    • The Last Uploaded File Name property of the file upload control allows you to get the name of the most recently uploaded file while configuring events and actions.
    • The Upload Response property stores the result of the On Upload event. You can use the same to auto populate values for other controls in the form.

    See Add Dynamic Behavior to Forms.

  2. On the Binding tab, update the following properties.


    If you haven’t configured the connector and resource for the file manager control, click Go to Container tab and configure the same. See Configure File Manager Controls.

    Field Description
    Operation Choose the file upload control's operation based on the connector and resource you specified when configuring the file manager control.
    Supports multiple uploads Set this property to allow users to upload multiple files simultaneously.


    Please note that the API must also support multiple file uploads and have one or more array type request body parameters. If this property is set and the API does not support array type request body parameters, only the first file from the list will be uploaded.
    Parameters (Header Parameters, Template Parameters, Request Body) Configure the values for header parameters, template parameters, and the request body based on the operation you specified.
    Element with list of files If the Supports multiple uploads property is set, you must select the connector element in which the user can upload multiple files. You can choose from the array type request body parameters that are listed in the drop-drown. Further, configure the sub-properties of the selected field.
  3. On the Styling tab, edit the control’s styling properties.
  4. Click Preview to try out using the control.

Configure File List Control

The file list control allows users to see the list of documents that are successfully uploaded to the external document store.

To configure file list control:

  1. Select the file list control and edit its properties on the Properties pane's General tab. Notice that the List tab is selected by default for a file list control in the Properties pane.
    Field Description
    Name An internal identifier that you will use to identify the file list control.
    Label The title of the file list control that the user will see in the form.
    Help Help text that will appear for the control. If you specify help text, a help icon appears next to the name of the control and displays the help text when a user hovers over it or clicks it.
    Empty State Message The text value that is displayed in the form when there are no files to list.
    Disabled Set this property to display the control as inactive.
    Hide Set this property to hide the control.
    Read Only Set this property to disable edit permissions.
    Show Refresh Button Set this property to display refresh button that refreshes the file list connector on click.
    Events Allows you to configure events for the control. You can choose one of the following events:
    • On Load: The event is triggered when file list control gets loaded.
    • On List Refresh: The event is triggered when the file list is refreshed.
    • On Download: The event is triggered when a file is downloaded successfully.
    • On Delete: The event is triggered when a file is deleted successfully.
    • On Download Error: The event is triggered when a file download is unsuccessful.
    • On Delete Error: The event is triggered when a file delete is unsuccessful.

    See Add Dynamic Behavior to Forms.

  2. On the Binding tab, update the following properties.
    Field Description
    Operation, Header Parameters, and Template Parameters Choose the file list control's operation based on the connector and resource you specified when configuring the file manager control. Similarly, configure the values for header parameters, and template parameters.
    Element that contains the list of files Select the file attributes to be displayed in the list. Further, configure the sub-properties of the selected field.
    Enable Download Set this property to allow users to download a file from the file list by clicking the file name.
    Operation, Header Parameters, and Template Parameters Choose the file download control's operation based on the connector and resource you specified when configuring the file manager control. Similarly, configure the values for header parameters, and template parameters.
    Enable Delete Set this property to display delete button that allows the users to delete a file from the file list on click.
    Show Confirmation Message Set this property to display a confirmation dialog before deleting a file from the file list.
    Operation, Header Parameters, and Template Parameters Choose the file delete control's operation based on the connector and resource you specified when configuring the file manager control. Similarly, configure the values for header parameters, and template parameters.
  3. On the Styling tab, edit the control’s styling properties.
  4. Click Preview to try out using the control.