Work on Tasks

User tasks are listed on the Tasks page in Workspace. To access the Tasks page, open the Workspace navigation menu and then choose Tasks.

The task list displays the following information about tasks.

  • Title: The title of the task.
  • Process Name: The process to which the task belongs.
  • Reference Id: The business identifier (if any) associated with the task.
  • Created Date: The date and time on which the task got created.
  • Due Date: The due date (if any) of the task.
  • Status: The present state of the task in its lifecycle.
  • Actions: Click the Actions icon to display a list of actions that you can perform on the task. See Perform Task Actions.

You can filter the task list and view specific tasks in the task list. See Find a Task.

To view details about a task and complete it, select and open the task. See View and Complete Tasks.