Manage Your Organization's Projects

As the Organization Administrator, you can access and manage all projects. You can assign a project’s Project Owner role to yourself, delete a project, revoke the project's deletion, or postpone the project's deletion by a few days.

  1. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  2. Click the Projects tab.


Here are the project management actions you can perform:

Action How To

Create a project

Click + Create.

See Create a Project.

Open a project In the Name column, click the project name.

See Open a Project.

You can open a project only if you're a member or an owner. Projects where you aren't a member or an owner don't appear as links. You can't open a project that's in the deleted state.

View a project's team members The Members column shows the gravatars of the project's team members. A blue circle around a user's gravatar indicates the user is assigned the project's Project Owner role. Click the gravatars to display names and email addresses of all team members.
Search for projects In the search box above the projects list, enter the search term.

The term is matched against your organization's project names and their descriptions, as well as their members' names, usernames and email addresses.

Filter projects

In Member/Owner/Favorite/All, click a filter option to enable it and filter the projects list.

Click Owner to view projects where you're a Project Owner. Click the Member button to view projects where you're a team member (any membership including Project Owner). Click Favorite to view your favorite projects. Click All to view organization's all projects.

To see more filter options, click Detailed Filter the Filter icon.

Mark a project as a favorite In the Favorite column, click Favorite the Star icon to add it to your favorites list.

Assign a project’s Project Owner role to yourself

You can assign a project’s Project Owner role to yourself. This is usually helpful in a case when all project's owners are removed or have left the organization. As the Organization Administrator, you can then take the ownership of such projects and then assign the Project Owner role to another project user.

For the project whose ownership you want to assign to yourself, click Update Project Actions and select Assign Me as Owner.

Delete a project

As the Organization Administrator, you can delete any project.

  1. For the project you want to delete, click Update Project Actions and select Delete.

  2. In the Delete Project dialog box, click Delete.

The project’s State is marked as Deleted - Project will be removed automatically in N days., but the project isn’t removed immediately. In the Delete Project dialog box, read the message before you click Delete. Also, check the project’s delete message to know when the project will be permanently removed. To immediately remove the project permanently, click Actions and select Remove Forever.

Postpone a deleted project's removal

At times, you may be unsure if you want to revoke a project's deletion that’s close to its permanent removal date. For such projects, you can choose to postpone their removal by a few days.

For the deleted project you want to postpone, click Update Project Actions and select Postpone Removal.

The project’s permanent removal date is rescheduled and the message is displayed at the top. In Status, check the project’s delete message to know when the project will be permanently removed.

Undelete a project

When you undelete a project, you get an option to update the name and description of the project. When the deletion is revoked, the project URLs will change if a different name of the deleted project is specified.

  1. For the deleted project you want to undelete, click Update Project Actions and select Undelete.

  2. In the Undelete Project dialog, if necessary, update the project name in Name, and update the description in Description.

    You would have to change the project name if another project with the same name was created after this project was deleted.

  3. Click Undelete.

Select multiple projects

You can select multiple projects and perform a common action on them.

  1. If necessary, filter and sort the projects as desired.

  2. Press the Ctrl key or the Shift key and select project rows.

    To select all projects, click the check box to the left of the Name column header.

  3. Click Update Selected and select the desired action from the menu.

Some options, such as Undelete, are not available in the Update Selected menu.

View usage metrics of projects

Next to the Detailed Filterthe Filter icon , review the projects and the disk usage metrics of the organization.

For each project, the Disk Usage column shows the project's disk usage. Click the number to open a pop-up with details of usage by each service in the project.