Manage Docker VM Resources

You can view the total disk usage available for a Docker Management VM or Docker Deployment VM and delete images or containers to free up disk space.

For a quick look at the disk usage for a Docker VM, hover over the Disk Usage bar to view usage percentage, GB used, total GB available, and the date that the data was last updated.

The data on this page is only updated every hour or so. For real time usage and additional detail, view the Resources page for the VM.

To view the Resources page for a Docker VM, click Three horizontal dots and select Show Resources.


If you are viewing Docker Management VM resources, you will see the Internal Registry Size instead of the Builds Workspace Size.

From here you can view total disk usage for the VM, as well as usage for individual images and containers.

The following table describes actions you can take to free disk space.

Action How To
Delete an individual image (for Docker deployment VMs). In the Images tab, click the trash can next to the image.
Free disk space by removing images that are no longer in use. In the Images tab, click the Clean Images/Free Diskspace button at the bottom.