Manage Build Actions

You can manage build actions in job configurations, including disabling/enabling, reordering, or removing build actions. These operations apply to build actions on the Git, Parameters, Before Build, Steps, and After Build tabs (under Configure) and build actions on the Triggers tab (under Settings).

Here are the job configuration build actions that you can manage:

Action How To

Disable a build action

In any tab on the Job Configuration page, for any enabled build action, change the toggle from Enabled to Disabled and click Save.

Use this toggle to disable the build step or action temporarily. If a step or action is disabled, it'll be skipped when the job is run.

If you see a validation error while trying to save a job configuration after adding, then disabling, a new build action, make sure that you filled out all required fields. Required fields are still required, even though the build action is disabled. You must either fill out the required field(s) in the disabled build action or remove the build action before trying to resave the job configuration.

Enable a disabled build action

In any tab on the Job Configuration page, for any disabled build action, change the toggle from Disabled to Enabled and click Save.

Expand/collapse build steps In the Steps tab on the Job Configuration page, mouse over any build step header to collapse or expand the build step.

Reorder build actions

In any tab on the Job Configuration page that has multiple build actions, use the Up Up and Down Down icons with any build action to reorder and then click Save.

Remove a build action

In any tab on the Job Configuration page, for any enabled or disabled build action, click Remove Remove and then click Save.