Use the NPM Command Line with the Project's NPM Registry

You can use the following NPM commands either on the NPM command line or as a command or series of commands in a UNIX shell build step:

Command Description
npm install Installs a package, and any packages that it depends on, in the project's NPM registry.

There are several ways to use the npm install command, so refer to npm-install to learn about the different variations. When this command is used with the project's NPM registry, packages are always searched for in the project's NPM registry first.

npm publish Publishes a package to the project's NPM registry, so it can be installed by name. By default, the standard npm publish command publishes packages to the public registry. The default behavior can be overridden by specifying a different default registry or using a scoped package name.

See npm-publish.

npm unpublish Removes a package version from the project's NPM registry, deleting its entry and removing the tarball. If you want to encourage users to upgrade, consider using the npm deprecate command instead.

See npm-unpublish.

npm audit Generates an audit report that summarizes all known security vulnerabilities in your NPM packages and dependencies, provides the necessary NPM commands and recommendations that will fix these vulnerabilities once they are applied, and, when used with the npm audit fix command, will try to apply these recommendations automatically, wherever possible.

See npm-audit and Check for Security Vulnerabilities in your Project's NPM Packages and Dependencies.

npm deprecate Updates the project's NPM registry entry for a specific version or a range of versions of a package and provides a deprecation warning to everyone who attempts to install the deprecated package. You must be the package owner to use this command.
The format of the command is:
npm deprecate <pkg>[@<version>] <message>

See npm-deprecate.

npm dist-tag Adds, removes, and enumerates distribution tags on a package.

See npm-dist-tag.

npm search Searches the project's NPM registry for packages that match the search terms. The command searches through package metadata for all files in the project's NPM registry. Note that the search API performs local searches only (searches the private VB Studio NPM registry only). It doesn't search and return results from the remote proxied public NPM registry.

See npm-search.

npm login Allows you to log in to NPM, creating/modifying entries in the ~/.npmrc file for authentication.

Note that at least one of the two ways to log in must be configured, that is, you must either provide the required fields (username, password and email) using environment variables or pass them as command line arguments, or both.

See npm-cli-login.

npm logout Logs out of the registry.

If you're logged into a registry that supports token-based authentication, this command directs the server to end this token's session, invalidating the token everywhere you're using it, not just for the current environment.

If you're logged into a registry that uses basic authentication (username and password), this command clears the credentials in your user configuration. In this case, it only affects the current environment.

If --scope is provided, the command finds the credentials for the registry that's connected to that scope, if one was set.

See npm-logout.