Available Actions On Alerts

The actions available for an alert depend on its ownership, status and the access rights assigned to the user. For example, you can request information, submit, approve, claim, or reassign an alert, depending on your role and access.

The following table lists the actions available and the required roles.

Table 17-2 Alert Actions and Available Roles

Action Description Role
Request Information Allows the Assignee to send the alert back to the Owner to request more information Assignee
Submit Alert Allows the Owner or Assignee to submit the alert Owner, Assignee
Approve Alert Allows the Approver to approve the alert Approver
Reject Alert Allows the Approver to reject the alert Approver
Claim Alert Allows a team member assigned to the alert to claim it. Only available when the alert Assignee or Approver is assigned to a team instead of an individual. Claiming may be done even if the alert is claimed by another team/group member. Assignee team member
Release Alert Allows a team member to release a currently claimed alert Current claimed assignee team member
Reassign Allows an Administrator to reassign the alert to another user Administrator
Reject Reject the alert All
Reopen Reopen the alert if you are the owner Owner of alert
Refresh Updates the alert with latest comments, status, and so on All


An administrator is allowed to run Submit and Approve on any alert to set it to closed status.

To perform an action on an alert:

  1. On the Home page, click Alerts to open the Alerts main page.

  2. From the Alert list, select and open an alert and make sure the required information is completed.

  3. From the Actions menu, select an available action.

    • Request Information

    • Submit

    • Approve

    • Claim

    • Release

    • Reassign

    • Reject

    • Reopen

    • Request Reassignment

    • Refresh