Creating Global Adjustment and Support Attributes

Within match types, you can create attributes that can be used globally across adjustment types, support types, and match types.

Other users can reuse global adjustment and support attributes while creating their attributes. For example, you can create attributes such as Name, Description and ID and these attributes can be reused and are commonly used. Service Administrators and users with the Match Types - Manage application role can create global adjustment and support attributes.

To create a new global adjustment and support attribute:

  1. From Home, select Applications, and then Match Types.

  2. Click the Adjustment and Support Attributes tab.
  3. Click New.

  4. Enter the required Name.

  5. Select one of the following options for the Type of attribute.

    • Date - Used for date values

      The format when loading transactions should be DD-MMM-YYYY or DD-MMM-YY.

    • Integer - Used for non-decimal values up to 18 digits and can be positive or negative
    • List - Used to configure a List of Values and upper and lowercase do not matter when importing.
    • Number - Used for amount fields up to 18 digits (12 digits plus up to 6 decimal places)

      It can be positive or negative. A negative number can be indicated during import by using the minus sign, for example, -1,000.00 while importing but will show on the user interface as (1000.00).

      In Decimal Places, enter a precision between 0 and 12 for the attribute.

    • Text - Used for large comments, descriptions, and so on and can be up to 255 characters long.


      To import string values containing a comma (,) the string value must be enclosed in double quotes. When the string is enclosed in double quotes, you must enclose all other double quotes in the string in a second set of double quotes. Examples are shown in this table.
      String Value Import Status
      "GM LLC - GMNA, formerly ""NAO"" ADMIN STAFF" Successful (entire string value in double quotes and second set of quotes around NAO)
      "GM LLC - GMNA, formerly "NAO" ADMIN STAFF" Import Error (no second set of double quotes for NAO)
      "GM LLC - GMNA, formerly NAO ADMIN STAFF" Successful (double quotes around string value)
      GM LLC - GMNA, formerly NAO ADMIN STAFF Error (no double quotes around string value)
    • Yes/No - Used for a Boolean field that can be left Blank, Yes (1,Yes,YES,Y,y,T,t,True,TRUE,True) or No (0,No,NO,N,n,F,f,False,FALSE,False)