Edit a KPI

Edit a KPI to incorporate different data elements and supplemental information.

  1. From the Home page, click Navigator and select KPIs.
  2. You can edit a KPI, or create a copy of a KPI and edit one of the copies.
    • To edit a KPI, click the Actions menu for the KPI you want to change and click Edit.
    • To create a copy of a KPI, click the Actions menu for an Oracle-provided KPI (with an oval symbol) and click Save As, then edit the one of the copies of the KPI.
  3. Add data with join relationships to the existing datasets or subject areas by clicking the plus sign (+) next to the KPI name in the Data Elements pane.
  4. Update the KPI properties by clicking the name of the KPI in the Data Elements pane and changing the values in the Properties pane.
  5. Click Save.