Set Up a Database Connection Using a JNDI Connection Pool

You can create a connection to database using a JNDI connection pool to access data for pixel-perfect reports.

Using a connection pool increases efficiency by maintaining a cache of physical connections that can be reused. When a client closes a connection, the connection gets placed back into the pool so that another client can use it. A connection pool improves performance and scalability by allowing multiple clients to share a small number of physical connections. You set up the connection pool in your application server and access it through Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).


You can create JNDI connections to the user-defined data sources, but you can't create JNDI connections to the system-defined data sources. Only to create audit reports, you are allowed to create JNDI connections to the system-defined data sources to access the audit data source (AuditViewDataSource).
  1. From the Publisher Administration page, click JNDI Connection.
  2. Click Add Data Source.
  3. Enter a display name for the data source. This name is displayed in the Data Source selection list in the Data Model Editor.
  4. Enter the JNDI name for the connection pool. For example, jdbc/BIPSource.
  5. Select Use Proxy Authentication to enable Proxy Authentication.
  6. Click Test Connection. You see a confirmation message if the connection is established.
  7. Define security for this data source connection. Move the required roles from the Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles in the Allowed Roles list can create or view reports from this data source.