4 Build Models in Oracle Machine Learning for R

OML4R provides functions for building regression models, neural network models, and models based on Oracle Machine Learning for SQL algorithms.

This chapter has the following topics:

4.1 Build Oracle Machine Learning for R Models

The OML4R package OREmodels contains functions with which you can create advanced analytical data models using ore.frame objects.

These functions are described in the following topics:

4.1.1 About OREmodels Functions

The OREmodels package contains functions with which you can build machine learning models using ore.frame objects.

The OREmodels functions are the following:

Table 4-1 Functions in the OREmodels Package

Function Description


Fits and uses a Generalized Linear Model model on data in an ore.frame.


Fits a linear regression model on data in an ore.frame.


Fits a Neural Network model on data in an ore.frame.

ore.randomForest Creates a Random Forest classification model in parallel on data in an ore.frame.


Fits a stepwise linear regression model on data in an ore.frame.


In R terminology, the phrase "fits a model" is often synonymous with "builds a model". In this document and in the online help for Oracle Machine Learning for R functions, the phrases are used interchangeably.

The ore.glm, ore.lm, and ore.stepwise functions have the following advantages:

  • The algorithms provide accurate solutions using out-of-core QR factorization. QR factorization decomposes a matrix into an orthogonal matrix and a triangular matrix.

    QR is an algorithm of choice for difficult rank-deficient models.

  • You can process data that does not fit into memory, that is, out-of-core data. QR factors a matrix into two matrices, one of which fits into memory while the other is stored on disk.

    The ore.glm, ore.lm and ore.stepwise functions can solve data sets with more than one billion rows.

  • The ore.stepwise function allows fast implementations of forward, backward, and stepwise model selection techniques.

The ore.neural function has the following advantages:

  • It is a highly scalable implementation of neural networks, able to build a model on even billion row data sets in a matter of minutes. The ore.neural function can be run in two modes: in-memory for small to medium data sets and distributed (out-of-core) for large inputs.

  • You can specify the activation functions on neurons on a per-layer basis; ore.neural supports many different activation functions.

  • You can specify a neural network topology consisting of any number of hidden layers, including none.

4.1.2 About the longley Data Set for Examples

Most of the linear regression and ore.neural examples use the longley data set, which is provided by R.

The longley data set is a small macroeconomic data set that provides a well-known example for collinear regression and consists of seven economic variables observed yearly over 16 years.

Example 4-1 Displaying Values from the longley Data Set

This example pushes the longley data set to a temporary database table that has the proxy ore.frame object longley_of displays the first six rows of longley_of.

longley_of <- ore.push(longley)

Listing for This Example

R> longley_of <- ore.push(longley)
R> dim(longley_of)[1] 16  7
R> head(longley_of)
     GNP.deflator     GNP Unemployed Armed.Forces Population Year Employed
1947         83.0 234.289      235.6        159.0    107.608 1947   60.323
1948         88.5 259.426      232.5        145.6    108.632 1948   61.122
1949         88.2 258.054      368.2        161.6    109.773 1949   60.171
1950         89.5 284.599      335.1        165.0    110.929 1950   61.187
1951         96.2 328.975      209.9        309.9    112.075 1951   63.221
1952         98.1 346.999      193.2        359.4    113.270 1952   63.639

4.1.3 Build Linear Regression Models

The ore.lm and ore.stepwise functions perform least squares regression and stepwise least squares regression, respectively, on data represented in an ore.frame object.

A model fit is generated using embedded R map/reduce operations where the map operation creates either QR decompositions or matrix cross-products depending on the number of coefficients being estimated. The underlying model matrices are created using either a model.matrix or sparse.model.matrix object depending on the sparsity of the model. Once the coefficients for the model have been estimated another pass of the data is made to estimate the model-level statistics.

When forward, backward, or stepwise selection is performed, the XtX and Xty matrices are subsetted to generate the F-test p-values based upon coefficient estimates that were generated using a Choleski decomposition of the XtX subset matrix.

If there are collinear terms in the model, functions ore.lm and ore.stepwise do not estimate the coefficient values for a collinear set of terms. For ore.stepwise, a collinear set of terms is excluded throughout the procedure.

For more information on ore.lm and ore.stepwise, invoke help(ore.lm).

Example 4-2 Using ore.lm

This example pushes the longley data set to a temporary database table that has the proxy ore.frame object longley_of. The example builds a linear regression model using ore.lm.

longley_of <- ore.push(longley)
# Fit full model
oreFit1 <- ore.lm(Employed ~ ., data = longley_of)

Listing for This Example

R> longley_of <- ore.push(longley)
R> # Fit full model
R>  oreFit1 <- ore.lm(Employed ~ ., data = longley_of)
R> class(oreFit1)
[1] "ore.lm"    "ore.model" "lm"
R> summary(oreFit1)
ore.lm(formula = Employed ~ ., data = longley_of)
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.41011 -0.15767 -0.02816  0.10155  0.45539 
               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  -3.482e+03  8.904e+02  -3.911 0.003560 ** 
GNP.deflator  1.506e-02  8.492e-02   0.177 0.863141    
GNP          -3.582e-02  3.349e-02  -1.070 0.312681    
Unemployed   -2.020e-02  4.884e-03  -4.136 0.002535 ** 
Armed.Forces -1.033e-02  2.143e-03  -4.822 0.000944 ***
Population   -5.110e-02  2.261e-01  -0.226 0.826212    
Year          1.829e+00  4.555e-01   4.016 0.003037 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 0.3049 on 9 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.9955,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.9925 
F-statistic: 330.3 on 6 and 9 DF,  p-value: 4.984e-10

Example 4-3 Using the ore.stepwise Function

This example pushes the longley data set to a temporary database table that has the proxy ore.frame object longley_of. The example builds linear regression models using the ore.stepwise function.

longley_of <- ore.push(longley)
# Two stepwise alternatives
oreStep1 <- 
  ore.stepwise(Employed ~ .^2, data = longley_of, add.p = 0.1, drop.p = 0.1)
oreStep2 <-
  step(ore.lm(Employed ~ 1, data = longley_of),
             scope = terms(Employed ~ .^2, data = longley_of))

Listing for This Example

R> longley_of <- ore.push(longley)
R> # Two stepwise alternatives
R> oreStep1 <- 
+   ore.stepwise(Employed ~ .^2, data = longley_of, add.p = 0.1, drop.p = 0.1)
R> oreStep2 <-
+   step(ore.lm(Employed ~ 1, data = longley_of),
+               scope = terms(Employed ~ .^2, data = longley_of))
Start:  AIC=41.17
Employed ~ 1
               Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
+ GNP           1   178.973   6.036 -11.597
+ Year          1   174.552  10.457  -2.806
+ GNP.deflator  1   174.397  10.611  -2.571
+ Population    1   170.643  14.366   2.276
+ Unemployed    1    46.716 138.293  38.509
+ Armed.Forces  1    38.691 146.318  39.411
<none>                      185.009  41.165
Step:  AIC=-11.6
Employed ~ GNP
               Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
+ Unemployed    1     2.457   3.579 -17.960
+ Population    1     2.162   3.874 -16.691
+ Year          1     1.125   4.911 -12.898
<none>                        6.036 -11.597
+ GNP.deflator  1     0.212   5.824 -10.169
+ Armed.Forces  1     0.077   5.959  -9.802
- GNP           1   178.973 185.009  41.165
... The rest of the output is not shown.

4.1.4 Build a Generalized Linear Model

The ore.glm functions fits generalized linear models on data in an ore.frame object..

The function uses a Fisher scoring iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm. Instead of the traditional step of halving to prevent the selection of less optimal coefficient estimates, ore.glm uses a line search to select new coefficient estimates at each iteration, starting from the current coefficient estimates and moving through the Fisher scoring suggested estimates using the formula (1 - alpha) * old + alpha * suggested where alpha in [0, 2]. When the interp control argument is TRUE, the deviance is approximated by a cubic spline interpolation. When it is FALSE, the deviance is calculated using a follow-up data scan.

Each iteration consists of two or three embedded R execution map/reduce operations: an IRLS operation, an initial line search operation, and, if interp = FALSE, an optional follow-up line search operation. As with ore.lm, the IRLS map operation creates QR decompositions when update = "qr" or cross-products when update = "crossprod" of the model.matrix, or sparse.model.matrix if argument sparse = TRUE, and the IRLS reduce operation block updates those QR decompositions or cross-product matrices. After the algorithm has either converged or reached the maximum number of iterations, a final embedded R map/reduce operation is used to generate the complete set of model-level statistics.

The ore.glm function returns an ore.glm object.

For information on the ore.glm function arguments, call help(ore.glm).

Settings for a Generalized Linear Models

The following table lists settings that apply to Generalized Linear models.

Table 4-2 Generalized Linear Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description


TO_CHAR(0< numeric_expr <1)

The confidence level for coefficient confidence intervals.

The default confidence level is 0.95.




Whether feature generation is quadratic or cubic.

When feature generation is enabled, the algorithm automatically chooses the most appropriate feature generation method based on the data.




Whether or not feature generation is enabled for GLM. By default, feature generation is not enabled.


Feature generation can only be enabled when feature selection is also enabled.






Feature selection penalty criterion for adding a feature to the model.

When feature selection is enabled, the algorithm automatically chooses the penalty criterion based on the data.




Whether or not feature selection is enabled for GLM.

By default, feature selection is not enabled.


TO_CHAR(0 < numeric_expr <= 2000)

When feature selection is enabled, this setting specifies the maximum number of features that can be selected for the final model.

By default, the algorithm limits the number of features to ensure sufficient memory.




Prune enable or disable for features in the final model. Pruning is based on T-Test statistics for linear regression, or Wald Test statistics for logistic regression. Features are pruned in a loop until all features are statistically significant with respect to the full data.

When feature selection is enabled, the algorithm automatically performs pruning based on the data.



The target value used as the reference class in a binary logistic regression model. Probabilities are produced for the non-reference class.

By default, the algorithm chooses the value with the highest prevalence (the most cases) for the reference class.




Enable or disable Ridge Regression. Ridge applies to both regression and Classification mining functions.

When ridge is enabled, prediction bounds are not produced by the PREDICTION_BOUNDS SQL function.


Ridge may only be enabled when feature selection is not specified, or has been explicitly disabled. If Ridge Regression and feature selection are both explicitly enabled, then an exception is raised.


TO_CHAR (numeric_expr > 0)

The value of the ridge parameter. This setting is only used when the algorithm is configured to use Ridge Regression.

If Ridge Regression is enabled internally by the algorithm, then the ridge parameter is determined by the algorithm.




Enable or disable row diagnostics.


The range is (0, 1) non-inclusive.

Convergence Tolerance setting of the GLM algorithm

The default value is system-determined.


Positive integer

Maximum number of iterations for the GLM algorithm. The default value is system-determined.


0 or Positive integer

Number of rows in a batch used by the SGD solver. The value of this parameter sets the size of the batch for the SGD solver. An input of 0 triggers a data driven batch size estimate.

The default is 2000


GLMS_SOLVER_SGD (StochasticGradient Descent)




This setting allows the user to choose the GLM solver. The solver cannot be selected if GLMS_FTR_SELECTION setting is enabled. The default value is system determined.




This setting allows the user to use sparse solver if it is available. The default value is GLMS_SPARSE_SOLVER_DISABLE.

Example 4-4 Using the ore.glm Function

This example loads the rpart package and then pushes the kyphosis data set to a temporary database table that has the proxy ore.frame object KYPHOSIS. The example builds a Generalized Linear Model using the ore.glm function and one using the glm function and calls the summary function on the models.

# Load the rpart library to get the kyphosis and solder data sets.
# Logistic regression
KYPHOSIS <- ore.push(kyphosis)
kyphFit1 <- ore.glm(Kyphosis ~ ., data = KYPHOSIS, family = binomial())
kyphFit2 <- glm(Kyphosis ~ ., data = kyphosis, family = binomial())
Listing for Example 4-4
R> # Load the rpart library to get the kyphosis and solder data sets.
R> library(rpart)

R> # Logistic regression
R> KYPHOSIS <- ore.push(kyphosis)
R> kyphFit1 <- ore.glm(Kyphosis ~ ., data = KYPHOSIS, family = binomial())
R> kyphFit2 <- glm(Kyphosis ~ ., data = kyphosis, family = binomial())
R> summary(kyphFit1)
ore.glm(formula = Kyphosis ~ ., data = KYPHOSIS, family = binomial())
Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-2.3124  -0.5484  -0.3632  -0.1659   2.1613  
             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept) -2.036934   1.449622  -1.405  0.15998   
Age          0.010930   0.006447   1.696  0.08997 . 
Number       0.410601   0.224870   1.826  0.06786 . 
Start       -0.206510   0.067700  -3.050  0.00229 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
    Null deviance: 83.234  on 80  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 61.380  on 77  degrees of freedom
AIC: 69.38
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

R> summary(kyphFit2)
glm(formula = Kyphosis ~ ., family = binomial(), data = kyphosis)
Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-2.3124  -0.5484  -0.3632  -0.1659   2.1613  
             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept) -2.036934   1.449575  -1.405  0.15996   
Age          0.010930   0.006446   1.696  0.08996 . 
Number       0.410601   0.224861   1.826  0.06785 . 
Start       -0.206510   0.067699  -3.050  0.00229 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
    Null deviance: 83.234  on 80  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 61.380  on 77  degrees of freedom
AIC: 69.38
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

# Poisson regression
R> SOLDER <- ore.push(solder)
R> solFit1 <- ore.glm(skips ~ ., data = SOLDER, family = poisson())
R> solFit2 <- glm(skips ~ ., data = solder, family = poisson())
R> summary(solFit1)
ore.glm(formula = skips ~ ., data = SOLDER, family = poisson())
Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-3.4105  -1.0897  -0.4408   0.6406   3.7927  
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -1.25506    0.10069 -12.465  < 2e-16 ***
OpeningM     0.25851    0.06656   3.884 0.000103 ***
OpeningS     1.89349    0.05363  35.305  < 2e-16 ***
SolderThin   1.09973    0.03864  28.465  < 2e-16 ***
MaskA3       0.42819    0.07547   5.674 1.40e-08 ***
MaskB3       1.20225    0.06697  17.953  < 2e-16 ***
MaskB6       1.86648    0.06310  29.580  < 2e-16 ***
PadTypeD6   -0.36865    0.07138  -5.164 2.41e-07 ***
PadTypeD7   -0.09844    0.06620  -1.487 0.137001    
PadTypeL4    0.26236    0.06071   4.321 1.55e-05 ***
PadTypeL6   -0.66845    0.07841  -8.525  < 2e-16 ***
PadTypeL7   -0.49021    0.07406  -6.619 3.61e-11 ***
PadTypeL8   -0.27115    0.06939  -3.907 9.33e-05 ***
PadTypeL9   -0.63645    0.07759  -8.203 2.35e-16 ***
PadTypeW4   -0.11000    0.06640  -1.657 0.097591 .  
PadTypeW9   -1.43759    0.10419 -13.798  < 2e-16 ***
Panel        0.11818    0.02056   5.749 8.97e-09 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
    Null deviance: 6855.7  on 719  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 1165.4  on 703  degrees of freedom
AIC: 2781.6
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

4.1.5 Build a Neural Network Model

Neural network models can be used to capture intricate nonlinear relationships between inputs and outputs or to find patterns in data.

Settings for a Neural Network Model

The following table lists the settings that apply to Neural Network models.

Table 4-3 Neural Network Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description

Non-negative integer

Defines the topology by number of hidden layers.

The default value is 1.


A list of positive integers

Defines the topology by number of nodes per layer. Different layers can have different number of nodes.

The value should be non-negative integers and comma separated. For example, '10, 20, 5'. The setting values must be consistent with NNET_HIDDEN_LAYERS. The default number of nodes per layer is the number of attributes or 50 (if the number of attributes > 50).


A list of the following strings:

Defines the activation function for the hidden layers. For example, '''NNET_ACTIVATIONS_BIPOLAR_SIG'', ''NNET_ACTIVATIONS_TANH'''.

Different layers can have different activation functions.

The default value is "NNET_ACTIVATIONS_LOG_SIG".

The number of activation functions must be consistent with NNET_HIDDEN_LAYERS and NNET_NODES_PER_LAYER .


All quotes are single and two single quotes are used to escape a single quote in SQL statements.


A real number

The setting specifies the lower bound of the region where weights are randomly initialized. NNET_WEIGHT_LOWER_BOUND and NNET_WEIGHT_UPPER_BOUND must be set together. Setting one and not setting the other raises an error. NNET_WEIGHT_LOWER_BOUND must not be greater than NNET_WEIGHT_UPPER_BOUND. The default value is –sqrt(6/(l_nodes+r_nodes)). The value of l_nodes for:

  • input layer dense attributes is (1+number of dense attributes)
  • input layer sparse attributes is number of sparse attributes
  • each hidden layer is (1+number of nodes in that hidden layer)

The value of r_nodes is the number of nodes in the layer that the weight is connecting to.


A real number

This setting specifies the upper bound of the region where weights are initialized. It should be set in pairs with NNET_WEIGHT_LOWER_BOUND and its value must not be smaller than the value of NNET_WEIGHT_LOWER_BOUND. If not specified, the values of NNET_WEIGHT_LOWER_BOUND and NNET_WEIGHT_UPPER_BOUND are system determined.

The default value is sqrt(6/(l_nodes+r_nodes)). See NNET_WEIGHT_LOWER_BOUND.


Positive integer

This setting specifies the maximum number of iterations in the Neural Network algorithm.

The default value is 200.



Defines the convergence tolerance setting of the Neural Network algorithm.

The default value is 0.000001.





Regularization setting for Neural Network algorithm. If the total number of training rows is greater than 50000, the default is NNET_REGULARIZER_HELDASIDE.

If the total number of training rows is less than or equal to 50000, the default is NNET_REGULARIZER_NONE.


0 <= numeric_expr <=1

Define the held ratio for the held-aside method.

The default value is 0.25.


The value must be a positive integer.

With NNET_REGULARIZER_HELDASIDE, the training process is stopped early if the network performance on the validation data fails to improve or remains the same for NNET_HELDASIDE_MAX_FAIL epochs in a row.

The default value is 6

NNET_REG_LAMBDA TO_CHAR(numeric_expr >=0) Defines the L2 regularization parameter lambda. This can not be set together with NNET_REGULARIZER_HELDASIDE.

The default value is 1.

The ore.neural function builds a feed-forward neural network for regression on ore.frame data. It supports multiple hidden layers with a specifiable number of nodes. Each layer can have one of several activation functions.

The output layer is a single numeric or binary categorical target. The output layer can have any of the activation functions. It has the linear activation function by default.

The output of ore.neural is an object of type ore.neural.

For information about the arguments to the ore.neural function, invoke help(ore.neural).

Modeling with the ore.neural function is well-suited for noisy and complex data such as sensor data. Problems that such data might have are the following:

  • Potentially many (numeric) predictors, for example, pixel values

  • The target may be discrete-valued, real-valued, or a vector of such values

  • Training data may contain errors – robust to noise

  • Fast scoring

  • Model transparency is not required; models difficult to interpret

Typical steps in neural network modeling are the following:

  1. Specifying the architecture
  2. Preparing the data
  3. Building the model
  4. Specifying the stopping criteria: iterations, error on a validation set within tolerance
  5. Viewing statistical results from model
  6. Improving the model

Example 4-5 Building a Neural Network Model

This example builds a Neural Network model with default values, including a hidden size of 1. The example pushes a subset of the longley data set to an ore.frame object in database memory as the object trainData. The example then pushes a different subset of longley to the database as the object testData. The example builds the model with trainData and then predicts results using testData.

trainData <- ore.push(longley[1:11, ])
testData <- ore.push(longley[12:16, ])
fit <- ore.neural('Employed ~ GNP + Population + Year', data = trainData)
ans <- predict(fit, newdata = testData)

Listing for This Example

R> trainData <- ore.push(longley[1:11, ])
R> testData <- ore.push(longley[12:16, ])
R> fit <- ore.neural('Employed ~ GNP + Population + Year', data = trainData)
R> ans <- predict(fit, newdata = testData)
R> ans
1      67.97452
2      69.50893
3      70.28098
4      70.86127
5      72.31066
Warning message:
ORE object has no unique key - using random order 

Example 4-6 Using ore.neural and Specifying Activations

This example pushes the iris data set to a temporary database table that has the proxy ore.frame object IRIS. The example builds a Neural Network model using the ore.neural function and specifies a different activation function for each layer.

IRIS <- ore.push(iris)
fit <- ore.neural(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Sepal.Length,
                  data = IRIS,
                  hiddenSizes = c(20, 5),
                  activations = c("bSigmoid", "tanh", "linear"))
ans <- predict(fit, newdata = IRIS,
               supplemental.cols = c("Petal.Length"))
options(ore.warn.order = FALSE)
head(ans, 3)

Listing for This Example

R> IRIS <- ore.push(iris)
R> fit <- ore.neural(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Sepal.Length,
+                   data = IRIS,
+                   hiddenSizes = c(20, 5),
+                   activations = c("bSigmoid", "tanh", "linear"))
R> ans <- predict(fit, newdata = IRIS,
+                supplemental.cols = c("Petal.Length"))
R> options(ore.warn.order = FALSE)
R> head(ans, 3)
  Petal.Length pred_Petal.Length
1          1.4          1.416466
2          1.4          1.363385
3          1.3          1.310709
R> summary(ans)
  Petal.Length   pred_Petal.Length
 Min.   :1.000   Min.   :1.080    
 1st Qu.:1.600   1st Qu.:1.568    
 Median :4.350   Median :4.346    
 Mean   :3.758   Mean   :3.742    
 3rd Qu.:5.100   3rd Qu.:5.224    
 Max.   :6.900   Max.   :6.300

4.1.6 Build a Random Forest Model

The ore.randomForest function provides an ensemble learning technique for classification of data in an ore.frame object.

Function ore.randomForest builds a Random Forest model by growing trees in parallel on the database server. It constructs many decision trees and outputs the class that is the mode of the classes of the individual trees. The function avoids overfitting, which is a common problem for decision trees.

The Random Forest algorithm, developed by Leo Breiman and Adele Cutler, combines the ideas of bagging and the random selection of variables, which results in a collection of decision trees with controlled variance. The Random Forest algorithm provides high accuracy, but performance and scalability can be issues for large data sets.

Function ore.randomForest executes in parallel for model building and scoring. Parallel execution can occur whether you are using the randomForest package in Oracle R Distribution (ORD) or the open source randomForest package 4.6-10. Using ore.randomForest and ORD can require less memory than using ore.randomForest with the open source alternative. If you use the open source randomForest package, Oracle Machine Learning for R issues a warning.

Function ore.randomForest uses the global option ore.parallel to determine the degree of parallelism to employ. The function returns an ore.randomForest object.

An invocation of the scoring method predict on an ore.randomForest object also runs in parallel on the database server. The cache.modelargument specifies whether to cache the entire Random Forest model in memory during prediction. If sufficient memory is available, use the default cache.model value of TRUE for better performance.

The grabTree method returns an ore.frame object that contains information on the specified tree. Each row of the ore.frame represents one node of the tree.


Function ore.randomForest loads a copy of the training data for each embedded R session executing in parallel. For large datasets, this can exceed the amount of available memory. Oracle recommends that you adjust the number of parallel processes and the amount of available memory accordingly. The global option ore.parallel specifies the number of parallel processes. For information on controlling the amount of memory used by embedded R execution processes, see Controlling Memory Used by Embedded R in Oracle Machine Learning for R Installation and Administration Guide.

Settings for a Random Forest Model

The following table lists the settings that apply to Random Forest models.

Table 4-4 Random Forest Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description


a number >= 0

Size of the random subset of columns to be considered when choosing a split at a node. For each node, the size of the pool remains the same, but the specific candidate columns change. The default is half of the columns in the model signature. The special value 0 indicates that the candidate pool includes all columns.


1<=a number <=65535

Number of trees in the forest

Default is 20.


0< a fraction<=1

Fraction of the training data to be randomly sampled for use in the construction of an individual tree. The default is half of the number of rows in the training data.

Example 4-7 Using ore.randomForest

# Using the iris dataset
IRIS <- ore.push(iris)
mod <- ore.randomForest(Species~., IRIS)
tree10 <- grabTree(mod, k = 10, labelVar = TRUE)
ans <- predict(mod, IRIS, type="all", supplemental.cols="Species")
table(ans$Species, ans$prediction)

# Using the infert dataset
INFERT <- ore.push(infert)
formula <- case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced

rfMod <- ore.randomForest(formula, INFERT, ntree=1000, nodesize = 2)
tree <- grabTree(rfMod, k = 500)

rfPred <- predict(rfMod, INFERT, supplemental.cols = "case")

confusion.matrix <- with(rfPred, table(case, prediction))


Listing for This Example

R> # Using the iris dataset
R> IRIS <- ore.push(iris)
R> mod <- ore.randomForest(Species~., IRIS)
R> tree10 <- grabTree(mod, k = 10, labelVar = TRUE)
R> ans <- predict(mod, IRIS, type="all", supplemental.cols="Species")
R> table(ans$Species, ans$prediction)
             setosa versicolor virginica
  setosa         50          0         0
  versicolor      0         50         0
  virginica       0          0        50

# Using the infert dataset
R> INFERT <- ore.push(infert)
R> formula <- case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced
R> rfMod <- ore.randomForest(formula, INFERT, ntree=1000, nodesize = 2)
R> tree <- grabTree(rfMod, k = 500)
R> rfPred <- predict(rfMod, INFERT, supplemental.cols = "case")
R> confusion.matrix <- with(rfPred, table(case, prediction))

R> confusion.matrix
case   0   1
   0 154  11
   1  27  56

4.2 Build Oracle Machine Learning for SQL Models

Use the functions in the OREdm package of Oracle Machine Learning for R to build Oracle Machine Learning for SQL models in R.

These functions are described in the following topics:

4.2.1 About Building OML4SQL Models using OML4R

Oracle Machine Learning for SQL functions can process tables, views, star schemas, transactional data, and unstructured data.

These OREdm package functions provide R interfaces that use arguments that conform to typical R usage for corresponding predictive analytics and OML4SQL functions.

This section has the following topics: OML4SQL Models Supported by OML4R

The functions in the OREdm package provide access to the Oracle Machine Learning for SQL in-database machine learning functionality of Oracle Database. You use these functions to build OML4SQL models in the database.

The following table lists the OML4R functions that build OML4SQL models and the corresponding OML4SQL algorithms and functions.

Table 4-5 Oracle Machine Learning for R Model Functions

OML4R Function OML4SQL Algorithm OML4SQL Function


Minimum Description Length

Attribute importance for classification or regression



Association rules


Decision Tree



(12.2 feature)

Expectation Maximization



(12.2 feature)

Explicit Semantic Analysis

Feature extraction


Generalized Linear Models

Classification and regression





Naive Bayes



Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

Feature extraction


Orthogonal Partitioning Cluster (O-Cluster)



(12.2 feature)

Extensible R Algorithm

Association rules, attribute importance, classification, clustering, feature extraction, and regression


(12.2 feature)

Singular Value Decomposition

Feature extraction


Support Vector Machines

Classification and regression About In-Database Model Names and Renaming with OML4R Functions

In each OREdm R model object, the slot name is the name of the underlying OML4SQL model generated by the OREdm function.

By default, models built using OREdm functions are transient objects; they do not persist past the R session in which they were built unless they are explicitly saved in an OML4R datastore or specified with an explicit name when created. OML4SQL models built using Data Miner or SQL, on the other hand, exist until they are explicitly dropped.

R proxy objects can be saved or persisted. Saving a model object generated by an OREdm function allows it to exist across R sessions and keeps the corresponding in-database machine learning model object in place. While the OREdm model exists, you can export and import the in-database model object and use it independent of the OML4R object.

You can use the MODEL_NAME parameter in odm.settings to explicitly name an in-database model object created in the database. The named in-database model object persists in the database just like those created using Oracle Data Miner or SQL.

Example 4-8 Using MODEL_NAME parameter to explicitly name in-database model proxy object

This example demonstrates building a Random Forest Model and naming the model using explicit settings. The example uses the MODEL_NAME parameter in odm.settings to explicitly name an in-database model object created in the database.

settings = list(RFOR_MTRY = 3,
           RFOR_NUM_TREES = 100,
           RFOR_SAMPLING_RATIO =0.5,
MOD2 <- ore.odmRF(AFFINITY_CARD~., DEMO_DF.train, odm.settings= settings)
RES2 <- predict(MOD2, DEMO_DF.test, type= c("class","raw"), norm.votes=TRUE, cache.model=TRUE, 
                      "EDUCATION", "FLAT_PANEL_MONITOR", "HOME_THEATER_PACKAGE", "HOUSEHOLD_SIZE",                            

In the above code, the model named RF_CLASSIFICATION_MODEL should be dropped if it already exists because it will throw an exception while we try to build a model with the same name. The In-database Random Forest Classification model named RF_CLASSIFCIATION_MODEL is built using the specified settings and the model is referenced by the variable MOD2. The predictions are made using the random forest model MOD2 and the AFFINITY_CARD as the predictor variable for the test data set DEMO DF test and the result is stored in the local session in variable RES2, and the model persists in the database.

While the R model exists or if you have assigned the model a user-specified name, use the OML4SQL model name to access the OML4SQL model through other interfaces, including:

  • Any SQL interface, such as SQL*Plus or SQL Developer

  • Oracle Data Miner

In particular, the model can be used with the OML4SQL prediction functions.

With Oracle Data Miner you can do the following:

  • Get a list of available models

  • Use model views to inspect model details

  • Score appropriately transformed data


Any explicit user-performed transformations in the R space are not carried over into SQL scoring or Oracle Data Miner. Users can also get a list of models using SQL for inspecting model details or for scoring appropriately transformed data. Specify Model Settings

Functions in the OREdm package have an argument that specifies settings for an Oracle Machine Learning for SQL model and some have an argument for setting text processing parameters.

General Parameter Settings

With the odm.settings argument to an OREdm function, you can specify a list of OML4SQL parameter settings. Each list element's name and value refer to the parameter setting name and value, respectively. The setting value must be numeric or string. Refer to Specify Model Settings in Oracle Machine Learning for SQL User’s Guide for each algorithm's valid settings.

The settings function returns a data.frame that lists each OML4SQL parameter setting name and value pair used to build the model.

Text Processing Attribute Settings

Some OREdm functions have a ctx.settings argument that specifies text processing attribute settings with which you can specify Oracle Text attribute-specific settings. With the odm.settings argument, you can specify the Oracle text policy, the minimal number of documents in which each token occurs, and the maximum number of distinct features for text processing. With the ctx.settings argument, you specify the columns that should be treated as text and the type of text transformation to apply.

The ctx.settings argument applies to the following functions:

  • ore.odmESA, Explicit Semantic Analysis

  • ore.odmGLM, Generalized Linear Models

  • ore.odmKMeans, k-Means

  • ore.odmNMF, Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

  • ore.odmSVD, Singular Value Decomposition

  • ore.odmSVM, Support Vector Machine


To create an Oracle Text policy, the user must have the CTXSYS.CTX_DDL privilege.

See Also:

Create a Model that Includes Machine Learning Operations on Text in Oracle Machine Learning for SQL User’s Guide for valid text attribute values.

4.2.2 Association Rules

The ore.odmAssocRules function implements the Apriori algorithm to find frequent itemsets and generate an association model.

The function finds the co-occurrence of items in large volumes of transactional data such as in market basket analysis. An association rule identifies a pattern in the data in which the appearance of a set of items in a transactional record implies another set of items. The groups of items used to form rules must pass a minimum threshold according to how frequently they occur (the support of the rule) and how often the consequent follows the antecedent (the confidence of the rule). Association models generate all rules that have support and confidence greater than user-specified thresholds. The Apriori algorithm is efficient, and scales well with respect to the number of transactions, number of items, and number of itemsets and rules produced.

The formula specification has the form ~ terms, where terms is a series of column names to include in the analysis. Multiple column names are specified using + between column names. Use ~ . if all columns in the data should be used for model building. To exclude columns, use - before each column name to exclude. Functions can be applied to the items in terms to realize transformations.

The ore.odmAssocRules function accepts data in the following forms:

  • Transactional data

  • Multi-record case data using item id and item value

  • Relational data

For examples of specifying the forms of data and for information on the arguments of the function, call help(ore.odmAssocRules).

The function rules returns an object of class ore.rules, which specifies a set of association rules. You can pull an ore.rules object into memory in a local R session by using ore.pull. The local in-memory object is of class rules defined in the arules package. See help(ore.rules).

The function itemsets returns an object of class ore.itemsets, which specifies a set of itemsets. You can pull an ore.itemsets object into memory in a local R session by using ore.pull. The local in-memory object is of class itemsets defined in the arules package. See help(ore.itemsets).

Settings for an Association Rules Model

The following table lists the settings that apply to Association Rules models.

Table 4-6 Association Rules Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description


Specifies the absolute error for the association rules sampling.

A smaller value of ASSO_ABS_ERROR obtains a larger sample size that gives accurate results but takes longer to compute. Set a reasonable value for ASSO_ABS_ERROR, such as the default value, to avoid too large a sample size.




Specifies the columns to aggregate. It is a comma separated list of strings containing the names of the columns for aggregation. The number of columns in the list must be <= 10.

You can set ASSO_AGGREGATES if you have specified a column name with ODMS_ITEM_ID_COLUMN_NAME. The data table must have valid column names such as ITEM_ID and CASE_ID which are derived from ODMS_ITEM_ID_COLUMN_NAME.

An item value is not mandatory.

The default value is NULL.

For each item, you may supply several columns to aggregate. However, doing so requires more memory to buffer the extra data and also affects performance because of the larger input data set and increased operations.



Sets Including Rules for the antecedent: it is a comma separated list of strings, at least one of which must appear in the antecedent part of each reported association rule.

The default value is NULL.



Sets Excluding Rules for the antecedent: it is a comma separated list of strings, none of which can appear in the antecedent part of each reported association rule.

The default value is NULL.



Specifies the confidence level for an association rules sample.

A larger value of ASSO_CONF_LEVEL obtains a larger sample size. Any value between 0.9 and 1 is suitable. The default value is 0.95.



Sets Including Rules for the consequent: it is a comma separated list of strings, at least one of which must appear in the consequent part of each reported association rule.

The default value is NULL.



Sets Excluding Rules for the consequent: it is a comma separated list of strings, none of which can appear in the consequent part of a reported association rule.

You can use the excluding rule to reduce the data that must be stored, but you may be required to build extra models for executing different Including or Excluding Rules.

The default value is NULL.



Sets Excluding Rules applied for each association rule: it is a comma separated list of strings that cannot appear in an association rule. No rule can contain any item in the list.

The default value is NULL.



Sets Including Rules applied for each association rule: it is a comma separated list of strings, at least one of which must appear in each reported association rule, either as antecedent or as consequent

The default value NULL, which specifies that filtering is not applied.

ASSO_MAX_RULE_LENGTH TO_CHAR( 2<= numeric_expr <=20)

Maximum rule length for association rules.

The default value is 4.

ASSO_MIN_CONFIDENCE TO_CHAR( 0<= numeric_expr <=1)

Minimum confidence for association rules.

The default value is 0.1.

ASSO_MIN_REV_CONFIDENCE TO_CHAR( 0<= numeric_expr <=1)

Sets the Minimum Reverse Confidence that each rule should satisfy.

The Reverse Confidence of a rule is defined as the number of transactions in which the rule occurs divided by the number of transactions in which the consequent occurs.

The value is real number between 0 and 1.

The default value is 0.


TO_CHAR( 0<= numeric_expr <=1)

Minimum support for association rules.

The default value is 0.1.


TO_CHAR( 0<= numeric_expr <=1)

Minimum absolute support that each rule must satisfy. The value must be an integer.

The default value is 1.





The name of a column that contains the items in a transaction. When you specify this setting, the algorithm expects the data to be presented in native transactional format, consisting of two columns:

  • Case ID, either categorical or numeric
  • Item ID, either categorical or numeric

The name of a column that contains a value associated with each item in a transaction. Use this setting only when you have specified a value for ODMS_ITEM_ID_COLUMN_NAME, indicating that the data is presented in native transactional format.

If you also use ASSO_AGGREGATES, then the build data must include the following three columns and the columns specified in the AGGREGATES setting.

  • Case ID, either categorical or numeric
  • Item ID, either categorical or numeric, specified by ODMS_ITEM_ID_COLUMN_NAME
  • Item value, either categorical or numeric, specified by ODMS_ITEM_VALUE_COLUMN_ NAME

If ASSO_AGGREGATES, Case ID, and Item ID columns are present, then the Item Value column may or may not appear.

The Item Value column may specify information such as the number of items (for example, three apples) or the type of the item (for example, macintosh apples).

Example 4-9 Using the ore.odmAssocRules Function

This example builds an association model on a transactional data set. The packages arules and arulesViz are required to pull the resulting rules and itemsets into the client R session memory and be visualized. The graph of the rules appears in the figure following the example.

# Load the arules and arulesViz packages.
# Create some transactional data.
id <- c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3)
item <- c("b", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c", "e", "b", "c", "d", "e")
# Push the data to the database as an ore.frame object.
transdata_of <- ore.push(data.frame(ID = id, ITEM = item))
# Build a model with specifications.
ar.mod1 <- ore.odmAssocRules(~., transdata_of, case.id.column = "ID",
             item.id.column = "ITEM", min.support = 0.6, min.confidence = 0.6,
             max.rule.length = 3)
# Generate itemsets and rules of the model.
itemsets <- itemsets(ar.mod1)
rules <- rules(ar.mod1)
# Convert the rules to the rules object in arules package.
rules.arules <- ore.pull(rules)
# Convert itemsets to the itemsets object in arules package.
itemsets.arules <- ore.pull(itemsets)
# Plot the rules graph.
plot(rules.arules, method = "graph", interactive = TRUE)

Listing for This Example

R> # Load the arules and arulesViz packages.
R> library(arules)
R> library(arulesViz)
R> # Create some transactional data.
R> id <- c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3)
R> item <- c("b", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c", "e", "b", "c", "d", "e")
R> # Push the data to the database as an ore.frame object.
R> transdata_of <- ore.push(data.frame(ID = id, ITEM = item))
R> # Build a model with specifications.
R> ar.mod1 <- ore.odmAssocRules(~., transdata_of, case.id.column = "ID",
+             item.id.column = "ITEM", min.support = 0.6, min.confidence = 0.6,
+             max.rule.length = 3)
R> # Generate itemsets and rules of the model.
R> itemsets <- itemsets(ar.mod1)
R> rules <- rules(ar.mod1)
R> # Convert the rules to the rules object in arules package.
R> rules.arules <- ore.pull(rules)
R> inspect(rules.arules)          
   lhs    rhs   support confidence lift
1  {b} => {e} 1.0000000  1.0000000    1
2  {e} => {b} 1.0000000  1.0000000    1
3  {c} => {e} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
4  {d,                                 
    e} => {b} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
5  {c,                                 
    e} => {b} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
6  {b,                                 
    d} => {e} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
7  {b,                                 
    c} => {e} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
8  {d} => {b} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
9  {d} => {e} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
10 {c} => {b} 0.6666667  1.0000000    1
11 {b} => {d} 0.6666667  0.6666667    1
12 {b} => {c} 0.6666667  0.6666667    1
13 {e} => {d} 0.6666667  0.6666667    1
14 {e} => {c} 0.6666667  0.6666667    1
15 {b,                                 
    e} => {d} 0.6666667  0.6666667    1
16 {b,                                 
    e} => {c} 0.6666667  0.6666667    1
R> # Convert itemsets to the itemsets object in arules package.
R> itemsets.arules <- ore.pull(itemsets)
R> inspect(itemsets.arules)
   items   support
1  {b}   1.0000000
2  {e}   1.0000000
3  {b,            
    e}   1.0000000
4  {c}   0.6666667
5  {d}   0.6666667
6  {b,            
    c}   0.6666667
7  {b,            
    d}   0.6666667
8  {c,            
    e}   0.6666667
9  {d,            
    e}   0.6666667
10 {b,            
    e}   0.6666667
11 {b,            
    e}   0.6666667

R> # Plot the rules graph.
R> plot(rules.arules, method = "graph", interactive = TRUE)

Figure 4-1 A Visual Demonstration of the Association Rules

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 A Visual Demonstration of the Association Rules"

4.2.3 Build an Attribute Importance Model

Attribute importance ranks attributes according to their significance in predicting a target.

The ore.odmAI function uses the OML4SQL Minimum Description Length algorithm to calculate attribute importance. Minimum Description Length (MDL) is an information theoretic model selection principle. It is an important concept in information theory (the study of the quantification of information) and in learning theory (the study of the capacity for generalization based on empirical data).

MDL assumes that the simplest, most compact representation of the data is the best and most probable explanation of the data. The MDL principle is used to build OML4SQL attribute importance models.

Attribute importance models built using OML4SQL cannot be applied to new data.

The ore.odmAI function produces a ranking of attributes and their importance values.


OREdm attribute importance models differ from OML4SQL attribute importance models in these ways: a model object is not retained, and an R model object is not returned. Only the importance ranking created by the model is returned.

For information on the ore.odmAI function arguments, invoke help(ore.odmAI).

Example 4-10 Using the ore.odmAI Function

This example pushes the data.frame iris to the database as the ore.frame iris_of. The example then builds an attribute importance model.

iris_of <- ore.push(iris)
ore.odmAI(Species ~ ., iris_of)

Listing for This Example

R> iris_of <- ore.push(iris)
R> ore.odmAI(Species ~ ., iris_of)
ore.odmAI(formula = Species ~ ., data = iris_of)
             importance rank
Petal.Width   1.1701851    1
Petal.Length  1.1494402    2
Sepal.Length  0.5248815    3
Sepal.Width   0.2504077    4

4.2.4 Decision Tree

The ore.odmDT function uses the OML4SQL Decision Tree algorithm, which is based on conditional probabilities.

Decision Tree models are classification models. Decision trees generate rules. A rule is a conditional statement that can easily be understood by humans and be used within a database to identify a set of records.

A decision tree predicts a target value by asking a sequence of questions. At a given stage in the sequence, the question that is asked depends upon the answers to the previous questions. The goal is to ask questions that, taken together, uniquely identify specific target values. Graphically, this process forms a tree structure.

During the training process, the Decision Tree algorithm must repeatedly find the most efficient way to split a set of cases (records) into two child nodes. The ore.odmDT function offers two homogeneity metrics, gini and entropy, for calculating the splits. The default metric is gini.

For information on the ore.odmDT function arguments, call help(ore.odmDT).

Settings for a Decision Tree Model

The following table lists settings that apply to Decision Tree models.

Table 4-7 Decision Tree Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description




Tree impurity metric for Decision Tree.

Tree algorithms seek the best test question for splitting data at each node. The best splitter and split values are those that result in the largest increase in target value homogeneity (purity) for the entities in the node. Purity is by a metric. Decision trees can use either Gini (TREE_IMPURITY_GINI) or entropy (TREE_IMPURITY_ENTROPY) as the purity metric. By default, the algorithm uses TREE_IMPURITY_GINI.


For Decision Tree:

2<= a number <=20

For Random Forest:

2<= a number <=100

Criteria for splits: maximum tree depth (the maximum number of nodes between the root and any leaf node, including the leaf node).

For Decision Tree, the default is 7.

For Random Forest, the default is 16.


0<= a number<=10

The minimum number of training rows in a node expressed as a percentage of the rows in the training data.

Default is 0.05, indicating 0.05%.


0 < a number <=20

The minimum number of rows required to consider splitting a node expressed as a percentage of the training rows.

Default is 0.1, indicating 0.1%.


a number >=0

The minimum number of rows in a node.

Default is 10.


a number > 1

Criteria for splits: minimum number of records in a parent node expressed as a value. No split is attempted if the number of records is below this value.

Default is 20.

Example 4-11 Using the ore.odmDT Function

This example creates an input ore.frame, builds a model, makes predictions, and generates a confusion matrix.

m <- mtcars
m$gear <- as.factor(m$gear)
m$cyl  <- as.factor(m$cyl)
m$vs   <- as.factor(m$vs)
m$ID   <- 1:nrow(m)
mtcars_of <- ore.push(m)
row.names(mtcars_of) <- mtcars_of
# Build the model.
dt.mod  <- ore.odmDT(gear ~ ., mtcars_of)
# Make predictions and generate a confusion matrix.
dt.res  <- predict (dt.mod, mtcars_of, "gear")
with(dt.res, table(gear, PREDICTION)) 

Listing for This Example

R> m <- mtcars
R> m$gear <- as.factor(m$gear)
R> m$cyl  <- as.factor(m$cyl)
R> m$vs   <- as.factor(m$vs)
R> m$ID   <- 1:nrow(m)
R> mtcars_of <- ore.push(m)
R> row.names(mtcars_of) <- mtcars_of
R> # Build the model.
R> dt.mod  <- ore.odmDT(gear ~ ., mtcars_of)
R> summary(dt.mod)
ore.odmDT(formula = gear ~ ., data = mtcars_of)
  n =  32 
  parent node.id row.count prediction                         split
1     NA       0        32          3                          <NA>
2      0       1        16          4 (disp <= 196.299999999999995)
3      0       2        16          3  (disp > 196.299999999999995)
            surrogate                   full.splits
1                <NA>                          <NA>
2 (cyl in ("4" "6" )) (disp <= 196.299999999999995)
3     (cyl in ("8" ))  (disp > 196.299999999999995)
prep.auto                    on
impurity.metric   impurity.gini
term.max.depth                7
term.minpct.node           0.05
term.minpct.split           0.1
term.minrec.node             10
term.minrec.split            20
R> # Make predictions and generate a confusion matrix.
R> dt.res  <- predict (dt.mod, mtcars_of, "gear")
R> with(dt.res, table(gear, PREDICTION)) 
gear  3  4
   3 14  1
   4  0 12
   5  2  3

4.2.5 Expectation Maximization

The ore.odmEM function creates a model that uses the OML4SQL Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm.

EM is a density estimation algorithm that performs probabilistic clustering. In density estimation, the goal is to construct a density function that captures how a given population is distributed. The density estimate is based on observed data that represents a sample of the population.

For information on the ore.odmEM function arguments, call help(ore.odmEM).

Settings for an Expectation Maximization Model

The following table lists settings that apply to Expectation Maximization Models.

Table 4-8 Expectation Maximization Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description




Whether or not to include uncorrelated attributes in the model. When EMCS_ATTRIBUTE_FILTER is enabled, uncorrelated attributes are not included.


This setting applies only to attributes that are not nested.

Default is system-determined.


TO_CHAR(numeric_expr>= 1)

Maximum number of correlated attributes to include in the model.


This setting applies only to attributes that are not nested (2D).

The default value is 50.





The distribution for modeling numeric attributes. Applies to the input table or view as a whole and does not allow per-attribute specifications.

The options include Bernoulli, Gaussian, or system-determined distribution. When Bernoulli or Gaussian distribution is chosen, all numeric attributes are modeled using the same type of distribution. When the distribution is systemdetermined, individual attributes may use different distributions (either Bernoulli or Gaussian), depending on the data.

The default value is EMCS_NUM_DISTR_SYSTEM.


TO_CHAR(1 <numeric_expr <=255)

Number of equi-width bins that will be used for gathering cluster statistics for numeric columns.

Default is 11.


TO_CHAR(numeric_expr >=1)

Specifies the number of projections that will be used for each nested column. If a column has fewer distinct attributes than the specified number of projections, the data will not be projected. The setting applies to all nested columns.

Default is 50.


TO_CHAR(1<numeric_expr <=255)

Specifies the number of quantile bins that will be used for modeling numeric columns with multivalued Bernoulli distributions.

Default is system-determined.


TO_CHAR(1 <numeric_expr <=255)

Specifies the number of top-N bins that will be used for modeling categorical columns with multivalued Bernoulli distributions.

Default is system-determined.

Example 4-12 Using the ore.odmEM Function

## Synthetic 2-dimensional data set

x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2),
           matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")

X <- ore.push (data.frame(ID=1:100,x))
rownames(X) <- X$ID

em.mod <- NULL
em.mod <- ore.odmEM(~., X, num.centers = 2L)


em.res <- predict(em.mod, X, type="class", supplemental.cols=c("x", "y"))
em.res.local <- ore.pull(em.res)
plot(data.frame(x=em.res.local$x, y=em.res.local$y), col=em.res.local$CLUSTER_ID)
points(em.mod$centers2, col = rownames(em.mod$centers2), pch=8, cex=2)


Listing for This Example

R> ## Synthetic 2-dimensional data set
R> set.seed(7654)
R> x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2),
+             matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
R> colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")
R> X <- ore.push (data.frame(ID=1:100,x))
R> rownames(X) <- X$ID
R> em.mod <- NULL
R> em.mod <- ore.odmEM(~., X, num.centers = 2L)
R> summary(em.mod)

ore.odmEM(formula = ~., data = X, num.centers = 2L)

clus.num.clusters                                  2
cluster.components               cluster.comp.enable
cluster.statistics                 clus.stats.enable
cluster.thresh                                     2
linkage.function                      linkage.single
loglike.improvement                             .001
max.num.attr.2d                                   50
min.pct.attr.support                              .1
model.search                    model.search.disable
num.components                                    20
num.distribution                    num.distr.system
num.equiwidth.bins                                11
num.iterations                                   100
num.projections                                   50
random.seed                                        0
remove.components                remove.comps.enable
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
prep.auto                                         ON

2    25.5   4.03   3.96
3    75.5   1.93   1.99

R> rules(em.mod)
   cluster.id rhs.support rhs.conf lhr.support lhs.conf lhs.var lhs.var.support lhs.var.conf   predicate
1           1         100      1.0         100     1.00      ID             100       0.0000   ID <= 100
2           1         100      1.0         100     1.00      ID             100       0.0000     ID >= 1
3           1         100      1.0         100     1.00       x             100       0.2500 x <= 4.6298
4           1         100      1.0         100     1.00       x             100       0.2500 x >= 1.3987
5           1         100      1.0         100     1.00       y             100       0.3000 y <= 4.5846
6           1         100      1.0         100     1.00       y             100       0.3000 y >= 1.3546
7           2          50      0.5          50     1.00      ID              50       0.0937  ID <= 50.5
8           2          50      0.5          50     1.00      ID              50       0.0937     ID >= 1
9           2          50      0.5          50     1.00       x              50       0.0937 x <= 4.6298
10          2          50      0.5          50     1.00       x              50       0.0937  x > 3.3374
11          2          50      0.5          50     1.00       y              50       0.0937 y <= 4.5846
12          2          50      0.5          50     1.00       y              50       0.0937  y > 2.9696
13          3          50      0.5          50     0.98      ID              49       0.0937   ID <= 100
14          3          50      0.5          50     0.98      ID              49       0.0937   ID > 50.5
15          3          50      0.5          49     0.98       x              49       0.0937  x <= 2.368
16          3          50      0.5          49     0.98       x              49       0.0937 x >= 1.3987
17          3          50      0.5          49     0.98       y              49       0.0937 y <= 2.6466
18          3          50      0.5          49     0.98       y              49       0.0937 y >= 1.3546
R> clusterhists(em.mod)
   cluster.id variable bin.id lower.bound upper.bound       label count
1           1       ID      1        1.00       10.90      1:10.9    10
2           1       ID      2       10.90       20.80   10.9:20.8    10
3           1       ID      3       20.80       30.70   20.8:30.7    10
4           1       ID      4       30.70       40.60   30.7:40.6    10
5           1       ID      5       40.60       50.50   40.6:50.5    10
6           1       ID      6       50.50       60.40   50.5:60.4    10
7           1       ID      7       60.40       70.30   60.4:70.3    10
8           1       ID      8       70.30       80.20   70.3:80.2    10
9           1       ID      9       80.20       90.10   80.2:90.1    10
10          1       ID     10       90.10      100.00    90.1:100    10
11          1       ID     11          NA          NA           :     0
12          1        x      1        1.40        1.72 1.399:1.722    11
13          1        x      2        1.72        2.04 1.722:2.045    22
14          1        x      3        2.04        2.37 2.045:2.368    16
15          1        x      4        2.37        2.69 2.368:2.691     1
16          1        x      5        2.69        3.01 2.691:3.014     0
17          1        x      6        3.01        3.34 3.014:3.337     0
18          1        x      7        3.34        3.66  3.337:3.66     4
19          1        x      8        3.66        3.98  3.66:3.984    18
20          1        x      9        3.98        4.31 3.984:4.307    22
21          1        x     10        4.31        4.63  4.307:4.63     6
22          1        x     11          NA          NA           :     0
23          1        y      1        1.35        1.68 1.355:1.678     7
24          1        y      2        1.68        2.00 1.678:2.001    18
25          1        y      3        2.00        2.32 2.001:2.324    18
26          1        y      4        2.32        2.65 2.324:2.647     6
27          1        y      5        2.65        2.97  2.647:2.97     1
28          1        y      6        2.97        3.29  2.97:3.293     4
29          1        y      7        3.29        3.62 3.293:3.616     3
30          1        y      8        3.62        3.94 3.616:3.939    16
31          1        y      9        3.94        4.26 3.939:4.262    16
32          1        y     10        4.26        4.58 4.262:4.585    11
33          1        y     11          NA          NA           :     0
34          2       ID      1        1.00       10.90      1:10.9    10
35          2       ID      2       10.90       20.80   10.9:20.8    10
36          2       ID      3       20.80       30.70   20.8:30.7    10
37          2       ID      4       30.70       40.60   30.7:40.6    10
38          2       ID      5       40.60       50.50   40.6:50.5    10
39          2       ID      6       50.50       60.40   50.5:60.4     0
40          2       ID      7       60.40       70.30   60.4:70.3     0
41          2       ID      8       70.30       80.20   70.3:80.2     0
42          2       ID      9       80.20       90.10   80.2:90.1     0
43          2       ID     10       90.10      100.00    90.1:100     0
44          2       ID     11          NA          NA           :     0
45          2        x      1        1.40        1.72 1.399:1.722     0
46          2        x      2        1.72        2.04 1.722:2.045     0
47          2        x      3        2.04        2.37 2.045:2.368     0
48          2        x      4        2.37        2.69 2.368:2.691     0
49          2        x      5        2.69        3.01 2.691:3.014     0
50          2        x      6        3.01        3.34 3.014:3.337     0
51          2        x      7        3.34        3.66  3.337:3.66     4
52          2        x      8        3.66        3.98  3.66:3.984    18
53          2        x      9        3.98        4.31 3.984:4.307    22
54          2        x     10        4.31        4.63  4.307:4.63     6
55          2        x     11          NA          NA           :     0
56          2        y      1        1.35        1.68 1.355:1.678     0
57          2        y      2        1.68        2.00 1.678:2.001     0
58          2        y      3        2.00        2.32 2.001:2.324     0
59          2        y      4        2.32        2.65 2.324:2.647     0
60          2        y      5        2.65        2.97  2.647:2.97     0
61          2        y      6        2.97        3.29  2.97:3.293     4
62          2        y      7        3.29        3.62 3.293:3.616     3
63          2        y      8        3.62        3.94 3.616:3.939    16
64          2        y      9        3.94        4.26 3.939:4.262    16
65          2        y     10        4.26        4.58 4.262:4.585    11
66          2        y     11          NA          NA           :     0
67          3       ID      1        1.00       10.90      1:10.9     0
68          3       ID      2       10.90       20.80   10.9:20.8     0
69          3       ID      3       20.80       30.70   20.8:30.7     0
70          3       ID      4       30.70       40.60   30.7:40.6     0
71          3       ID      5       40.60       50.50   40.6:50.5     0
72          3       ID      6       50.50       60.40   50.5:60.4    10
73          3       ID      7       60.40       70.30   60.4:70.3    10
74          3       ID      8       70.30       80.20   70.3:80.2    10
75          3       ID      9       80.20       90.10   80.2:90.1    10
76          3       ID     10       90.10      100.00    90.1:100    10
77          3       ID     11          NA          NA           :     0
78          3        x      1        1.40        1.72 1.399:1.722    11
79          3        x      2        1.72        2.04 1.722:2.045    22
80          3        x      3        2.04        2.37 2.045:2.368    16
81          3        x      4        2.37        2.69 2.368:2.691     1
82          3        x      5        2.69        3.01 2.691:3.014     0
83          3        x      6        3.01        3.34 3.014:3.337     0
84          3        x      7        3.34        3.66  3.337:3.66     0
85          3        x      8        3.66        3.98  3.66:3.984     0
86          3        x      9        3.98        4.31 3.984:4.307     0
87          3        x     10        4.31        4.63  4.307:4.63     0
88          3        x     11          NA          NA           :     0
89          3        y      1        1.35        1.68 1.355:1.678     7
90          3        y      2        1.68        2.00 1.678:2.001    18
91          3        y      3        2.00        2.32 2.001:2.324    18
92          3        y      4        2.32        2.65 2.324:2.647     6
93          3        y      5        2.65        2.97  2.647:2.97     1
94          3        y      6        2.97        3.29  2.97:3.293     0
95          3        y      7        3.29        3.62 3.293:3.616     0
96          3        y      8        3.62        3.94 3.616:3.939     0
97          3        y      9        3.94        4.26 3.939:4.262     0
98          3        y     10        4.26        4.58 4.262:4.585     0
99          3        y     11          NA          NA           :     0
R> histogram(em.mod)
R> em.res <- predict(em.mod, X, type="class", supplemental.cols=c("x", "y"))
R> head(em.res)
     x    y CLUSTER_ID
1 4.15 3.63          2
2 3.88 4.13          2
3 3.72 4.10          2
4 3.78 4.14          2
5 4.22 4.35          2
6 4.07 3.62          2
R> em.res.local <- ore.pull(em.res)
R> plot(data.frame(x=em.res.local$x, y=em.res.local$y), col=em.res.local$CLUSTER_ID)
R> points(em.mod$centers2, col = rownames(em.mod$centers2), pch=8, cex=2)
R> head(predict(em.mod,X))
  '2'      '3' CLUSTER_ID
1   1 1.14e-54          2
2   1 1.63e-55          2
3   1 1.10e-51          2
4   1 1.53e-52          2
5   1 9.02e-62          2
6   1 3.20e-49          2
R> head(predict(em.mod,X,type=c("class","raw")))
  '2'      '3' CLUSTER_ID
1   1 1.14e-54          2
2   1 1.63e-55          2
3   1 1.10e-51          2
4   1 1.53e-52          2
5   1 9.02e-62          2
6   1 3.20e-49          2
R> head(predict(em.mod,X,type=c("class","raw"),supplemental.cols=c("x","y")))
  '2'      '3'    x    y CLUSTER_ID
1   1 1.14e-54 4.15 3.63          2
2   1 1.63e-55 3.88 4.13          2
3   1 1.10e-51 3.72 4.10          2
4   1 1.53e-52 3.78 4.14          2
5   1 9.02e-62 4.22 4.35          2
6   1 3.20e-49 4.07 3.62          2
R> head(predict(em.mod,X,type="raw",supplemental.cols=c("x","y")))
     x    y '2'      '3'
1 4.15 3.63   1 1.14e-54
2 3.88 4.13   1 1.63e-55
3 3.72 4.10   1 1.10e-51
4 3.78 4.14   1 1.53e-52
5 4.22 4.35   1 9.02e-62
6 4.07 3.62   1 3.20e-49

4.2.6 Explicit Semantic Analysis

The ore.odmESA function creates a model that uses the OML4SQL Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA) algorithm.

ESA is an unsupervised algorithm used by OML4SQL for feature extraction. ESA does not discover latent features but instead uses explicit features based on an existing knowledge base.

Explicit knowledge often exists in text form. Multiple knowledge bases are available as collections of text documents. These knowledge bases can be generic, for example, Wikipedia, or domain-specific. Data preparation transforms the text into vectors that capture attribute-concept associations.

For information on the ore.odmESA function arguments, call help(ore.odmESA).

Settings for an Explicit Semantic Analysis Model

The following table lists settings that apply to Explicit Semantic Analysis models.

Table 4-9 Explicit Semantic Analysis Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description


Non-negative number

This setting thresholds a small value for attribute weights in the transformed build data. The default is 1e-8.


Text input 100

Non-text input is 0

This setting determines the minimum number of non-zero entries that need to be present in an input row. The default is 100 for text input and 0 for non-text input.


A positive integer

This setting controls the maximum number of features per attribute. The default is 1000.

Example 4-13 Using the ore.odmESA Function

title <- c('Aids in Africa: Planning for a long war',
       	    'Mars rover maneuvers for rim shot',
       	    'Mars express confirms presence of water at Mars south pole',
       	    'NASA announces major Mars rover finding',
       	    'Drug access, Asia threat in focus at AIDS summit',
       	    'NASA Mars Odyssey THEMIS image: typical crater',
       	    'Road blocks for Aids')

# TEXT contents in character column
df <- data.frame(CUST_ID = seq(length(title)), TITLE = title)
ESA_TEXT <- ore.push(df)

# TEXT contents in clob column
attr(df$TITLE, "ora.type") <- "clob"
ESA_TEXT_CLOB <- ore.push(df)

# Create text policy (CTXSYS.CTX_DDL privilege is required)
ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.create_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")

# ESA algorithm settings in odm.settings
esa.mod <- ore.odmESA(~ TITLE, data = ESA_TEXT_CLOB,
 odm.settings = list(case_id_column_name = "CUST_ID",
                     ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME = "ESA_TXTPOL",
                     ODMS_TEXT_MIN_DOCUMENTS = 1,
                     ODMS_TEXT_MAX_FEATURES = 3,
                     ESAS_MIN_ITEMS = 1,
                     ESAS_VALUE_THRESHOLD = 0.0001,
                     ESAS_TOPN_FEATURES = 3))
predict(esa.mod, ESA_TEXT, type = "class", supplemental.cols = "TITLE")

# Use ctx.settings to specify a character column as TEXT and 
# the same settings as above as well as TOKEN_TYPE 
esa.mod2 <- ore.odmESA(~ TITLE, data = ESA_TEXT,
  odm.settings = list(case_id_column_name = "CUST_ID", ESAS_MIN_ITEMS = 1),
  ctx.settings = list(TITLE = 
predict(esa.mod2, ESA_TEXT_CLOB, type = "class", supplemental.cols = "TITLE")

ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.drop_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")

Listing for This Example

R> title <- c('Aids in Africa: Planning for a long war',
+             'Mars rover maneuvers for rim shot',
+             'Mars express confirms presence of water at Mars south pole',
+             'NASA announces major Mars rover finding',
+             'Drug access, Asia threat in focus at AIDS summit',
+             'NASA Mars Odyssey THEMIS image: typical crater',
+             'Road blocks for Aids')
R> # TEXT contents in character column
R> df <- data.frame(CUST_ID = seq(length(title)), TITLE = title)
R> ESA_TEXT <- ore.push(df)
R> # TEXT contents in clob column
R> attr(df$TITLE, "ora.type") <- "clob"
R> ESA_TEXT_CLOB <- ore.push(df)
R> # Create a text policy (CTXSYS.CTX_DDL privilege is required)
R> ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.create_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")
R> # ESA algorithm settings in odm.settings
R> esa.mod <- ore.odmESA(~ TITLE, data = ESA_TEXT_CLOB,
+  odm.settings = list(case_id_column_name = "CUST_ID",
+                      ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME = "ESA_TXTPOL",
+                      ODMS_TEXT_MIN_DOCUMENTS = 1,
+                      ODMS_TEXT_MAX_FEATURES = 3,
+                      ESAS_MIN_ITEMS = 1,
+                      ESAS_VALUE_THRESHOLD = 0.0001,
+                      ESAS_TOPN_FEATURES = 3))
R> class(esa.mod)
[1] "ore.odmESA" "ore.model" 
R> summary(esa.mod)

ore.odmESA(formula = ~TITLE, data = ESA_TEXT_CLOB, odm.settings = list(case_id_column_name = "CUST_ID", 

min.items                                          1
topn.features                                      3
value.threshold                                1e-04
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
odms.text.max.features                             3
odms.text.min.documents                            1
odms.text.policy.name                     ESA_TXTPOL
prep.auto                                         ON

1           1     TITLE.AIDS            <NA>   1.0000000
2           2     TITLE.MARS            <NA>   0.4078615
3           2    TITLE.ROVER            <NA>   0.9130438
4           3     TITLE.MARS            <NA>   1.0000000
5           4     TITLE.NASA            <NA>   0.6742695
6           4    TITLE.ROVER            <NA>   0.6742695
7           5     TITLE.AIDS            <NA>   1.0000000
8           6     TITLE.MARS            <NA>   0.4078615
9           6     TITLE.NASA            <NA>   0.9130438
10          7     TITLE.AIDS            <NA>   1.0000000
R> settings(esa.mod)
                   SETTING_NAME                 SETTING_VALUE SETTING_TYPE
2                ESAS_MIN_ITEMS                             1        INPUT
3            ESAS_TOPN_FEATURES                             3        INPUT
4          ESAS_VALUE_THRESHOLD                         1e-04        INPUT
7        ODMS_TEXT_MAX_FEATURES                             3        INPUT
8       ODMS_TEXT_MIN_DOCUMENTS                             1        INPUT
9         ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME                    ESA_TXTPOL        INPUT
10                    PREP_AUTO                            ON        INPUT
R> features(esa.mod)
1           1     TITLE.AIDS            <NA>   1.0000000
2           2     TITLE.MARS            <NA>   0.4078615
3           2    TITLE.ROVER            <NA>   0.9130438
4           3     TITLE.MARS            <NA>   1.0000000
5           4     TITLE.NASA            <NA>   0.6742695
6           4    TITLE.ROVER            <NA>   0.6742695
7           5     TITLE.AIDS            <NA>   1.0000000
8           6     TITLE.MARS            <NA>   0.4078615
9           6     TITLE.NASA            <NA>   0.9130438
10          7     TITLE.AIDS            <NA>   1.0000000
R> predict(esa.mod, ESA_TEXT, type = "class", supplemental.cols = "TITLE")
                                                       TITLE FEATURE_ID
1                    Aids in Africa: Planning for a long war          1
2                          Mars rover maneuvers for rim shot          2
3 Mars express confirms presence of water at Mars south pole          3
4                    NASA announces major Mars rover finding          4
5           Drug access, Asia threat in focus at AIDS summit          1
6             NASA Mars Odyssey THEMIS image: typical crater          6
7                                       Road blocks for Aids          1
R> # Use ctx.settings to specify a character column as TEXT and 
R> # the same settings as above as well as TOKEN_TYPE 
R> esa.mod2 <- ore.odmESA(~ TITLE, data = ESA_TEXT,
+    odm.settings = list(case_id_column_name = "CUST_ID", ESAS_MIN_ITEMS = 1),
+    ctx.settings = list(TITLE = 
R> summary(esa.mod2)

ore.odmESA(formula = ~TITLE, data = ESA_TEXT, odm.settings = list(case_id_column_name = "CUST_ID", 

min.items                                          1
topn.features                                   1000
value.threshold                            .00000001
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
odms.text.max.features                        300000
odms.text.min.documents                            3
prep.auto                                         ON

1           1     TITLE.AIDS            <NA>   1.0000000
2           2     TITLE.MARS            <NA>   0.4078615
3           2    TITLE.ROVER            <NA>   0.9130438
4           3     TITLE.MARS            <NA>   1.0000000
5           4     TITLE.MARS            <NA>   0.3011997
6           4     TITLE.NASA            <NA>   0.6742695
7           4    TITLE.ROVER            <NA>   0.6742695
8           5     TITLE.AIDS            <NA>   1.0000000
9           6     TITLE.MARS            <NA>   0.4078615
10          6     TITLE.NASA            <NA>   0.9130438
11          7     TITLE.AIDS            <NA>   1.0000000
R> settings(esa.mod2)
                  SETTING_NAME                 SETTING_VALUE SETTING_TYPE
2               ESAS_MIN_ITEMS                             1        INPUT
3           ESAS_TOPN_FEATURES                          1000      DEFAULT
4         ESAS_VALUE_THRESHOLD                     .00000001      DEFAULT
7       ODMS_TEXT_MAX_FEATURES                        300000      DEFAULT
8      ODMS_TEXT_MIN_DOCUMENTS                             3      DEFAULT
9                    PREP_AUTO                            ON        INPUT
R> features(esa.mod2)
1           1     TITLE.AIDS            <NA>   1.0000000
2           2     TITLE.MARS            <NA>   0.4078615
3           2    TITLE.ROVER            <NA>   0.9130438
4           3     TITLE.MARS            <NA>   1.0000000
5           4     TITLE.MARS            <NA>   0.3011997
6           4     TITLE.NASA            <NA>   0.6742695
7           4    TITLE.ROVER            <NA>   0.6742695
8           5     TITLE.AIDS            <NA>   1.0000000
9           6     TITLE.MARS            <NA>   0.4078615
10          6     TITLE.NASA            <NA>   0.9130438
11          7     TITLE.AIDS            <NA>   1.0000000
R> predict(esa.mod2, ESA_TEXT_CLOB, type = "class", supplemental.cols = "TITLE")
                                                       TITLE FEATURE_ID
1                    Aids in Africa: Planning for a long war          1
2                          Mars rover maneuvers for rim shot          2
3 Mars express confirms presence of water at Mars south pole          3
4                    NASA announces major Mars rover finding          4
5           Drug access, Asia threat in focus at AIDS summit          1
6             NASA Mars Odyssey THEMIS image: typical crater          6
7                                       Road blocks for Aids          1
R> ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.drop_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")

4.2.7 Build an Extensible R Algorithm Model

The ore.odmRAlg function creates an Extensible R algorithm model using OML4SQL.

The Extensible R algorithm builds, scores, and views an R model using registered R scripts. It supports classification, regression, clustering, feature extraction, attribute importance, and association machine learning functions.

For information on the ore.odmRAlg function arguments and for an example of using the function, call help(ore.odmRAlg).

Settings for an Extensible R Algorithm Model

The following table lists settings that apply to Extensible R Algorithm models.

Table 4-10 Extensible R Algorithm Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description



Specifies the name of an existing registered R script for R algorithm mining model build function. The R script defines an R function for the first input argument for training data and returns an R model object. For Clustering and Feature Extraction mining function model build, the R attributes dm$nclus and dm$nfeat must be set on the R model to indicate the number of clusters and features respectively.

The RALG_BUILD_FUNCTION must be set along with ALGO_EXTENSIBLE_LANG in the model_setting_table.


SELECT value param_name, ...FROM DUAL

Specifies a list of numeric and string scalar for optional input parameters of the model build function.



Specifies the name of an existing registered R script to score data. The script returns a data.frame containing the corresponding prediction results. The setting is used to score data for mining functions such as Regression, Classification, Clustering, and Feature Extraction. This setting does not apply to Association and Attribute Importance functions.



Specifies the name of an existing registered R script for R algorithm that computes the weight (contribution) for each attribute in scoring. The script returns a data.frame containing the contributing weight for each attribute in a row. This function setting is needed for PREDICTION_DETAILS SQL function.

RALG_DETAILS_FUNCTION R_DETAILS_FUNCTION_SCRIPT_NAME Specifies the name of an existing registered R script for R algorithm that produces the model information. This setting is required to generate a model view.
RALG_DETAILS_FORMAT SELECT type_value column_name,FROM DUAL Specifies the SELECT query for the list of numeric and string scalars for the output column type and the column name of the generated model view. This setting is required to generate a model view.

Example 4-14 Using the ore.odmRAlg Function


digits <- getOption("digits")
options(digits = 5L)

IRIS <- ore.push(iris)

# Regression with glm
                 function(data, form, family) 
                 glm(formula = form, data = data, family = family)) 

                  function(mod, data) 
                    { res <- predict(mod, newdata = data); 
                      data.frame(res) })

ore.scriptCreate("glm_detail", function(mod) 

ore.scriptList(name = "glm_build")
ore.scriptList(name = "glm_score")
ore.scriptList(name = "glm_detail")

ralg.glm <- ore.odmRAlg(IRIS, mining.function = "regression",
                        formula = c(form="Sepal.Length ~ ."),
                        build.function = "glm_build", 
                        build.parameter = list(family="gaussian"),
                        score.function = "glm_score",
                        detail.function = "glm_detail", 
                        detail.value = data.frame(name="a", coef=1))
predict(ralg.glm, newdata = head(IRIS), supplemental.cols = "Sepal.Length")

ore.scriptDrop(name = "glm_build")
ore.scriptDrop(name = "glm_score")
ore.scriptDrop(name = "glm_detail")

# Classification with nnet
                 function(dat, form, sz){
                   nnet(formula = formula(form), data = dat, 
	                       size = sz, linout = TRUE, trace = FALSE); 
                  overwrite = TRUE)

ore.scriptCreate("nnet_detail", function(mod)
                 data.frame(conn = mod$conn, wts = mod$wts), 
                 overwrite = TRUE)

                 function(mod, data) {
                   res <- data.frame(predict(mod, newdata = data)); 
                   names(res) <- sort(mod$lev); res

ralg.nnet <- ore.odmRAlg(IRIS, mining.function = "classification",
                         formula = c(form="Species ~ ."),
                         build.function = "nnet_build", 
                         build.parameter = list(sz=2),
                         score.function = "nnet_score",
                         detail.function = "nnet_detail",
                         detail.value = data.frame(conn=1, wts =1))

predict(ralg.nnet, newdata = head(IRIS), supplemental.cols = "Species")

ore.scriptDrop(name = "nnet_build")
ore.scriptDrop(name = "nnet_score")
ore.scriptDrop(name = "nnet_detail")

# Feature extraction with pca
# Feature extraction with pca
                   mod <- prcomp(dat, retx = FALSE)
                   attr(mod, "dm$nfeat") <- ncol(mod$rotation)
                 overwrite = TRUE)

                 function(mod, data) {
                   res <- predict(mod, data)

                 function(mod) {
                   rotation_t <- t(mod$rotation)
                   data.frame(id = seq_along(rownames(rotation_t)), 
	               overwrite = TRUE)

X <- IRIS[, -5L]
ralg.pca <- ore.odmRAlg(X, 
                        mining.function = "feature_extraction",
                        formula = NULL,
                        build.function = "pca_build",
                        score.function = "pca_score",
                        detail.function = "pca_detail",
                        detail.value = data.frame(Feature.ID=1, 

head(cbind(X, Pred = predict(ralg.pca, newdata = X)))

ore.scriptDrop(name = "pca_build")
ore.scriptDrop(name = "pca_score")
ore.scriptDrop(name = "pca_detail")

options(digits = digits)

Listing for This Example

R> library(OREembed)
R> digits <- getOption("digits")
R> options(digits = 5L)
R> IRIS <- ore.push(iris)
R> # Regression with glm
R> ore.scriptCreate("glm_build", 
+                   function(data, form, family) 
+                   glm(formula = form, data = data, family = family))
R> ore.scriptCreate("glm_score", 
+                    function(mod, data)
+                      { res <- predict(mod, newdata = data); 
+                        data.frame(res) })
R> ore.scriptCreate("glm_detail", function(mod) 
+                   data.frame(name=names(mod$coefficients), 
+                                     coef=mod$coefficients))
R> ore.scriptList(name = "glm_build")
       NAME                                                                            SCRIPT
1 glm_build function (data, form, family) \nglm(formula = form, data = data, family = family)

R> ore.scriptList(name = "glm_score")
       NAME                                                                                    SCRIPT
1 glm_score function (mod, data) \n{\n    res <- predict(mod, newdata = data)\n    data.frame(res)\n}
R> ore.scriptList(name = "glm_detail")
        NAME                                                                               SCRIPT
1 glm_detail function (mod) \ndata.frame(name = names(mod$coefficients), coef = mod$coefficients)
R> ralg.glm <- ore.odmRAlg(IRIS, mining.function = "regression",
+                         formula = c(form="Sepal.Length ~ ."),
+                         build.function = "glm_build", 
+                         build.parameter = list(family="gaussian"),
+                         score.function = "glm_score",
+                         detail.function = "glm_detail", 
+                         detail.value = data.frame(name="a", coef=1))
R> summary(ralg.glm)

ore.odmRAlg(data = IRIS, mining.function = "regression", formula = c(form = "Sepal.Length ~ ."), 
    build.function = "glm_build", build.parameter = list(family = "gaussian"), 
    score.function = "glm_score", detail.function = "glm_detail", 
    detail.value = data.frame(name = "a", coef = 1))

odms.missing.value.treatment                                         odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                                                          odms.sampling.disable
prep.auto                                                                                OFF
build.function                                                            OML_USER.glm_build
build.parameter              select 'Sepal.Length ~ .' "form", 'gaussian' "family" from dual
details.format                 select cast('a' as varchar2(4000)) "name", 1 "coef" from dual
details.function                                                         OML_USER.glm_detail
score.function                                                            OML_USER.glm_score

               name     coef
1       (Intercept)  2.17127
2      Petal.Length  0.82924
3       Petal.Width -0.31516
4       Sepal.Width  0.49589
5 Speciesversicolor -0.72356
6  Speciesvirginica -1.02350
R> predict(ralg.glm, newdata = head(IRIS), supplemental.cols = "Sepal.Length")
  Sepal.Length PREDICTION
1          5.1     5.0048
2          4.9     4.7568
3          4.7     4.7731
4          4.6     4.8894
5          5.0     5.0544
6          5.4     5.3889
R> ore.scriptDrop(name = "glm_build")
R> ore.scriptDrop(name = "glm_score")
R> ore.scriptDrop(name = "glm_detail")
R> # Classification with nnet
R> ore.scriptCreate("nnet_build", 
+                   function(dat, form, sz){
+                     require(nnet); 
+                     set.seed(1234);
+                     nnet(formula = formula(form), data = dat, 
+                            size = sz, linout = TRUE, trace = FALSE); 
+                   }, 
+                   overwrite = TRUE)
R> ore.scriptCreate("nnet_detail", function(mod)
+                   data.frame(conn = mod$conn, wts = mod$wts), 
+                   overwrite = TRUE)
R> ore.scriptCreate("nnet_score", 
+                   function(mod, data) {
+                     require(nnet); 
+                     res <- data.frame(predict(mod, newdata = data)); 
+                     names(res) <- sort(mod$lev); res
+                   })
R> ralg.nnet <- ore.odmRAlg(IRIS, mining.function = "classification",
+                           formula = c(form="Species ~ ."),
+                           build.function = "nnet_build", 
+                           build.parameter = list(sz=2),
+                           score.function = "nnet_score",
+                           detail.function = "nnet_detail",
+                           detail.value = data.frame(conn=1, wts =1))
R> summary(ralg.nnet)

ore.odmRAlg(data = IRIS, mining.function = "classification", 
    formula = c(form = "Species ~ ."), build.function = "nnet_build", 
    build.parameter = list(sz = 2), score.function = "nnet_score", 
    detail.function = "nnet_detail", detail.value = data.frame(conn = 1, 
        wts = 1))

clas.weights.balanced                                                  OFF
odms.missing.value.treatment                       odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                                        odms.sampling.disable
prep.auto                                                              OFF
build.function                                         OML_USER.nnet_build
build.parameter              select 'Species ~ .' "form", 2 "sz" from dual
details.format                          select 1 "conn", 1 "wts" from dual
details.function                                      OML_USER.nnet_detail
score.function                                         OML_USER.nnet_score

   conn       wts
1     0   1.46775
2     1 -12.88542
3     2  -4.38886
4     3   9.98648
5     4  16.57056
6     0   0.97809
7     1  -0.51626
8     2  -0.94815
9     3   0.13692
10    4   0.35104
11    0  37.22475
12    5 -66.49123
13    6  70.81160
14    0  -4.50893
15    5   7.01611
16    6  20.88774
17    0 -32.15127
18    5  58.92088
19    6 -91.96989
R> predict(ralg.nnet, newdata = head(IRIS), supplemental.cols = "Species")
1  setosa     setosa     0.99999
2  setosa     setosa     0.99998
3  setosa     setosa     0.99999
4  setosa     setosa     0.99998
5  setosa     setosa     1.00000
6  setosa     setosa     0.99999
R> ore.scriptDrop(name = "nnet_build")
R> ore.scriptDrop(name = "nnet_score")
R> ore.scriptDrop(name = "nnet_detail")
R> ore.scriptCreate("pca_build", 
+                   function(dat){
+                     mod <- prcomp(dat, retx = FALSE)
+                     attr(mod, "dm$nfeat") <- ncol(mod$rotation)
+                     mod}, 
+                   overwrite = TRUE)
R> ore.scriptCreate("pca_score", 
+                   function(mod, data) {
+                     res <- predict(mod, data)
+                     as.data.frame(res)}, 
+                   overwrite=TRUE)
R> ore.scriptCreate("pca_detail", 
+                   function(mod) {
+                     rotation_t <- t(mod$rotation)
+                     data.frame(id = seq_along(rownames(rotation_t)), 
+                                               rotation_t)},
+                   overwrite = TRUE)
R> X <- IRIS[, -5L]
R> ralg.pca <- ore.odmRAlg(X, 
+                         mining.function = "feature_extraction",
+                         formula = NULL,
+                         build.function = "pca_build",
+                         score.function = "pca_score",
+                         detail.function = "pca_detail",
+                         detail.value = data.frame(Feature.ID=1, 
+                                                   ore.pull(head(X,1L))))
R> summary(ralg.pca)

ore.odmRAlg(data = X, mining.function = "feature_extraction", 
    formula = NULL, build.function = "pca_build", score.function = "pca_score", 
    detail.function = "pca_detail", detail.value = data.frame(Feature.ID = 1, 
        ore.pull(head(X, 1L))))

odms.missing.value.treatment                    odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                                     odms.sampling.disable
prep.auto                                                           OFF
build.function                                       OML_USER.pca_build
details.format    select 1 "Feature.ID", 5.1 "Sepal.Length", 3.5 "Sepal.Width", 1.4 "Petal.Length", 0.2 "Petal.Width" from dual
details.function                                    OML_USER.pca_detail
score.function                                       OML_USER.pca_score

  Feature.ID Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
1          1     0.856671    0.358289      0.36139   -0.084523
2          2    -0.173373   -0.075481      0.65659    0.730161
3          3     0.076236    0.545831     -0.58203    0.597911
4          4     0.479839   -0.753657     -0.31549    0.319723
R> head(cbind(X, Pred = predict(ralg.pca, newdata = X)))
  Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width FEATURE_ID
1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2          2
2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2          4
3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2          3
4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2          4
5          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2          2
6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4          2
R> ore.scriptDrop(name = "pca_build")
R> ore.scriptDrop(name = "pca_score")
R> ore.scriptDrop(name = "pca_detail")
R> options(digits = digits)

4.2.8 Generalized Linear Models

The ore.odmGLM function builds a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) model, which includes and extends the class of linear models (linear regression).

Generalized linear models relax the restrictions on linear models, which are often violated in practice. For example, binary (yes/no or 0/1) responses do not have same variance across classes.

The OML4SQL GLM is a parametric modeling technique. Parametric models make assumptions about the distribution of the data. When the assumptions are met, parametric models can be more efficient than non-parametric models.

The challenge in developing models of this type involves assessing the extent to which the assumptions are met. For this reason, quality diagnostics are key to developing quality parametric models.

In addition to the classical weighted least squares estimation for linear regression and iteratively re-weighted least squares estimation for logistic regression, both solved through Cholesky decomposition and matrix inversion, OML4SQL GLM provides a conjugate gradient-based optimization algorithm that does not require matrix inversion and is very well suited to high-dimensional data. The choice of algorithm is handled internally and is transparent to the user.

GLM can be used to build classification or regression models as follows:

  • Classification: Binary logistic regression is the GLM classification algorithm. The algorithm uses the logit link function and the binomial variance function.

  • Regression: Linear regression is the GLM regression algorithm. The algorithm assumes no target transformation and constant variance over the range of target values.

The ore.odmGLM function allows you to build two different types of models. Some arguments apply to classification models only and some to regression models only.

For information on the ore.odmGLM function arguments, invoke help(ore.odmGLM).

The following examples build several models using GLM. The input ore.frame objects are R data sets pushed to the database.

Settings for a Generalized Linear Models

The following table lists settings that apply to Generalized Linear models.

Table 4-11 Generalized Linear Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description


TO_CHAR(0< numeric_expr <1)

The confidence level for coefficient confidence intervals.

The default confidence level is 0.95.




Whether feature generation is quadratic or cubic.

When feature generation is enabled, the algorithm automatically chooses the most appropriate feature generation method based on the data.




Whether or not feature generation is enabled for GLM. By default, feature generation is not enabled.


Feature generation can only be enabled when feature selection is also enabled.






Feature selection penalty criterion for adding a feature to the model.

When feature selection is enabled, the algorithm automatically chooses the penalty criterion based on the data.




Whether or not feature selection is enabled for GLM.

By default, feature selection is not enabled.


TO_CHAR(0 < numeric_expr <= 2000)

When feature selection is enabled, this setting specifies the maximum number of features that can be selected for the final model.

By default, the algorithm limits the number of features to ensure sufficient memory.




Prune enable or disable for features in the final model. Pruning is based on T-Test statistics for linear regression, or Wald Test statistics for logistic regression. Features are pruned in a loop until all features are statistically significant with respect to the full data.

When feature selection is enabled, the algorithm automatically performs pruning based on the data.



The target value used as the reference class in a binary logistic regression model. Probabilities are produced for the non-reference class.

By default, the algorithm chooses the value with the highest prevalence (the most cases) for the reference class.




Enable or disable Ridge Regression. Ridge applies to both regression and Classification mining functions.

When ridge is enabled, prediction bounds are not produced by the PREDICTION_BOUNDS SQL function.


Ridge may only be enabled when feature selection is not specified, or has been explicitly disabled. If Ridge Regression and feature selection are both explicitly enabled, then an exception is raised.


TO_CHAR (numeric_expr > 0)

The value of the ridge parameter. This setting is only used when the algorithm is configured to use Ridge Regression.

If Ridge Regression is enabled internally by the algorithm, then the ridge parameter is determined by the algorithm.




Enable or disable row diagnostics.


The range is (0, 1) non-inclusive.

Convergence Tolerance setting of the GLM algorithm

The default value is system-determined.


Positive integer

Maximum number of iterations for the GLM algorithm. The default value is system-determined.


0 or Positive integer

Number of rows in a batch used by the SGD solver. The value of this parameter sets the size of the batch for the SGD solver. An input of 0 triggers a data driven batch size estimate.

The default is 2000


GLMS_SOLVER_SGD (StochasticGradient Descent)




This setting allows the user to choose the GLM solver. The solver cannot be selected if GLMS_FTR_SELECTION setting is enabled. The default value is system determined.




This setting allows the user to use sparse solver if it is available. The default value is GLMS_SPARSE_SOLVER_DISABLE.

Example 4-15 Building a Linear Regression Model

This example builds a linear regression model using the longley data set.

longley_of <- ore.push(longley)
longfit1 <- ore.odmGLM(Employed ~ ., data = longley_of)

Listing for This Example

R> longley_of <- ore.push(longley)
R> longfit1 <- ore.odmGLM(Employed ~ ., data = longley_of)
R> summary(longfit1)
ore.odmGLM(formula = Employed ~ ., data = longely_of)
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.41011 -0.15767 -0.02816  0.10155  0.45539 
               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  -3.482e+03  8.904e+02  -3.911 0.003560 ** 
GNP.deflator  1.506e-02  8.492e-02   0.177 0.863141    
GNP          -3.582e-02  3.349e-02  -1.070 0.312681    
Unemployed   -2.020e-02  4.884e-03  -4.136 0.002535 ** 
Armed.Forces -1.033e-02  2.143e-03  -4.822 0.000944 ***
Population   -5.110e-02  2.261e-01  -0.226 0.826212    
Year          1.829e+00  4.555e-01   4.016 0.003037 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 0.3049 on 9 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.9955,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.9925 
F-statistic: 330.3 on 6 and 9 DF,  p-value: 4.984e-10

Example 4-16 Using Ridge Estimation for the Coefficients of the ore.odmGLM Model

This example uses the longley_of ore.frame from the previous example. This example invokes the ore.odmGLM function and specifies using ridge estimation for the coefficients.

longfit2 <- ore.odmGLM(Employed ~ ., data = longley_of, ridge = TRUE,
                       ridge.vif = TRUE)

Listing for This Example

R> longfit2 <- ore.odmGLM(Employed ~ ., data = longley_of, ridge = TRUE,
+                         ridge.vif = TRUE)
R> summary(longfit2)
ore.odmGLM(formula = Employed ~ ., data = longley_of, ridge = TRUE, 
    ridge.vif = TRUE)
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-0.4100 -0.1579 -0.0271  0.1017  0.4575 
               Estimate   VIF
(Intercept)  -3.466e+03 0.000
GNP.deflator  1.479e-02 0.077
GNP          -3.535e-02 0.012
Unemployed   -2.013e-02 0.000
Armed.Forces -1.031e-02 0.000
Population   -5.262e-02 0.548
Year          1.821e+00 2.212
Residual standard error: 0.3049 on 9 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.9955,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.9925 
F-statistic: 330.2 on 6 and 9 DF,  p-value: 4.986e-10

Example 4-17 Building a Logistic Regression GLM

This example builds a logistic regression (classification) model. It uses the infert data set. The example invokes the ore.odmGLM function and specifies logistic as the type argument, which builds a binomial GLM.

infert_of <- ore.push(infert)
infit1 <- ore.odmGLM(case ~ age+parity+education+spontaneous+induced,
                     data = infert_of, type = "logistic")

Listing for This Example

R> infert_of <- ore.push(infert)
R> infit1 <- ore.odmGLM(case ~ age+parity+education+spontaneous+induced,
+                       data = infert_of, type = "logistic")
R> infit1
case == "1"
Call:  ore.odmGLM(formula = case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + 
    induced, data = infert_of, type = "logistic")
     (Intercept)               age            parity   education0-5yrs  education12+ yrs       spontaneous           induced  
        -2.19348           0.03958          -0.82828           1.04424          -0.35896           2.04590           1.28876  
Degrees of Freedom: 247 Total (i.e. Null);  241 Residual
Null Deviance:      316.2 
Residual Deviance: 257.8        AIC: 271.8

Example 4-18 Specifying a Reference Value in Building a Logistic Regression GLM

This example builds a logistic regression (classification) model and specifies a reference value. The example uses the infert_of ore.frame from Example 4-17.

infit2 <- ore.odmGLM(case ~ age+parity+education+spontaneous+induced,
                     data = infert_of, type = "logistic", reference = 1)

Listing for This Example

infit2 <- ore.odmGLM(case ~ age+parity+education+spontaneous+induced,
                     data = infert_of, type = "logistic", reference = 1)

case == "0"
Call:  ore.odmGLM(formula = case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + 
    induced, data = infert_of, type = "logistic", reference = 1)
     (Intercept)               age            parity   education0-5yrs  education12+ yrs       spontaneous           induced  
         2.19348          -0.03958           0.82828          -1.04424           0.35896          -2.04590          -1.28876  
Degrees of Freedom: 247 Total (i.e. Null);  241 Residual
Null Deviance:      316.2 
Residual Deviance: 257.8        AIC: 271.8

4.2.9 k-Means

The ore.odmKM function uses the OML4SQL k-Means (KM) algorithm, a distance-based clustering algorithm that partitions data into a specified number of clusters.

The algorithm has the following features:

  • Several distance functions: Euclidean, Cosine, and Fast Cosine distance functions. The default is Euclidean.

  • For each cluster, the algorithm returns the centroid, a histogram for each attribute, and a rule describing the hyperbox that encloses the majority of the data assigned to the cluster. The centroid reports the mode for categorical attributes and the mean and variance for numeric attributes.

For information on the ore.odmKM function arguments, call help(ore.odmKM).

Settings for a k-Means Models

The following table lists settings that apply to k-Means models.

Table 4-12 k-Means Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description



Minimum Convergence Tolerance for k-Means. The algorithm iterates until the minimum Convergence Tolerance is satisfied or until the maximum number of iterations, specified in KMNS_ITERATIONS, is reached.

Decreasing the Convergence Tolerance produces a more accurate solution but may result in longer run times.

The default Convergence Tolerance is 0.001.




Distance function for k-Means.

The default distance function is KMNS_EUCLIDEAN.



Maximum number of iterations for k-Means. The algorithm iterates until either the maximum number of iterations is reached or the minimum Convergence Tolerance, specified in KMNS_CONV_TOLERANCE, is satisfied.

The default number of iterations is 20.



Minimum percentage of attribute values that must be non-null in order for the attribute to be included in the rule description for the cluster.

If the data is sparse or includes many missing values, a minimum support that is too high can cause very short rules or even empty rules.

The default minimum support is 0.1.



Number of bins in the attribute histogram produced by k-Means. The bin boundaries for each attribute are computed globally on the entire training data set. The binning method is equi-width. All attributes have the same number of bins with the exception of attributes with a single value that have only one bin.

The default number of histogram bins is 11.




Split criterion for k-Means. The split criterion controls the initialization of new k-Means clusters. The algorithm builds a binary tree and adds one new cluster at a time.

When the split criterion is based on size, the new cluster is placed in the area where the largest current cluster is located. When the split criterion is based on the variance, the new cluster is placed in the area of the most spread-out cluster.

The default split criterion is the KMNS_VARIANCE.


Non-negative integer

This setting controls the seed of the random generator used during the k-Means initialization. It must be a non-negative integer value.

The default is 0.





This setting determines the level of cluster detail that are computed during the build.

KMNS_DETAILS_NONE: No cluster details are computed. Only the scoring information is persisted.

KMNS_DETAILS_HIERARCHY: Cluster hierarchy and cluster record counts are computed. This is the default value.

KMNS_DETAILS_ALL: Cluster hierarchy, record counts, descriptive statistics (means, variances, modes, histograms, and rules) are computed.

Example 4-19 Using the ore.odmKM Function

This example demonstrates the use of the ore.odmKMeans function. The example creates two matrices that have 100 rows and two columns. The values in the rows are random variates. It binds the matrices into the matrix x, then coerces x to a data.frame and pushes it to the database as x_of, an ore.frame object. The example next calls the ore.odmKMeans function to build the KM model, km.mod1. It then calls the summary and histogram functions on the model. Figure 4-2 shows the graphic displayed by the histogram function.

Finally, the example makes a prediction using the model, pulls the result to local memory, and plots the results.Figure 4-3 shows the graphic displayed by the points function.

x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2),
           matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")
x_of <- ore.push (data.frame(x))
km.mod1 <- NULL
km.mod1 <- ore.odmKMeans(~., x_of, num.centers=2)
# Make a prediction.
km.res1 <- predict(km.mod1, x_of, type="class", supplemental.cols=c("x","y"))
head(km.res1, 3)
# Pull the results to the local memory and plot them.
km.res1.local <- ore.pull(km.res1)
plot(data.frame(x=km.res1.local$x, y=km.res1.local$y),
points(km.mod1$centers2, col = rownames(km.mod1$centers2), pch = 8, cex=2)
head(predict(km.mod1, x_of, type=c("class","raw"),
             supplemental.cols=c("x","y")), 3)
Listing for This Example
R> x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2),
+             matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
R> colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")
R> x_of <- ore.push (data.frame(x))
R> km.mod1 <- NULL
R> km.mod1 <- ore.odmKMeans(~., x_of, num.centers=2)
R> summary(km.mod1)
ore.odmKMeans(formula = ~., data = x_of, num.centers = 2)
clus.num.clusters            2
block.growth                 2
conv.tolerance            0.01
distance             euclidean
iterations                   3
min.pct.attr.support       0.1
num.bins                    10
split.criterion       variance
prep.auto                   on
            x           y
2  0.99772307  0.93368684
3 -0.02721078 -0.05099784
R> histogram(km.mod1)
R> # Make a prediction.
R> km.res1 <- predict(km.mod1, x_of, type="class", supplemental.cols=c("x","y"))
R> head(km.res1, 3)
            x          y CLUSTER_ID
1 -0.03038444  0.4395409          3
2  0.17724606 -0.5342975          3
3 -0.17565761  0.2832132          3
# Pull the results to the local memory and plot them.
R> km.res1.local <- ore.pull(km.res1)
R> plot(data.frame(x=km.res1.local$x, y=km.res1.local$y),
+                  col=km.res1.local$CLUSTER_ID)
R> points(km.mod1$centers2, col = rownames(km.mod1$centers2), pch = 8, cex=2)
R> head(predict(km.mod1, x_of, type=c("class","raw"),
                supplemental.cols=c("x","y")), 3)
           '2'       '3'           x          y CLUSTER_ID
1 8.610341e-03 0.9913897 -0.03038444  0.4395409          3
2 8.017890e-06 0.9999920  0.17724606 -0.5342975          3
3 5.494263e-04 0.9994506 -0.17565761  0.2832132          3

Figure 4-2 shows the graphic displayed by the invocation of the histogram function in Example 4-19.

Figure 4-2 Cluster Histograms for the km.mod1 Model

Description of Figure 4-2 follows
Description of "Figure 4-2 Cluster Histograms for the km.mod1 Model"

Figure 4-3 shows the graphic displayed by the invocation of the points function in Example 4-19.

Figure 4-3 Results of the points Function for the km.mod1 Model

Description of Figure 4-3 follows
Description of "Figure 4-3 Results of the points Function for the km.mod1 Model"

4.2.10 Naive Bayes

The ore.odmNB function builds an OML4SQL Naive Bayes model.

The Naive Bayes algorithm is based on conditional probabilities. Naive Bayes looks at the historical data and calculates conditional probabilities for the target values by observing the frequency of attribute values and of combinations of attribute values.

Naive Bayes assumes that each predictor is conditionally independent of the others. (Bayes' Theorem requires that the predictors be independent.)

For information on the ore.odmNB function arguments, call help(ore.odmNB).

Settings for a Naive Bayes Models

The following table lists settings that apply to Naive Bayes models.

Table 4-13 Naive Bayes Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description


TO_CHAR(0<= numeric_expr <=1)

Value of pairwise threshold for NB algorithm

Default is 0.


TO_CHAR(0<=numeric_expr <=1)

Value of singleton threshold for NB algorithm

Default value is 0.

Example 4-20 Using the ore.odmNB Function

This example creates an input ore.frame, builds a Naive Bayes model, makes predictions, and generates a confusion matrix.

m <- mtcars
m$gear <- as.factor(m$gear)
m$cyl  <- as.factor(m$cyl)
m$vs   <- as.factor(m$vs)
m$ID   <- 1:nrow(m)
mtcars_of <- ore.push(m)
row.names(mtcars_of) <- mtcars_of
# Build the model.
nb.mod  <- ore.odmNB(gear ~ ., mtcars_of)
# Make predictions and generate a confusion matrix.
nb.res  <- predict (nb.mod, mtcars_of, "gear")
with(nb.res, table(gear, PREDICTION))

Listing for This Example

R> m <- mtcars
R> m$gear <- as.factor(m$gear)
R> m$cyl  <- as.factor(m$cyl)
R> m$vs   <- as.factor(m$vs)
R> m$ID   <- 1:nrow(m)
R> mtcars_of <- ore.push(m)
R> row.names(mtcars_of) <- mtcars_of
R> # Build the model.
R> nb.mod  <- ore.odmNB(gear ~ ., mtcars_of)
R> summary(nb.mod)
ore.odmNB(formula = gear ~ ., data = mtcars_of)
prep.auto    on
      3       4       5 
0.46875 0.37500 0.15625 
  ( ; 26.5), [26.5; 26.5]  (26.5;  )
3              1.00000000           
4              0.91666667 0.08333333
5                         1.00000000
          0         1
3 1.0000000          
4 0.3333333 0.6666667
5           1.0000000
  '4', '6' '8'
3      0.2 0.8
4      1.0    
5      0.6 0.4
  ( ; 196.299999999999995), [196.299999999999995; 196.299999999999995]
3                                                           0.06666667
4                                                           1.00000000
5                                                           0.60000000
  (196.299999999999995;  )
3               0.93333333
5               0.40000000
  ( ; 3.385), [3.385; 3.385] (3.385;  )
3                  0.8666667  0.1333333
4                             1.0000000
5                             1.0000000
  ( ; 136.5), [136.5; 136.5] (136.5;  )
3                        0.2        0.8
4                        1.0           
5                        0.4        0.6
          0         1
3 0.8000000 0.2000000
4 0.1666667 0.8333333
5 0.8000000 0.2000000
  ( ; 3.2024999999999999), [3.2024999999999999; 3.2024999999999999]
3                                                        0.06666667
4                                                        0.83333333
5                                                        0.80000000
  (3.2024999999999999;  )
3              0.93333333
4              0.16666667
5              0.20000000
[1] "3" "4" "5"

R> # Make predictions and generate a confusion matrix.
R> nb.res  <- predict (nb.mod, mtcars_of, "gear")
R> with(nb.res, table(gear, PREDICTION))
gear  3  4  5
   3 14  1  0
   4  0 12  0
   5  0  1  4

4.2.11 Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

The ore.odmNMF function builds an OML4SQL Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) model for feature extraction.

Each feature extracted by NMF is a linear combination of the original attribution set. Each feature has a set of non-negative coefficients, which are a measure of the weight of each attribute on the feature. If the argument allow.negative.scores is TRUE, then negative coefficients are allowed.

For information on the ore.odmNMF function arguments, call help(ore.odmNMF).

Settings for a Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Models

The following table lists settings that apply to Non-Negative Matrix Factorization models.

Table 4-14 Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description


TO_CHAR(0< numeric_expr <=0.5)

Convergence tolerance for NMF algorithm

Default is 0.05




Whether negative numbers should be allowed in scoring results. When set to NMFS_NONNEG_SCORING_ENABLE, negative feature values will be replaced with zeros. When set to NMFS_NONNEG_SCORING_DISABLE, negative feature values will be allowed.



TO_CHAR(1 <= numeric_expr <=500)

Number of iterations for NMF algorithm

Default is 50



Random seed for NMF algorithm.

Default is –1.

Example 4-21 Using the ore.odmNMF Function

This example creates an NMF model on a training data set and scores on a test data set.

training.set <- ore.push(npk[1:18, c("N","P","K")])
scoring.set <- ore.push(npk[19:24, c("N","P","K")])
nmf.mod <- ore.odmNMF(~., training.set, num.features = 3)
predict(nmf.mod, scoring.set)

Listing for This Example

R> training.set <- ore.push(npk[1:18, c("N","P","K")])
R> scoring.set <- ore.push(npk[19:24, c("N","P","K")])
R> nmf.mod <- ore.odmNMF(~., training.set, num.features = 3)
R> features(nmf.mod)
1           1              K               0 3.723468e-01
2           1              K               1 1.761670e-01
3           1              N               0 7.469067e-01
4           1              N               1 1.085058e-02
5           1              P               0 5.730082e-01
6           1              P               1 2.797865e-02
7           2              K               0 4.107375e-01
8           2              K               1 2.193757e-01
9           2              N               0 8.065393e-03
10          2              N               1 8.569538e-01
11          2              P               0 4.005661e-01
12          2              P               1 4.124996e-02
13          3              K               0 1.918852e-01
14          3              K               1 3.311137e-01
15          3              N               0 1.547561e-01
16          3              N               1 1.283887e-01
17          3              P               0 9.791965e-06
18          3              P               1 9.113922e-01
R> summary(nmf.mod)
ore.odmNMF(formula = ~., data = training.set, num.features = 3)
feat.num.features                                 3
nmfs.conv.tolerance                             .05
nmfs.nonnegative.scoring nmfs.nonneg.scoring.enable
nmfs.num.iterations                              50
nmfs.random.seed                                 -1
prep.auto                                        on
1           1              K               0 3.723468e-01
2           1              K               1 1.761670e-01
3           1              N               0 7.469067e-01
4           1              N               1 1.085058e-02
5           1              P               0 5.730082e-01
6           1              P               1 2.797865e-02
7           2              K               0 4.107375e-01
8           2              K               1 2.193757e-01
9           2              N               0 8.065393e-03
10          2              N               1 8.569538e-01
11          2              P               0 4.005661e-01
12          2              P               1 4.124996e-02
13          3              K               0 1.918852e-01
14          3              K               1 3.311137e-01
15          3              N               0 1.547561e-01
16          3              N               1 1.283887e-01
17          3              P               0 9.791965e-06
18          3              P               1 9.113922e-01
R> predict(nmf.mod, scoring.set)
         '1'       '2'        '3' FEATURE_ID
19 0.1972489 1.2400782 0.03280919          2
20 0.7298919 0.0000000 1.29438165          3
21 0.1972489 1.2400782 0.03280919          2
22 0.0000000 1.0231268 0.98567623          2
23 0.7298919 0.0000000 1.29438165          3
24 1.5703239 0.1523159 0.00000000          1

4.2.12 Orthogonal Partitioning Cluster

The ore.odmOC function builds an OML4SQL model using the Orthogonal Partitioning Cluster (O-Cluster) algorithm.

The O-Cluster algorithm builds a hierarchical grid-based clustering model, that is, it creates axis-parallel (orthogonal) partitions in the input attribute space. The algorithm operates recursively. The resulting hierarchical structure represents an irregular grid that tessellates the attribute space into clusters. The resulting clusters define dense areas in the attribute space.

The clusters are described by intervals along the attribute axes and the corresponding centroids and histograms. The sensitivity argument defines a baseline density level. Only areas that have a peak density above this baseline level can be identified as clusters.

The k-Means algorithm tessellates the space even when natural clusters may not exist. For example, if there is a region of uniform density, k-Means tessellates it into n clusters (where n is specified by the user). O-Cluster separates areas of high density by placing cutting planes through areas of low density. O-Cluster needs multi-modal histograms (peaks and valleys). If an area has projections with uniform or monotonically changing density, O-Cluster does not partition it.

The clusters discovered by O-Cluster are used to generate a Bayesian probability model that is then used during scoring by the predict function for assigning data points to clusters. The generated probability model is a mixture model where the mixture components are represented by a product of independent normal distributions for numeric attributes and multinomial distributions for categorical attributes.

If you choose to prepare the data for an O-Cluster model, keep the following points in mind:

  • The O-Cluster algorithm does not necessarily use all the input data when it builds a model. It reads the data in batches (the default batch size is 50000). It only reads another batch if it believes, based on statistical tests, that there may still exist clusters that it has not yet uncovered.

  • Because O-Cluster may stop the model build before it reads all of the data, it is highly recommended that the data be randomized.

  • Binary attributes should be declared as categorical. O-Cluster maps categorical data to numeric values.

  • The use of OML4SQL equi-width binning transformation with automated estimation of the required number of bins is highly recommended.

  • The presence of outliers can significantly impact clustering algorithms. Use a clipping transformation before binning or normalizing. Outliers with equi-width binning can prevent O-Cluster from detecting clusters. As a result, the whole population appears to fall within a single cluster.

The specification of the formula argument has the form ~ terms where terms are the column names to include in the model. Multiple terms items are specified using + between column names. Use ~ . if all columns in data should be used for model building. To exclude columns, use - before each column name to exclude.

For information on the ore.odmOC function arguments, call help(ore.odmOC).

Settings for an Orthogonal Partitioning Cluster Models

The following table lists settings that apply to Orthogonal Partitioning Cluster models.

Table 4-15 Orthogonal Partitioning Cluster Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description


TO_CHAR(0 <=numeric_expr <=1)

A fraction that specifies the peak density required for separating a new cluster. The fraction is related to the global uniform density.

Default is 0.5

Example 4-22 Using the ore.odmOC Function

This example creates an O-Cluster model on a synthetic data set. The figure following the example shows the histogram of the resulting clusters.

x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2),
           matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")
x_of <- ore.push (data.frame(ID=1:100,x))
rownames(x_of) <- x_of$ID
oc.mod <- ore.odmOC(~., x_of, num.centers=2)
predict(oc.mod, x_of, type=c("class","raw"), supplemental.cols=c("x","y"))

Listing for This Example

R> x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2),
+             matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
R> colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")
R> x_of <- ore.push (data.frame(ID=1:100,x))
R> rownames(x_of) <- x_of$ID
R> oc.mod <- ore.odmOC(~., x_of, num.centers=2)
R> summary(oc.mod)
ore.odmOC(formula = ~., data = x_of, num.centers = 2)
clus.num.clusters     2
max.buffer        50000
sensitivity         0.5
prep.auto            on
1          1     100                NA          1         NA   FALSE
2          2      56                 1          2         NA    TRUE
3          3      43                 1          2         NA    TRUE
   MEAN.x   MEAN.y
2 1.85444 1.941195
3 4.04511 4.111740
R> histogram(oc.mod)
R> predict(oc.mod, x_of, type=c("class","raw"), supplemental.cols=c("x","y"))
             '2'          '3'        x        y CLUSTER_ID
1   3.616386e-08 9.999999e-01 3.825303 3.935346          3
2   3.253662e-01 6.746338e-01 3.454143 4.193395          3
3   3.616386e-08 9.999999e-01 4.049120 4.172898          3
# ... Intervening rows not shown.
98  1.000000e+00 1.275712e-12 2.011463 1.991468          2
99  1.000000e+00 1.275712e-12 1.727580 1.898839          2
100 1.000000e+00 1.275712e-12 2.092737 2.212688          2

Figure 4-4 Output of the histogram Function for the ore.odmOC Model

Description of Figure 4-4 follows
Description of "Figure 4-4 Output of the histogram Function for the ore.odmOC Model"

4.2.13 Singular Value Decomposition

The ore.odmSVD function creates a model that uses the OML4SQL Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) algorithm.

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a feature extraction algorithm. SVD is orthogonal linear transformations that capture the underlying variance of the data by decomposing a rectangular matrix into three matrixes: 'U', 'D', and 'V'. Matrix 'D' is a diagonal matrix and its singular values reflect the amount of data variance captured by the bases.

Settings for a Singular Value Decomposition Models

The following table lists settings that apply to Singular Value Decomposition models.

Table 4-16 Singular Value Decomposition Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description



The maximum number of features supported by SVD.

Example 4-23 Using the ore.odmSVD Function

IRIS <- ore.push(cbind(Id = seq_along(iris[[1L]]), iris))

svd.mod <- ore.odmSVD(~. -Id, IRIS)
head(predict(svd.mod, IRIS, supplemental.cols = "Id"))

svd.pmod <- ore.odmSVD(~. -Id, IRIS, 
	                     odm.settings = list(odms_partition_columns = "Species"))
head(predict(svd.pmod, IRIS, supplemental.cols = "Id"))

Listing for This Example

R> IRIS <- ore.push(cbind(Id = seq_along(iris[[1L]]), iris))
R> svd.mod <- ore.odmSVD(~. -Id, IRIS)
R> summary(svd.mod)
ore.odmSVD(formula = ~. - Id, data = IRIS)

odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
prep.auto                                         ON
scoring.mode                             scoring.svd
u.matrix.output                     u.matrix.disable

1          1 96.2182677
2          2 19.0780817
3          3  7.2270380
4          4  3.1502152
5          5  1.8849634
6          6  1.1474731
7          7  0.5814097
  ATTRIBUTE_NAME ATTRIBUTE_VALUE        '1'         '2'          '3'         '4'         '5'         '6'          '7'
1   Petal.Length            <NA> 0.51162932  0.65943465 -0.004420703  0.05479795 -0.51969015  0.17392232 -0.005674672
2    Petal.Width            <NA> 0.16745698  0.32071102  0.146484369  0.46553390  0.72685033  0.31962337 -0.021274748
3   Sepal.Length            <NA> 0.74909171 -0.26482593 -0.102057243 -0.49272847  0.31969417 -0.09379235 -0.067308615
4    Sepal.Width            <NA> 0.37906736 -0.50824062  0.142810811  0.69139828 -0.25849391 -0.17606099 -0.041908520
5        Species          setosa 0.03170407 -0.32247642  0.184499940 -0.12245506 -0.14348647  0.76017824  0.497502783
6        Species      versicolor 0.04288799  0.04054823 -0.780684855  0.19827972  0.07363250 -0.12354271  0.571881302
7        Species       virginica 0.05018593  0.16796988  0.551546107 -0.07177990  0.08109974 -0.48442099  0.647048040
Warning message:
In u.ore.odmSVD(object) : U matrix is not calculated.
R> d(svd.mod)
1          1 96.2182677
2          2 19.0780817
3          3  7.2270380
4          4  3.1502152
5          5  1.8849634
6          6  1.1474731
7          7  0.5814097
Warning message:
ORE object has no unique key - using random order 
R> v(svd.mod)
  ATTRIBUTE_NAME ATTRIBUTE_VALUE        '1'         '2'          '3'         '4'         '5'         '6'          '7'
1   Petal.Length            <NA> 0.51162932  0.65943465 -0.004420703  0.05479795 -0.51969015  0.17392232 -0.005674672
2    Petal.Width            <NA> 0.16745698  0.32071102  0.146484369  0.46553390  0.72685033  0.31962337 -0.021274748
3   Sepal.Length            <NA> 0.74909171 -0.26482593 -0.102057243 -0.49272847  0.31969417 -0.09379235 -0.067308615
4    Sepal.Width            <NA> 0.37906736 -0.50824062  0.142810811  0.69139828 -0.25849391 -0.17606099 -0.041908520
5        Species          setosa 0.03170407 -0.32247642  0.184499940 -0.12245506 -0.14348647  0.76017824  0.497502783
6        Species      versicolor 0.04288799  0.04054823 -0.780684855  0.19827972  0.07363250 -0.12354271  0.571881302
7        Species       virginica 0.05018593  0.16796988  0.551546107 -0.07177990  0.08109974 -0.48442099  0.647048040
Warning message:
ORE object has no unique key - using random order 
R> head(predict(svd.mod, IRIS, supplemental.cols = "Id"))
  Id        '1'        '2'        '3'         '4'           '5'          '6'          '7' FEATURE_ID
1  1 0.06161595 -0.1291839 0.02586865 -0.01449182  1.536727e-05 -0.023495349 -0.007998605          2
2  2 0.05808905 -0.1130876 0.01881265 -0.09294788  3.466226e-02  0.069569113  0.051195429          2
3  3 0.05678818 -0.1190959 0.02565027 -0.01950986  8.851560e-04  0.040073030  0.060908867          2
4  4 0.05667915 -0.1081308 0.02496402 -0.02233741 -5.750222e-02  0.093904181  0.077741713          2
5  5 0.06123138 -0.1304597 0.02925687  0.02309694 -3.065834e-02 -0.030664898 -0.003629897          2
6  6 0.06747071 -0.1302726 0.03340671  0.06114966 -9.547838e-03 -0.008210224 -0.081807741          2
R> svd.pmod <- ore.odmSVD(~. -Id, IRIS, 
+                         odm.settings = list(odms_partition_columns = "Species"))
R> summary(svd.pmod)

ore.odmSVD(formula = ~. - Id, data = IRIS, odm.settings = list(odms_partition_columns = "Species"))

odms.max.partitions                             1000
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.partition.columns                     "Species"
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
prep.auto                                         ON
scoring.mode                             scoring.svd
u.matrix.output                     u.matrix.disable

1          1 44.2872290
2          2  1.5719162
3          3  1.1458732
4          4  0.6836692
  ATTRIBUTE_NAME ATTRIBUTE_VALUE       '1'         '2'        '3'         '4'
1   Petal.Length            <NA> 0.2334487  0.46456598  0.8317440 -0.19463332
2    Petal.Width            <NA> 0.0395488  0.04182015  0.1946750  0.97917752
3   Sepal.Length            <NA> 0.8010073  0.40303704 -0.4410167  0.03811461
4    Sepal.Width            <NA> 0.5498408 -0.78739486  0.2753323 -0.04331888


ore.odmSVD(formula = ~. - Id, data = IRIS, odm.settings = list(odms_partition_columns = "Species"))

odms.max.partitions                             1000
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
R> # xyz
R> d(svd.pmod)
1          setosa          1 44.2872290
2          setosa          2  1.5719162
3          setosa          3  1.1458732
4          setosa          4  0.6836692
5      versicolor          1 56.2523412
6      versicolor          2  1.9106625
7      versicolor          3  1.7015929
8      versicolor          4  0.6986103
9       virginica          1 66.2734064
10      virginica          2  2.4318639
11      virginica          3  1.6007740
12      virginica          4  1.2958261
Warning message:
ORE object has no unique key - using random order 
R> v(svd.pmod)
   PARTITION_NAME ATTRIBUTE_NAME ATTRIBUTE_VALUE       '1'         '2'         '3'         '4'
1          setosa   Petal.Length            <NA> 0.2334487  0.46456598  0.83174398 -0.19463332
2          setosa    Petal.Width            <NA> 0.0395488  0.04182015  0.19467497  0.97917752
3          setosa   Sepal.Length            <NA> 0.8010073  0.40303704 -0.44101672  0.03811461
4          setosa    Sepal.Width            <NA> 0.5498408 -0.78739486  0.27533228 -0.04331888
5      versicolor   Petal.Length            <NA> 0.5380908  0.49576111 -0.60174021 -0.32029352
6      versicolor    Petal.Width            <NA> 0.1676394  0.36693207 -0.03448373  0.91436795
7      versicolor   Sepal.Length            <NA> 0.7486029 -0.64738491  0.06943054  0.12516311
8      versicolor    Sepal.Width            <NA> 0.3492119  0.44774385  0.79492074 -0.21372297
9       virginica   Petal.Length            <NA> 0.5948985 -0.26368708  0.65157671 -0.38988802
10      virginica    Petal.Width            <NA> 0.2164036  0.59106806  0.42921836  0.64774968
11      virginica   Sepal.Length            <NA> 0.7058813 -0.27846153 -0.53436210  0.37235450
12      virginica    Sepal.Width            <NA> 0.3177999  0.70962445 -0.32507927 -0.53829342
Warning message:
ORE object has no unique key - using random order 
R> head(predict(svd.pmod, IRIS, supplemental.cols = "Id"))
  Id       '1'          '2'          '3'         '4' FEATURE_ID
1  1 0.1432539 -0.026487881 -0.071688339 -0.04956008          1
2  2 0.1334289  0.172689424 -0.114854368 -0.02902893          2
3  3 0.1317675 -0.008327214 -0.062409295 -0.02438248          1
4  4 0.1297716  0.075232572  0.097222019 -0.08055912          1
5  5 0.1426868 -0.102219140 -0.009172782 -0.06147133          1
6  6 0.1554060 -0.055950655  0.160698708  0.14286095          3

4.2.14 Support Vector Machine

The ore.odmSVM function builds an OML4R Support Vector Machine (SVM) model.

SVM is a powerful, state-of-the-art algorithm with strong theoretical foundations based on the Vapnik-Chervonenkis theory. SVM has strong regularization properties. Regularization refers to the generalization of the model to new data.

SVM models have similar functional form to neural networks and radial basis functions, both popular machine learning techniques.

SVM can be used to solve the following problems:

  • Classification: SVM classification is based on decision planes that define decision boundaries. A decision plane is one that separates between a set of objects having different class memberships. SVM finds the vectors (“support vectors") that define the separators that give the widest separation of classes.

    SVM classification supports both binary and multiclass targets.

  • Regression: SVM uses an epsilon-insensitive loss function to solve regression problems.

    SVM regression tries to find a continuous function such that the maximum number of data points lie within the epsilon-wide insensitivity tube. Predictions falling within epsilon distance of the true target value are not interpreted as errors.

  • Anomaly Detection: Anomaly detection identifies identify cases that are unusual within data that is seemingly homogeneous. Anomaly detection is an important tool for detecting fraud, network intrusion, and other rare events that may have great significance but are hard to find.

    Anomaly detection is implemented as one-class SVM classification. An anomaly detection model predicts whether a data point is typical for a given distribution or not.

The ore.odmSVM function builds each of these three different types of models. Some arguments apply to classification models only, some to regression models only, and some to anomaly detection models only.

For information on the ore.odmSVM function arguments, call help(ore.odmSVM).

Settings for a Support Vector Machine Models

The following table lists settings that apply to Support Vector Machine models.

Table 4-17 Support Vector Machine Model Settings

Setting Name Setting Value Description



Regularization setting that balances the complexity of the model against model robustness to achieve good generalization on new data. SVM uses a data-driven approach to finding the complexity factor.

Value of complexity factor for SVM algorithm (both Classification and Regression).

Default value estimated from the data by the algorithm.



Convergence tolerance for SVM algorithm.

Default is 0.0001


TO_CHAR(numeric_expr >0)

Regularization setting for regression, similar to complexity factor. Epsilon specifies the allowable residuals, or noise, in the data.

Value of epsilon factor for SVM regression.

Default is 0.1.




Kernel for Support Vector Machine. Linear or Gaussian.

The default value is SVMS_LINEAR.


TO_CHAR(0< numeric_expr<1)

The desired rate of outliers in the training data. Valid for One-Class SVM models only (Anomaly Detection).

Default is 0.01.



Controls the spread of the Gaussian kernel function. SVM uses a data-driven approach to find a standard deviation value that is on the same scale as distances between typical cases.

Value of standard deviation for SVM algorithm.

This is applicable only for Gaussian kernel.

Default value estimated from the data by the algorithm.


Positive integer

This setting sets an upper limit on the number of SVM iterations. The default is system determined because it depends on the SVM solver.


Range [1; 10000]

This setting sets an upper limit on the number of pivots used in the Incomplete Cholesky decomposition. It can be set only for non-linear kernels. The default value is 200.


Positive integer

This setting applies to SVM models with linear kernel. This setting sets the size of the batch for the SGD solver. An input of 0 triggers a data driven batch size estimate. The default is 20000.




This setting controls the type of regularization that the SGD SVM solver uses. The setting can be used only for linear SVM models. The default is system determined because it depends on the potential model size.


SVMS_SOLVER_SGD (Sub-Gradient Descend)

SVMS_SOLVER_IPM (Interior Point Method)

This setting allows the user to choose the SVM solver. The SGD solver cannot be selected if the kernel is non-linear. The default value is system determined.

Example 4-24 Using the ore.odmSVM Function and Generating a Confusion Matrix

This example demonstrates the use of SVM classification. The example creates mtcars in the database from the R mtcars data set, builds a classification model, makes predictions, and finally generates a confusion matrix.

m <- mtcars
m$gear <- as.factor(m$gear)
m$cyl  <- as.factor(m$cyl)
m$vs   <- as.factor(m$vs)
m$ID   <- 1:nrow(m)
mtcars_of <- ore.push(m)
svm.mod  <- ore.odmSVM(gear ~ .-ID, mtcars_of, "classification")
svm.res  <- predict (svm.mod, mtcars_of,"gear")
with(svm.res, table(gear, PREDICTION))  # generate confusion matrix

Listing for This Example

R> m <- mtcars
R> m$gear <- as.factor(m$gear)
R> m$cyl  <- as.factor(m$cyl)
R> m$vs   <- as.factor(m$vs)
R> m$ID   <- 1:nrow(m)
R> mtcars_of <- ore.push(m)
R> svm.mod  <- ore.odmSVM(gear ~ .-ID, mtcars_of, "classification")
R> summary(svm.mod)
ore.odmSVM(formula = gear ~ . - ID, data = mtcars_of, type = "classification")
prep.auto                on
active.learning   al.enable
complexity.factor  0.385498
conv.tolerance        1e-04
kernel.cache.size  50000000
kernel.function    gaussian
std.dev            1.072341
[1] No coefficients with gaussian kernel
R> svm.res  <- predict (svm.mod, mtcars_of,"gear")
R> with(svm.res, table(gear, PREDICTION))  # generate confusion matrix
gear  3  4
   3 12  3
   4  0 12
   5  2  3

Example 4-25 Using the ore.odmSVM Function and Building a Regression Model

This example demonstrates SVM regression. The example creates a data frame, pushes it to a table, and then builds a regression model; note that ore.odmSVM specifies a linear kernel.

x <- seq(0.1, 5, by = 0.02)
y <- log(x) + rnorm(x, sd = 0.2)
dat <-ore.push(data.frame(x=x, y=y))
# Build model with linear kernel
svm.mod <- ore.odmSVM(y~x,dat,"regression", kernel.function="linear")
svm.res <- predict(svm.mod,dat, supplemental.cols="x")

Listing for This Example

R> x <- seq(0.1, 5, by = 0.02)
R> y <- log(x) + rnorm(x, sd = 0.2)
R> dat <-ore.push(data.frame(x=x, y=y))
R> # Build model with linear kernel
R> svm.mod <- ore.odmSVM(y~x,dat,"regression", kernel.function="linear")
R> summary(svm.mod)
ore.odmSVM(formula = y ~ x, data = dat, type = "regression", 
    kernel.function = "linear")
prep.auto                on
active.learning   al.enable
complexity.factor  0.620553
conv.tolerance        1e-04
epsilon            0.098558
kernel.function      linear
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
-0.79130 -0.28210 -0.05592 -0.01420  0.21460  1.58400 
     variable value  estimate
1           x       0.6637951
2 (Intercept)       0.3802170
R> coef(svm.mod)
     variable value  estimate
1           x       0.6637951
2 (Intercept)       0.3802170
R> svm.res <- predict(svm.mod,dat, supplemental.cols="x")
R> head(svm.res,6)
1 0.10 -0.7384312
2 0.12 -0.7271410
3 0.14 -0.7158507
4 0.16 -0.7045604
5 0.18 -0.6932702
6 0.20 -0.6819799

Example 4-26 Using the ore.odmSVM Function and Building an Anomaly Detection Model

This example demonstrates SVN anomaly detection. It uses mtcars_of created in the classification example and builds an anomaly detection model.

svm.mod  <- ore.odmSVM(~ .-ID, mtcars_of, "anomaly.detection")
svm.res  <- predict (svm.mod, mtcars_of, "ID")

Listing for This Example

R> svm.mod  <- ore.odmSVM(~ .-ID, mtcars_of, "anomaly.detection")
R> summary(svm.mod)
ore.odmSVM(formula = ~. - ID, data = mtcars_of, type = "anomaly.detection")
prep.auto                on
active.learning   al.enable
conv.tolerance        1e-04
kernel.cache.size  50000000
kernel.function    gaussian
outlier.rate             .1
std.dev            0.719126
[1] No coefficients with gaussian kernel
R> svm.res  <- predict (svm.mod, mtcars_of, "ID")
R> head(svm.res)
                        '0'       '1' ID PREDICTION
Mazda RX4         0.4999405 0.5000595  1          1
Mazda RX4 Wag     0.4999794 0.5000206  2          1
Datsun 710        0.4999618 0.5000382  3          1
Hornet 4 Drive    0.4999819 0.5000181  4          1
Hornet Sportabout 0.4949872 0.5050128  5          1
Valiant           0.4999415 0.5000585  6          1
R> table(svm.res$PREDICTION)
 0  1 
 5 27 

4.2.15 Build a Partitioned Model

A partitioned model is an ensemble model that consists of multiple sub-models, one for each partition of the data.

A partitioned model may achieve better accuracy through multiple targeted models that are managed and used as one. A partitioned model can simplify scoring by allowing you to reference the top-level model only. The proper sub-model is chosen by the system based on the values of the partitioned column or columns for each row of data to be scored.

To create a partitioned OML4SQL model, use the odm.setting argument with ODMS_PARTITION_COLUMNS as the name and with the names of the columns by which to partition the input data as the value. The OREdm function returns a model with a sub-model for each partition. The partitions are based on the unique values found in the columns.

The partitions function returns an ore.frame that lists each partition of the specified model object and the associated partition column values of the model. Partition names are system-determined. The function returns NULL for a non-partitioned model.

Example 4-27 Create a Partitioned Model

This example creates a partitioned Support Vector Machine classification model. It uses the Wine Quality data set from the University of California, Irvine Machine Learning Repository.

# Download the wine data set and create the data table.
white.url <- "https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/wine-quality/winequality-white.csv"
white.wine <- read.csv(white.url, header = TRUE, sep = ";")
white.wine$color <- "white"

red.url <- "https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/wine-quality/winequality-red.csv"
red.wine <- read.csv(red.url, header = TRUE, sep = ";")
red.wine$color <- "red"

dat <- rbind(white.wine, red.wine)

# Drop the WINE table if it exists.
ore.create(dat, table="WINE")

# Assign row names to enable row indexing for train and test samples.
row.names(WINE) <- WINE$color

# Enable reproducible results.

n.rows        <- nrow(WINE)

# Train and test sampling.
random.sample <- sample(1:n.rows, ceiling(n.rows/2))

# Sample in-database using row indexing.
WINE.train    <- WINE[random.sample,]
WINE.test     <- WINE[setdiff(1:n.rows,random.sample),]

# Build a Support Vector Machine classification model 
# on the training data set, using both red and white wine.
mod.svm   <- ore.odmSVM(quality~.-pH-fixed.acidity, WINE.train, 
                        "classification", kernel.function="linear")

# Predict wine quality on the test data set.
pred.svm  <- predict (mod.svm, WINE.test,"quality")

# View the probability of each class and prediction.

# Generate a confusion matrix. Note that 3 and 8 are not predicted.
with(pred.svm, table(quality, PREDICTION, dnn = c("Actual", "Predicted")))

# Build a partitioned SVM model based on wine color.
# Specify the partitioning column with the odm.settings argument.
mod.svm2   <- ore.odmSVM(quality~.-pH-fixed.acidity, WINE.train, 
                         "classification", kernel.function="linear",
                         odm.settings=list(odms_partition_columns = "color"))

# Predict wine quality on the test data set.
pred.svm2  <- predict (mod.svm2, WINE.test, "quality")

# View the probability of each class and prediction.

# Generate a confusion matrix. Note that 3 and 4 are not predicted.
with(pred.svm2, table(quality, PREDICTION, dnn = c("Actual", "Predicted")))


Listing for This Example

> # Download the wine data set and create the data table.
> white.url <- "https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/wine-quality/winequality-white.csv"
> white.wine <- read.csv(white.url, header = TRUE, sep = ";")
> white.wine$color <- "white"
> red.url <- "https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/wine-quality/winequality-red.csv"
> red.wine <- read.csv(red.url, header = TRUE, sep = ";")
> red.wine$color <- "red"
> dat <- rbind(white.wine, red.wine)
> # Drop the WINE table if it exists.
> ore.drop(table="WINE")
Warning message:
Table WINE does not exist. 
> ore.create(dat, table="WINE")
> # Assign row names to enable row indexing for train and test samples.
> row.names(WINE) <- WINE$color
> # Enable reproducible results.
> set.seed(seed=6218945)                  
> n.rows        <- nrow(WINE)
> # Train and test sampling.
> random.sample <- sample(1:n.rows, ceiling(n.rows/2))
> # Sample in-database using row indexing.
> WINE.train    <- WINE[random.sample,]
> WINE.test     <- WINE[setdiff(1:n.rows,random.sample),]    
> # Build a Support Vector Machine classification model
> # on the training data set, using both red and white wine.
> mod.svm   <- ore.odmSVM(quality~.-pH-fixed.acidity, WINE.train,
+                         "classification",kernel.function="linear")
> # Predict wine quality on the test data set.
> pred.svm  <- predict (mod.svm, WINE.test,"quality")
> # View the probability of each class and prediction.
> head(pred.svm,3)
            '3'       '4'        '5'       '6'       '7'       '8'       '9'
red   0.04957242 0.1345280 0.27779399 0.1345281 0.1345280 0.1345275 0.1345220
red.1 0.04301663 0.1228311 0.34283345 0.1228313 0.1228311 0.1228307 0.1228257
red.2 0.04473419 0.1713883 0.09832961 0.1713891 0.1713890 0.1713886 0.1713812
      quality PREDICTION
red         4          5
red.1       5          5
red.2       7          6
> # Generate a confusion matrix. Note that 3 and 4 are not predicted.
> with(pred.svm, table(quality,PREDICTION, dnn = c("Actual","Predicted")))
Actual   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
     3   0   0  11   5   0   0   0
     4   0   1  85  16   2   0   0
     5   2   1 927 152   4   0   1
     6   2   1 779 555  63   1   9
     7   2   0 121 316  81   0   3
     8   0   0  18  66  21   0   0
     9   0   0   0   2   1   0   0
> partitions(mod.svm2)
1            red   red
2          white white
> summary(mod.svm2["red"])

ore.odmSVM(formula = quality ~ . - pH - fixed.acidity, data = WINE.train, 
    type = "classification", kernel.function = "linear", odm.settings = list(odms_partition_columns = "color"))

clas.weights.balanced                            OFF
odms.details                             odms.enable
odms.max.partitions                             1000
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.partition.columns                       "color"
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
prep.auto                                         ON
active.learning                            al.enable
conv.tolerance                                 1e-04
kernel.function                               linear

   PARTITION_NAME class             variable value      estimate
1             red     3          (Intercept)       -1.347392e+01
2             red     3              alcohol        7.245737e-01
3             red     3            chlorides        1.761946e+00
4             red     3          citric.acid       -3.276716e+00
5             red     3              density        2.449906e+00
6             red     3  free.sulfur.dioxide       -6.035430e-01
7             red     3       residual.sugar        9.097631e-01
8             red     3            sulphates        1.240524e-04
9             red     3 total.sulfur.dioxide       -2.467554e+00
10            red     3     volatile.acidity        1.300470e+00
11            red     4          (Intercept)       -1.000002e+00
12            red     4              alcohol       -7.920188e-07
13            red     4            chlorides       -2.589198e-08
14            red     4          citric.acid        9.340296e-08
15            red     4              density       -5.418190e-07
16            red     4  free.sulfur.dioxide       -6.981268e-08
17            red     4       residual.sugar        3.389558e-07
18            red     4            sulphates        1.417324e-07
19            red     4 total.sulfur.dioxide       -3.113900e-07
20            red     4     volatile.acidity        4.928625e-07
21            red     5          (Intercept)       -3.151406e-01
22            red     5              alcohol       -9.692192e-01
23            red     5            chlorides        3.690034e-02
24            red     5          citric.acid        2.258823e-01
25            red     5              density       -1.770474e-01
26            red     5  free.sulfur.dioxide       -1.289540e-01
27            red     5       residual.sugar        7.521771e-04
28            red     5            sulphates       -3.596548e-01
29            red     5 total.sulfur.dioxide        5.688280e-01
30            red     5     volatile.acidity        3.005168e-01
31            red     6          (Intercept)       -9.999994e-01
32            red     6              alcohol        8.807703e-07
33            red     6            chlorides        6.871310e-08
34            red     6          citric.acid       -4.525750e-07
35            red     6              density        5.786923e-07
36            red     6  free.sulfur.dioxide        3.856018e-07
37            red     6       residual.sugar       -4.281695e-07
38            red     6            sulphates        1.036468e-07
39            red     6 total.sulfur.dioxide       -4.287512e-07
40            red     6     volatile.acidity       -4.426151e-07
41            red     7          (Intercept)       -1.000000e+00
42            red     7              alcohol        1.761665e-07
43            red     7            chlorides       -3.583316e-08
44            red     7          citric.acid       -4.837739e-08
45            red     7              density        2.169500e-08
46            red     7  free.sulfur.dioxide        4.800717e-08
47            red     7       residual.sugar        1.909498e-08
48            red     7            sulphates        1.062205e-07
49            red     7 total.sulfur.dioxide       -2.339108e-07
50            red     7     volatile.acidity       -1.539326e-07
51            red     8          (Intercept)       -1.000000e+00
52            red     8              alcohol        7.089889e-08
53            red     8            chlorides       -8.566726e-09
54            red     8          citric.acid        2.769301e-08
55            red     8              density       -3.852321e-08
56            red     8  free.sulfur.dioxide       -1.302056e-08
57            red     8       residual.sugar        4.847947e-09
58            red     8            sulphates        1.276461e-08
59            red     8 total.sulfur.dioxide       -5.484427e-08
60            red     8     volatile.acidity        2.959182e-08

4.2.16 Build a Text Processing Model

A text processing model uses ctx.settings arguments to specify Oracle Text attribute settings.

Example 4-28 Building a Text Processing Model

This example builds an ore.odmKMeans model that processes text. It uses the odm.settings and ctx.settings arguments. The figure following the example shows the output of the histogram(km.mod1) function.

x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2),
           matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")

X <- ore.push (data.frame(x))
km.mod1 <- NULL
km.mod1 <- ore.odmKMeans(~., X, num.centers = 2)

km.res1 <- predict(km.mod1,X,type="class",supplemental.cols=c("x","y"))
km.res1.local <- ore.pull(km.res1)
plot(data.frame(x = km.res1.local$x, 
	              y = km.res1.local$y), 
	              col = km.res1.local$CLUSTER_ID)
points(km.mod1$centers2, col = rownames(km.mod1$centers2), pch = 8, cex=2)


# Text processing with ore.odmKMeans.
title <- c('Aids in Africa: Planning for a long war',
	         'Mars rover maneuvers for rim shot',
	         'Mars express confirms presence of water at Mars south pole',
	         'NASA announces major Mars rover finding',
	         'Drug access, Asia threat in focus at AIDS summit',
	         'NASA Mars Odyssey THEMIS image: typical crater',
	         'Road blocks for Aids')
response <- c('Aids', 'Mars', 'Mars', 'Mars', 'Aids', 'Mars', 'Aids')

# Text contents in a character column.
KM_TEXT <- ore.push(data.frame(CUST_ID = seq(length(title)),
			          RESPONSE = response, TITLE = title))

# Create a text policy (CTXSYS.CTX_DDL privilege is required).
ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.create_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")

# text column attributes.
km.mod <- ore.odmKMeans( ~ TITLE, data = KM_TEXT, num.centers = 2L,
   odm.settings = list(ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME = "ESA_TXTPOL",
                       ODMS_TEXT_MIN_DOCUMENTS = 1,
                       ODMS_TEXT_MAX_FEATURES = 3,
                       kmns_distance = "dbms_data_mining.kmns_cosine",
                       kmns_details = "kmns_details_all"),
   ctx.settings = list(TITLE = "TEXT(TOKEN_TYPE:STEM)"))
print(predict(km.mod, KM_TEXT, supplemental.cols = "RESPONSE"), digits = 3L)

ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.drop_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")

Listing for This Example

R> x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2),
+             matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
R> colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")
R> X <- ore.push (data.frame(x))
R> km.mod1 <- NULL
R> km.mod1 <- ore.odmKMeans(~., X, num.centers = 2)
R> km.mod1

ore.odmKMeans(formula = ~., data = X, num.centers = 2)

clus.num.clusters                                  2
block.growth                                       2
conv.tolerance                                  0.01
details                                  details.all
distance                                   euclidean
iterations                                         3
min.pct.attr.support                             0.1
num.bins                                          10
random.seed                                        0
split.criterion                             variance
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
prep.auto                                         ON

R> summary(km.mod1)

ore.odmKMeans(formula = ~., data = X, num.centers = 2)

clus.num.clusters                                  2
block.growth                                       2
conv.tolerance                                  0.01
details                                  details.all
distance                                   euclidean
iterations                                         3
min.pct.attr.support                             0.1
num.bins                                          10
random.seed                                        0
split.criterion                             variance
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
prep.auto                                         ON

            x          y
2 -0.07638266 0.04449368
3  0.98493306 1.00864399

R> rules(km.mod1)
   cluster.id rhs.support rhs.conf lhr.support lhs.conf lhs.var lhs.var.support lhs.var.conf   predicate
1           1         100      1.0          92     0.86       x              86    0.2222222 x <= 1.2209
2           1         100      1.0          92     0.86       x              86    0.2222222 x >= -.6188
3           1         100      1.0          86     0.86       y              86    0.4444444 y <= 1.1653
4           1         100      1.0          86     0.86       y              86    0.4444444  y > -.3053
5           2          50      0.5          48     0.96       x              48    0.0870793  x <= .4324
6           2          50      0.5          48     0.96       x              48    0.0870793 x >= -.6188
7           2          50      0.5          48     0.96       y              48    0.0893300  y <= .5771
8           2          50      0.5          48     0.96       y              48    0.0893300  y > -.5995
9           3          50      0.5          49     0.98       x              49    0.0852841 x <= 1.7465
10          3          50      0.5          49     0.98       x              49    0.0852841   x > .4324
11          3          50      0.5          50     0.98       y              49    0.0838225 y <= 1.7536
12          3          50      0.5          50     0.98       y              49    0.0838225   y > .2829

R> clusterhists(km.mod1)
   cluster.id variable bin.id lower.bound upper.bound               label count
1           1        x      1 -0.61884662 -0.35602715 -.6188466:-.3560272     6
2           1        x      2 -0.35602715 -0.09320769 -.3560272:-.0932077    17
3           1        x      3 -0.09320769  0.16961178  -.0932077:.1696118    15
4           1        x      4  0.16961178  0.43243125   .1696118:.4324312    11
5           1        x      5  0.43243125  0.69525071   .4324312:.6952507     8
6           1        x      6  0.69525071  0.95807018   .6952507:.9580702    17
7           1        x      7  0.95807018  1.22088965  .9580702:1.2208896    18
8           1        x      8  1.22088965  1.48370911 1.2208896:1.4837091     4
9           1        x      9  1.48370911  1.74652858 1.4837091:1.7465286     4
10          1        y      1 -0.89359597 -0.59946141  -.893596:-.5994614     2
11          1        y      2 -0.59946141 -0.30532685 -.5994614:-.3053269     4
12          1        y      3 -0.30532685 -0.01119230 -.3053269:-.0111923    11
13          1        y      4 -0.01119230  0.28294226  -.0111923:.2829423    24
14          1        y      5  0.28294226  0.57707682   .2829423:.5770768    13
15          1        y      6  0.57707682  0.87121138   .5770768:.8712114    12
16          1        y      7  0.87121138  1.16534593  .8712114:1.1653459    26
17          1        y      8  1.16534593  1.45948049 1.1653459:1.4594805     5
18          1        y      9  1.45948049  1.75361505  1.4594805:1.753615     3
19          2        x      1 -0.61884662 -0.35602715 -.6188466:-.3560272     6
20          2        x      2 -0.35602715 -0.09320769 -.3560272:-.0932077    17
21          2        x      3 -0.09320769  0.16961178  -.0932077:.1696118    15
22          2        x      4  0.16961178  0.43243125   .1696118:.4324312    10
23          2        x      5  0.43243125  0.69525071   .4324312:.6952507     2
24          2        x      6  0.69525071  0.95807018   .6952507:.9580702     0
25          2        x      7  0.95807018  1.22088965  .9580702:1.2208896     0
26          2        x      8  1.22088965  1.48370911 1.2208896:1.4837091     0
27          2        x      9  1.48370911  1.74652858 1.4837091:1.7465286     0
28          2        y      1 -0.89359597 -0.59946141  -.893596:-.5994614     2
29          2        y      2 -0.59946141 -0.30532685 -.5994614:-.3053269     4
30          2        y      3 -0.30532685 -0.01119230 -.3053269:-.0111923    11
31          2        y      4 -0.01119230  0.28294226  -.0111923:.2829423    24
32          2        y      5  0.28294226  0.57707682   .2829423:.5770768     9
33          2        y      6  0.57707682  0.87121138   .5770768:.8712114     0
34          2        y      7  0.87121138  1.16534593  .8712114:1.1653459     0
35          2        y      8  1.16534593  1.45948049 1.1653459:1.4594805     0
36          2        y      9  1.45948049  1.75361505  1.4594805:1.753615     0
37          3        x      1 -0.61884662 -0.35602715 -.6188466:-.3560272     0
38          3        x      2 -0.35602715 -0.09320769 -.3560272:-.0932077     0
39          3        x      3 -0.09320769  0.16961178  -.0932077:.1696118     0
40          3        x      4  0.16961178  0.43243125   .1696118:.4324312     1
41          3        x      5  0.43243125  0.69525071   .4324312:.6952507     6
42          3        x      6  0.69525071  0.95807018   .6952507:.9580702    17
43          3        x      7  0.95807018  1.22088965  .9580702:1.2208896    18
44          3        x      8  1.22088965  1.48370911 1.2208896:1.4837091     4
45          3        x      9  1.48370911  1.74652858 1.4837091:1.7465286     4
46          3        y      1 -0.89359597 -0.59946141  -.893596:-.5994614     0
47          3        y      2 -0.59946141 -0.30532685 -.5994614:-.3053269     0
48          3        y      3 -0.30532685 -0.01119230 -.3053269:-.0111923     0
49          3        y      4 -0.01119230  0.28294226  -.0111923:.2829423     0
50          3        y      5  0.28294226  0.57707682   .2829423:.5770768     4
51          3        y      6  0.57707682  0.87121138   .5770768:.8712114    12
52          3        y      7  0.87121138  1.16534593  .8712114:1.1653459    26
53          3        y      8  1.16534593  1.45948049 1.1653459:1.4594805     5
54          3        y      9  1.45948049  1.75361505  1.4594805:1.753615     3
R> histogram(km.mod1)
R> km.res1 <- predict(km.mod1, X, type="class", supplemental.cols = c("x","y"))
R> head(km.res1, 3)
            x           y CLUSTER_ID
1 -0.43646407  0.26201831          2
2 -0.02797831  0.07319952          2
3  0.11998373 -0.08638716          2
R> km.res1.local <- ore.pull(km.res1)
R> plot(data.frame(x = km.res1.local$x,
+                  y = km.res1.local$y), 
+                  col = km.res1.local$CLUSTER_ID)
R>  points(km.mod1$centers2, col = rownames(km.mod1$centers2), pch = 8, cex = 2)
R>  head(predict(km.mod1, X))
        '2'          '3' CLUSTER_ID
1 0.9992236 0.0007763706          2
2 0.9971310 0.0028690375          2
3 0.9974216 0.0025783939          2
4 0.9997335 0.0002665114          2
5 0.9917773 0.0082226599          2
6 0.9771667 0.0228333398          2
R> head(predict(km.mod1,X,type=c("class","raw"),supplemental.cols=c("x","y")),3)
        '2'          '3'           x           y CLUSTER_ID
1 0.9992236 0.0007763706 -0.43646407  0.26201831          2
2 0.9971310 0.0028690375 -0.02797831  0.07319952          2
3 0.9974216 0.0025783939  0.11998373 -0.08638716          2
R> head(predict(km.mod1,X,type="raw",supplemental.cols=c("x","y")),3)
            x           y       '2'          '3'
1 -0.43646407  0.26201831 0.9992236 0.0007763706
2 -0.02797831  0.07319952 0.9971310 0.0028690375
3  0.11998373 -0.08638716 0.9974216 0.0025783939R> 
R> # Text processing with ore.odmKMeans.
R> title <- c('Aids in Africa: Planning for a long war',
+             'Mars rover maneuvers for rim shot',
+             'Mars express confirms presence of water at Mars south pole',
+             'NASA announces major Mars rover finding',                     
+             'Drug access, Asia threat in focus at AIDS summit',
+             'NASA Mars Odyssey THEMIS image: typical crater',
+             'Road blocks for Aids')
R>  response <- c('Aids', 'Mars', 'Mars', 'Mars', 'Aids', 'Mars', 'Aids')
R> # Text contents in a character column.
R> KM_TEXT <- ore.push(data.frame(CUST_ID = seq(length(title)),
+                                 RESPONSE = response, TITLE = title))
R> # Create a text policy (CTXSYS.CTX_DDL privilege is required).
R> ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.create_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")
R> # text column attributes.
R> km.mod <- ore.odmKMeans( ~ TITLE, data = KM_TEXT, num.centers = 2L,
+    odm.settings = list(ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME = "ESA_TXTPOL",
+                        ODMS_TEXT_MIN_DOCUMENTS = 1,
+                        ODMS_TEXT_MAX_FEATURES = 3,
+                        kmns_distance = "dbms_data_mining.kmns_cosine",
+                        kmns_details = "kmns_details_all"),
+    ctx.settings = list(TITLE="TEXT(TOKEN_TYPE:STEM)"))
R> summary(km.mod)

ore.odmKMeans(formula = ~TITLE, data = KM_TEXT, num.centers = 2L, 
    odm.settings = list(ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME = "ESA_TXTPOL", 
        kmns_distance = "dbms_data_mining.kmns_cosine", 
        kmns_details = "kmns_details_all"), 
    ctx.settings = list(TITLE = "TEXT(TOKEN_TYPE:STEM)"))

clus.num.clusters                                  2
block.growth                                       2
conv.tolerance                                  0.01
details                                  details.all
distance                                      cosine
iterations                                         3
min.pct.attr.support                             0.1
num.bins                                          10
random.seed                                        0
split.criterion                             variance
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
odms.text.max.features                             3
odms.text.min.documents                            1
odms.text.policy.name                     ESA_TXTPOL
prep.auto                                         ON

2  0.5292307  0.7936566   0.7936566         NA
3         NA         NA          NA          1
R> settings(km.mod)
                   SETTING_NAME           SETTING_VALUE SETTING_TYPE
1                     ALGO_NAME             ALGO_KMEANS        INPUT
2             CLUS_NUM_CLUSTERS                       2        INPUT
3             KMNS_BLOCK_GROWTH                       2        INPUT
4           KMNS_CONV_TOLERANCE                    0.01        INPUT
5                  KMNS_DETAILS        KMNS_DETAILS_ALL        INPUT
6                 KMNS_DISTANCE             KMNS_COSINE        INPUT
7               KMNS_ITERATIONS                       3        INPUT
8     KMNS_MIN_PCT_ATTR_SUPPORT                     0.1        INPUT
9                 KMNS_NUM_BINS                      10        INPUT
10             KMNS_RANDOM_SEED                       0      DEFAULT
14       ODMS_TEXT_MAX_FEATURES                       3        INPUT
15      ODMS_TEXT_MIN_DOCUMENTS                       1        INPUT
16        ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME              ESA_TXTPOL        INPUT
17                    PREP_AUTO                      ON        INPUT
R> print(predict(km.mod, KM_TEXT, supplemental.cols = "RESPONSE"), digits = 3L)
     '2'    '3' RESPONSE CLUSTER_ID
1 0.0213 0.9787     Aids          3
2 0.9463 0.0537     Mars          2
3 0.9325 0.0675     Mars          2
4 0.9691 0.0309     Mars          2
5 0.0213 0.9787     Aids          3
6 0.9463 0.0537     Mars          2
7 0.0213 0.9787     Aids          3
R> ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.drop_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")

Figure 4-5 Cluster Histogram for km.mod1

Description of Figure 4-5 follows
Description of "Figure 4-5 Cluster Histogram for km.mod1"

4.3 Cross-Validate Models

Cross-validation is a model improvement technique that avoids the limitations of a single train-and-test experiment by building and testing multiple models through repeated sampling from the available data.

Predictive models are usually built on given data and verified on held-aside or unseen data. The purpose of cross-validation is to offer better insight into how well the model would generalize to new data and to avoid over-fitting and deriving wrong conclusions from misleading peculiarities of the seen data.

The ore.CV utility R function uses Oracle Machine Learning for R for performing cross-validation of regression and classification models.

For a select set of algorithms and cases, the function ore.CV performs cross-validation for models that were generated by OML4R regression and classification functions using in-database data.

The ore.CV function works with models generated by the following OML4R functions:

  • ore.lm

  • ore.stepwise

  • ore.glm

  • ore.neural

  • ore.odmDT

  • ore.odmGLM

  • ore.odmNB

  • ore.odmSVM

You can also use ore.CV to cross-validate models generated with some R regression functions through OML4R embedded R execution. Those R functions are the following:

  • lm

  • glm

  • svm

To download the function ore.CV, and for more information on and examples of using ore.CV, see the blog post:

Model cross-validation with ore.CV()