3 Using SODA for C

How to access SODA for C is described, as well as how to use it to perform create, read (retrieve), update, and delete (CRUD) operations on collections. CRUD operations are also called “read and write operations” in this document.

3.1 Getting Started with SODA for C

How to access SODA for C is described, as well as how to use it to create a database collection, insert a document into a collection, and retrieve a document from a collection.


Don’t worry if not everything in this topic is clear to you on first reading. The necessary concepts are developed in detail in other topics. This topic should give you an idea of what is involved overall in using SODA.

To get started with SODA for C, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that all of the prerequisites have been met for using SODA for C. See SODA for C Prerequisites.

  2. Grant database role SODA_APP to the database schema (user account) where you intend to store SODA collections. (Replace placeholder user here by a real account name.)

  3. Create a program file containing the C code in Example 3-1, but set variables usr, passwd, and connstr to values appropriate string values for your database account and instance.

  4. Compile the file and build an executable program from it as you would for any OCI program.

  5. Run the program.

    You can run it just by entering the program name on the command line. For example, if the name is soda-get-started then enter that at the command-line prompt:

    > soda-get-started

    If you want the program to drop the collection when done with it then pass the argument drop to it on the command line:

    > soda-get-started drop


Do not use SQL to drop the database table that underlies a collection. Dropping a collection involves more than just dropping its database table. In addition to the documents that are stored in its table, a collection has metadata, which is also persisted in Oracle Database. Dropping the table underlying a collection does not also drop the collection metadata.


  • All C code you have that uses SODA for C features must first initialize the environment in OCI object mode, passing OCI_OBJECT as the mode parameter to function OCIEnvNlsCreate() here.

  • All SODA handles (document, collection, and any others) need to be explicitly freed using function OCIHandleFree() when your program no longer needs them. (In particular, a handle for a document with large content can be associated with a lot of memory.)

See Also:

Example 3-1 Getting Started Run-Through

This example code does the following:

  1. Creates an Oracle Call Interface (OCI) environment in object mode, allocates the error handle, and gets a session using function OCISessionGet().

  2. Creates and opens a SODA document collection, using the default collection configuration (metadata).

  3. Creates a SODA document with some JSON content.

  4. Inserts the document into the collection.

  5. Gets the inserted document back. Its other components, besides the content, are generated automatically.

  6. Prints the unique document key, which is one of the components generated automatically.

  7. Finds the document in the collection, providing its key.

  8. Prints some of the document components: key, version, last-modified time stamp, creation time stamp, media type, and content.

  9. Optionally drops the collection, cleaning up the database table that is used to store the collection and its metadata.

  10. Frees all allocated handles.

Whether or not the collection is dropped is decided at runtime. To drop the collection you provide the command-line argument drop to the executable program.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <oci.h>

static sword status;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  sword        rc = OCI_SUCCESS;
  OCIEnv      *envhp = NULL;
  OCIError    *errhp = NULL;
  OCISvcCtx   *svchp = NULL;
  OCIAuthInfo *authhp = NULL;
  OCISodaColl *collhp = NULL;
  OCISodaDoc  *dochp = NULL;
  boolean      isDropped = FALSE;
  ub4          docFlags = OCI_DEFAULT;
  OraText     *collectionName = (oratext *)"MyJSONCollection";
  OCISodaDoc  *foundDochp = NULL;
  OCISodaDoc  *origDochp = NULL;

  // Document content: JSON data
  char         documentContent[30] = "{\"name\":\"Alexander\"}";
  // Set these variables to strings with the appropriate user name and password.
  // (Be sure to replace the placeholders user and password used here.)
  OraText      usr[30] = user;
  OraText      passwd[30] = password;

  // Set variable connstr to a string value composed of the host name, port number, and service name
  // of your database instance.
  // (Be sure to replace placeholders host, port, and service used here.)
  OraText      connstr[50] = "host:port/service";

  OraText     *key = NULL;
  ub4          keyLen = 0;
  OraText     *content = NULL;
  ub4          contentLen = 0;
  OraText     *version = NULL;
  ub4          versionLen = 0;
  OraText     *lastModified = NULL;
  ub4          lastModifiedLen = 0;
  OraText     *mediaType = NULL;
  ub4          mediaTypeLen = 0;
  OraText     *createdOn = NULL;
  ub4          createdOnLen = 0;

  // Set up environment. OCI_OBJECT is required for all SODA C code.
  rc = OCIEnvNlsCreate(&envhp,

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf ("OCIEnvNlsCreate failed\n");
    goto finally;

  // Allocate error handle
  rc = OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *) envhp,
                      (dvoid **) &errhp,
                      (size_t) 0,
                      (dvoid **) 0);

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf ("OCIHandleAlloc: OCI_HTYPE_ERROR creation failed\n");
    goto finally;

  // Allocate authentication-information handle
  rc = OCIHandleAlloc ((dvoid *)envhp,
                       (dvoid **)&authhp,
                       (dvoid **)0);

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf ("OCIHandleAlloc: OCI_HTYPE_AUTHINFO creation failed\n");
    goto finally;
  // Set variable usr to the user name
  rc = OCIAttrSet ((dvoid *)authhp,
                   (dvoid *)usr,
                   (ub4)strlen((char *)usr),
                   (OCIError *)errhp);
  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf ("OCIAttrSet: OCI_ATTR_USERNAME failed\n");
    goto finally;

  // Set variable passwd to the password
  rc = OCIAttrSet ((dvoid *)authhp,
                   (dvoid *)passwd,
                   (ub4)strlen((char *)passwd),
                   (OCIError *)errhp);
  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf ("OCIAttrSet: OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD failed\n");
    goto finally;

  // Get service handle
  // This provides service and error handles we can use for service calls
  rc = OCISessionGet ((OCIEnv *)envhp,
                      (OCIError *)errhp,
                      (OCISvcCtx **)&svchp,
                      (OCIAuthInfo *)authhp,
                      (OraText *)connstr,
                      (ub4)strlen((char *)connstr),
                      (OraText *)NULL,
                      (OraText **)0,
                      (ub4 *)0,
                      (boolean *)0,

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCISessionGet failed\n");
    goto finally;

  // Create collection named by the value of variable collectionName, with default metadata
  rc = OCISodaCollCreate(svchp,
                         (ub4) strlen(collectionName),

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCISodaCollCreate failed\n");
    goto finally;

  // Create a document with content provided by variable documentContent
  rc = OCISodaDocCreate(envhp,
                        (ub4) strlen(documentContent),

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCISodaDocCreate failed\n");
    goto finally;

  // Because OCISodaInsertAndGet returns the result document as dochp, we first
  // save the pointer to the original input document handle, which was returned
  // by OCISodaDocCreate, as origDochp. This lets us free the original
  // document handle later.
  origDochp = dochp;

  // Insert the document into the collection
  rc = OCISodaInsertAndGet(svchp,

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCISodaInsertAndGet failed\n");
    goto finally;

  // Get the auto-generated key of the inserted document
  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) dochp,
                  (dvoid *) &key,

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCIAttrGet for OCI_ATTR_SODA_KEY failed\n");
    goto finally;

  // Find the document using its key
  printf("Find the document by its auto-generated key %.*s\n", keyLen, key);
  rc = OCISodaFindOneWithKey(svchp,

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCISodaFindOneWithKey failed\n");
    goto finally;

  // Get and print components of found document
  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &key,

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCIAttrGet for OCI_ATTR_SODA_KEY failed\n");
    goto finally;
  printf("Key: %.*s\n", keyLen, key);

  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &version,

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCIAttrGet for OCI_ATTR_SODA_VERSION failed\n");
    goto finally;
  printf("Version: %.*s\n", versionLen, version);

  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &lastModified,

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCIAttrGet for OCI_ATTR_SODA_LASTMOD_TIMESTAMP failed\n");
    goto finally;
  printf("Last-modified: %.*s\n", lastModifiedLen, lastModified);

  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &createdOn,

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCIAttrGet for OCI_ATTR_SODA_CREATE_TIMESTAMP failed\n");
    goto finally;
  printf("Created: %.*s\n", createdOnLen, createdOn);

  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &mediaType,

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCIAttrGet for OCI_ATTR_SODA_MEDIA_TYPE failed\n");
    goto finally;
  printf("Media Type: %.*s\n", mediaTypeLen, mediaType);

  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &content,

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCIAttrGet for OCI_ATTR_SODA_CONTENT failed\n");
    goto finally;
  printf("Content: %.*s \n", contentLen, content);

  // Drop the collection if argument "drop" was provided
  if ((argc > 1) && (strcmp(argv[1], "drop") == 0))
    rc = OCISodaCollDrop(svchp,
    if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
      printf("OCISodaCollDrop failed\n");
      goto finally;
      printf("Collection dropped\n");


  // Release the session and free all handles
  if (collhp) 
    (void ) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION);
  if (dochp) 
    (void ) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) dochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);

  if (origDochp)
    (void ) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) origDochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);

  if (foundDochp) 
    (void ) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) foundDochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);

  (void ) OCISessionRelease(svchp, errhp, (oratext *)0, 0, OCI_DEFAULT);

  if (authhp)
    (void ) OCIHandleFree ((dvoid *)authhp, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_AUTHINFO);
  if (errhp) 
    (void ) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) errhp, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR);
  if (svchp) 
    (void ) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) svchp, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX);

  if (envhp) 
    (void ) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) envhp, OCI_HTYPE_ENV);
  return rc;

3.2 Creating a Document Collection with SODA for C

Use OCI function OCISodaCollCreate() to create a collection, if you do not care about the details of its configuration. This creates a collection that has the default metadata. To create a collection that is configured in a nondefault way, use function OCISodaCollCreateWithMetadata() instead, passing it custom metadata, expressed in JSON.

For each of these functions, if a collection with the same name already exists then it is simply opened and its handle is returned. For function OCISodaCollCreateWithMetadata(), if the metadata passed to it does not match that of the existing collection then the collection is not opened and an error is raised. (To match, all metadata fields must have the same values.)

Example 3-2 uses function OCISodaCollCreate() to create a collection that has the default configuration (default metadata). It returns the collection as an OCISodaColl handle.

A collection that has the default collection metadata has the following characteristics:

  • It can store only JSON documents.

  • Each of its documents has these components: key, content, creation time stamp, last-modified time stamp.

  • Keys are automatically generated for documents that you add to the collection.

The default collection configuration is recommended in most cases, but collections are highly configurable. When you create a collection you can specify things such as the following:

  • Whether the collection can store only JSON documents.

  • The presence or absence of columns for document creation time stamp, last-modified time stamp, and version.

  • Methods of document key generation, and whether keys are client-assigned or generated automatically.

  • Methods of version generation.

  • Storage details, such as the name of the table that stores the collection and the names and data types of its columns.

This configurability also lets you map a new collection to an existing database table.


Unless otherwise stated, the remainder of this documentation assumes that a collection has the default configuration.

See Also:

Example 3-2 Creating a Collection That Has the Default Metadata

This example creates collection MyCollection with the default metadata. Note that function OCISodaCollCreate() does not, itself, perform a database commit operation.

OCISodaColl *collhp = NULL;
OraText     *collectionName = (OraText *)"MyCollection";
rc = OCISodaCollCreate(svchp,
                       (const OraText *)collectionName,

3.3 Opening an Existing Document Collection with SODA for C

Use OCI function OCISodaCollOpen() to open an existing document collection.

See Also:

Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide for information about OCI function OCISodaCollOpen()

Example 3-3 Opening an Existing Document Collection

This example uses OCI function OCISodaCollOpen() to open the collection named MyCollection. It returns an OCISodaColl handle that represents this collection as the value of the fourth parameter (collhp in this example). The function return value is OCI_SUCCESS for success or OCI_ERROR for failure. If the value returned is OCI_ERROR then there is no existing collection named MyCollection.

OCISodaColl *collhp = NULL;
OraText     *collectionName = "MyCollection";
rc = OCISodaCollOpen(svchp, 
                     (ub4) strlen(collectionName),
if (!collhp) printf("Collection %s does not exist\n", collectionName);

3.4 Checking Whether a Given Collection Exists with SODA for C

To check for the existence of a collection with a given name, use OCI function OCISodaCollOpen(). The function returns OCI_SUCCESS if the collection was successfully opened, which means that it exists. If no such collection exists then the collection-handle pointer is NULL.

Example 3-3 illustrates this. If MyCollection names an existing collection then that collection is opened, and collection-handle collhp points to it. If MyCollection does not name an existing collection then after invoking function OCISodaCollOpen() the value of collection-handle collhp is still NULL.

3.5 Discovering Existing Collections with SODA for C

To discover existing collections, use OCI functions OCISodaCollList() and OCISodaCollGetNext().

See Also:

Example 3-4 Printing the Names of All Existing Collections

This example uses OCI function OCISodaCollList() to obtain a collection cursor (collectionCursor). It then iterates over the cursor, printing out each collection name.

OCISodaCollCursor *collectionCursor;
OCISodaColl       *collhp;
OraText           *startName = NULL;
ub4                startNameLen = 0;
OraText           *collectionName = NULL;
ub4                collectionNameLen = 0;

rc = OCISodaCollList(svchp,
                     (ub4) strlen(startName),

if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

  rc = OCISodaCollGetNext(svchp,
  if (rc == OCI_NO_DATA || rc == OCI_INVALID_HANDLE || rc == OCI_ERROR) goto finally;

  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) collhp,
                  (dvoid *) &collectionName,

  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
  printf("%s\n", collectionName);
  if (collhp) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION));

if (collectionCursor) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collectionCursor, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_SODA_CURSOR);

In this example, startName is NULL, and startNameLen is 0. As a result, the cursor iterates over all collections in the database.

Alternatively, you could iterate over only a subset of the existing collections. For that, you could set startName to an existing collection name, such as "myCollectionB", and set startNameLen to its string length. The cursor would then iterate over only that collection and the collections whose names come after that collection name alphabetically. The collections would be iterated over in alphabetic order of their names.

For example, if the existing collections are "myCollectionA", "myCollectionB", and "myCollectionC", and if startName is "myCollectionB", then the cursor iterates over "myCollectionB" and "myCollectionC", in that order.

3.6 Dropping a Document Collection with SODA for C

To drop a document collection, use OCI function OCISodaCollDrop().

Unlike Oracle SQL statement DROP TABLE, function OCISodaCollDrop() does not implicitly perform a commit operation before and after it drops the collection. To complete the collection removal you must explicitly commit all uncommitted writes to the collection before invoking OCISodaCollDrop().

Dropping a collection using a collection handle does not free the handle. You must use OCI function OCIHandleFree() to free a handle.


Do not use SQL to drop the database table that underlies a collection. Dropping a collection involves more than just dropping its database table. In addition to the documents that are stored in its table, a collection has metadata, which is also persisted in Oracle Database. Dropping the table underlying a collection does not also drop the collection metadata.


Day-to-day use of a typical application that makes use of SODA does not require that you drop and re-create collections. But if you need to do that for any reason then this guideline applies.

Do not drop a collection and then re-create it with different metadata if there is any application running that uses the collection in any way. Shut down any such applications before re-creating the collection, so that all live SODA handles are released.

There is no problem just dropping a collection. Any read or write operation on a dropped collection raises an error. And there is no problem dropping a collection and then re-creating it with the same metadata. But if you re-create a collection with different metadata, and if there are any live applications using SODA handles, then there is a risk that a stale collection is accessed, and no error is raised in this case.

See Also:

Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide for information about OCI function OCISodaCollDrop()

Example 3-5 Dropping a Document Collection

This example uses OCI function OCISodaCollDrop() to drop a collection. (Variable collhp is assumed to point to an existing collection — an OCISodaColl instance).

If the collection cannot be dropped because of uncommitted write operations then an error is returned. If the collection is dropped successfully, the value of out parameter dropStatus is TRUE; otherwise it is FALSE.

If the collection-handle argument (collhp in this example) no longer references an existing collection then no error is returned, but dropStatus is FALSE after the invocation of OCISodaCollDrop().

boolean dropStatus = FALSE;
rc = OCISodaCollDrop(svchp, collhp, &dropStatus, errhp, OCI_DEFAULT);

3.7 Creating Documents with SODA for C

Various ways to create a SODA document are described, along with the components of a document.

SODA for C represents a document using a OCISodaDoc handle. This is a carrier of document content and other document components, such as the document key. Document components are handle attributes.

Here is an example of the content of a JSON document:

{ "name" :    "Alexander",
  "address" : "1234 Main Street",
  "city" :    "Anytown",
  "state" :   "CA",
  "zip" :     "12345"

A document has these components:

  • Key

  • Content

  • Creation time stamp

  • Last-modified time stamp

  • Version

  • Media type ("application/json" for JSON documents)

You can create a document in these ways:

  • By invoking a OCI function that is specifically designed to create a document: OCISodaDocCreate(), OCISodaDocCreateWithKey(), or OCISodaDocCreateWithKeyAndMType().

    Example 3-6 and Example 3-7 illustrate this. They both create a document handle. In each case the media type for the created document defaults to "application/json", and the other document components default to NULL.

  • By invoking function OCIHandleAlloc() with handle type OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT, to create an empty document (handle).

    Example 3-8 illustrates this.

You can use function OCIAttrSet() to define (set) document components (document-handle attributes), whether or not they already have values.

If you use the second approach (OCIHandleAlloc()) to create a document then you must invoke function OCIAttrSet() to set the content component. If you intend the document to be written to a collection with client-assigned keys then you must also invoke it to set the key. If you intend the document to have non-JSON content then you must also invoke it to set the media type.

However you create a document, you can reuse the handle for multiple document operations. For example, you can change the content or other components, passing the same handle to different write operations.

In a collection, each document must have a key. You must provide the key when you create the document only if you expect to insert the document into a collection that does not automatically generate keys for inserted documents. By default, collections are configured to automatically generate document keys. Use function OCISodaDocCreate() if the key is to be automatically generated; otherwise, supply the key (as parameter key) to OCISodaDocCreateWithKey(), or OCISodaDocCreateWithKeyAndMType().

Use function OCISodaDocCreateWithKeyAndMType() if you want to provide the document media type (otherwise, it defaults to "application/json"). This can be useful for creating non-JSON documents (using a media type other than "application/json").

Whichever document-creation function you use, invoking it sets the document components that you provide (the content, possibly the key, and possibly the media type) to the values you provide for them. And it sets the values of the creation time stamp, last-modified time stamp, and version to null.

You get document components using OCI function OCIAttrGet(), which is the same way you get the value of any handle attribute. You pass the type of the component you want to get to OCIAttrGet() as the fifth argument.

Table 3-1 Document Handle Attributes (Document Components)

Attribute Description


The unique key for the document.


The creation time stamp for the document.


The last-modified time stamp for the document.


The media type for the document.


The document version.


The document content.

Immediately after you create a document, OCIAttrGet() returns these values for components:

  • Values explicitly provided to the document-creation function

  • "application/json", for OCI_ATTR_SODA_MEDIA_TYPE, if the media type was not provided to the creation function

  • NULL for other components

See Also:

Example 3-6 Creating a Document with JSON Content

This example uses OCISodaDocCreate() to create a document handle and fill the document with content. It then frees the document handle.Foot 1

OCISodaDoc *dochp =  NULL;
OraText    *documentContent = "{\"name\":\"Alexander\"}";
ub4         docFlags = OCI_DEFAULT;

rc = OCISodaDocCreate(envhp,
                      (ub4) strlen(documentContent),
// Make further use of handle dochp...
if (dochp) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) dochp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);

Example 3-7 Creating a Document with Document Key and JSON Content

This example is similar to Example 3-6, but it uses OCISodaDocCreateWithKey(), providing the document key (myKey) as well as the document content. It then gets and prints the non-null document components that were set by OCISodaDocCreateWithKey(): the key, the content and the media type. It then frees the document handle.

OCISodaDoc *dochp =  NULL;
OraText    *documentContent = "{\"name\":\"Alexander\"}";
OraText    *key = "myKey";
ub4         docFlags = OCI_DEFAULT;
sword       rc = OCI_SUCCESS;
OraText    *finalKey;
ub4         finalKeyLen = 0;
OraText    *finalContent;
ub4         finalContentLen = 0;
OraText    *media;
ub4         mediaLen = 0;

rc = OCISodaDocCreateWithKey(envhp,
                             (ub4) strlen(documentContent),
                             (ub4) strlen(key),
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Get and print the key, content and media type, which were set by OCISodaDocCreateWithKey().
OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) dochp,
           (dvoid *) &finalKey,
printf ("Key: %.*s\n", finalKeyLen, finalKey);
OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) dochp,
           (dvoid *) &finalContent,
printf ("Content: %.*s\n", finalContentLen, finalContent);

OCIAttrGet((dvoid *)dochp,
           (dvoid *) &media,
printf ("Media type: %.*s\n", mediaLen, media);

if (dochp) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) dochp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);

This is the printed output:

Key: myKey
Content: {"name" : "Alexander"}
Media type: application/json 

Example 3-8 Creating an Empty Document and Then Defining Components

sword       rc = OCI_SUCCESS;
OCISodaDoc *dochp = NULL;
OraText    *documentContent= "{\"name\":\"Alexander\"}";

rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp,
                    (void **) &dochp,
                    (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

rc = OCIAttrSet(dochp,
                (ub4) strlen(documentContent),
finally: ...

3.8 Inserting Documents into Collections with SODA for C

Various ways to insert a document into a SODA collection are described.

If you have created a document handle, you can use function OCISodaInsert() or OCISodaInsertAndGet() to insert the document into a collection. These functions create document keys automatically, unless the collection is configured with client-assigned keys and the input document provides the key. These functions take a document handle as one of their arguments.

For convenience, you can alternatively use function OCISodaInsertWithCtnt() or OCISodaInsertAndGetWithCtnt() to insert a document without having created a document handle. You provide only the content and (optionally) the key for the document. (The key is needed only when inserting into a collection that has client-assigned keys.)

If the target collection is configured for documents that have creation and last-modified time-stamp components then all of the document-insertion functions automatically set these components. If the collection is configured to generate document versions automatically then the insertion functions also set the version component. (The default collection configuration provides both time-stamp components and the version component.)

In addition to inserting the document, functions OCISodaInsertAndGet() and OCISodaInsertAndGetWithCtnt() return a result document. The result document contains the generated document components, such as the key, version, created-on timestamp, and last-modified timestamp. It does not contain the content of the inserted document.


If the collection is configured with client-assigned document keys (which is not the default case), and the input document provides a key that identifies an existing document in the collection, then these methods return an error.

See Also:

Example 3-9 Inserting a Document into a Collection

This example creates a document and inserts it into a collection using function OCISodaInsert(). The use of mode parameter OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT ensures that the insertion and any other outstanding operations are committed.

OCISodaDoc *dochp = NULL;
OraText    *documentContent = "{\"name\":\"Alexander\"}";

rc = OCISodaDocCreate(envhp,
                      (ub4) strlen(documentContent),

if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally:

rc = OCISodaInsert(svchp,

finally: ...

Example 3-10 Inserting a Document into a Collection and Getting the Result Document

This example creates a document and inserts it into a collection using function OCISodaInsertAndGet(), which also returns the result document, after insertion. The example then gets (and prints) each of the generated components from that result document (which contains them): the creation time stamp, the last-modified time stamp, the media type, and the version. To obtain each of these components it uses function OCIAttrGet(), passing the type of the component: OCI_ATTR_SODA_CREATE_TIMESTAMP, OCI_ATTR_SODA_LASTMOD_TIMESTAMP, OCI_ATTR_SODA_MEDIA_TYPE, and OCI_ATTR_SODA_VERSION.

sword rc = OCI_SUCCESS;

OraText    *key = "myKey1";
OraText    *documentContent = "{\"name\":\"Alexander\"}";
ub4         docFlags = OCI_DEFAULT;
OCISodaDoc *dochp = NULL;
OCISodaDoc *origDochp = NULL;
OraText    *resultKey;
ub4         resultKeyLen = 0;
OraText    *resultCreatedOn;
ub4         resultCreatedOnLen = 0;
OraText    *resultLastModified;
ub4         resultLastModifiedLen = 0;
OraText    *resultVersion;
ub4         resultVersionLen = 0;
OraText    *resultMedia;
ub4         resultMediaLen = 0;

// Create a document with key "myKey1"
rc = OCISodaDocCreateWithKey(envhp,
                             (ub4) strlen(documentContent),
                             (ub4) strlen(key),

if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Insert the document into a collection.

// collhp is a collection-handle pointer.  We assume the collection it
// points to was configured to use client-assigned keys.

// Because OCISodaInsertAndGet returns the result document as dochp, we first
// save the pointer to the original input document handle, which is returned by
// OCISodaDocCreateWithKey, as origDochp.  This lets us free the original
// document handle later.
origDochp = dochp;

rc = OCISodaInsertAndGet(svchp,

if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Print some components of the result document.  (For brevity we omit checking
// for a return value of OCI_SUCCESS in all OCIAttrGet() calls here.)

OCIAttrGet((dvoid *)dochp,
           (dvoid *)&resultCreatedOn,
printf ("Created-on time stamp: %.*s\n", resultCreatedOnLen, resultCreatedOn);

OCIAttrGet((dvoid *)dochp,
           (dvoid *)&resultLastModified,
printf ("Last-modified time stamp: %.*s\n", resultLastModifiedLen, resultLastModified);

OCIAttrGet((dvoid *)dochp,
           (dvoid *)&resultVersion,
printf ("Version: %.*s\n", resultVersionLen, resultVersion);

OCIAttrGet((dvoid *)dochp,
           (dvoid *)&resultMedia,
printf ("Media type: %.*s\n", resultMediaLen, resultMedia);

// Free the document handles
if (origDochp) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) origDochp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);

if (dochp) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) dochp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);

Example 3-11 Inserting a Document into a Collection Without Providing a Handle

This example uses function OCISodaInsertWithCtnt() to insert a document into a collection without providing a document handle. Only the document key and content are provided as arguments.

Here we assume that we are inserting the document into a collection that is configured with client-assigned keys. If you instead insert a document into a collection configured for auto-generated keys then pass NULL as the key argument and 0 as the key-length argument (which immediately follows the key argument).

OraText *documentContent = "{\"name\":\"Hannibal\"}";
OraText *key = "myKey2";

rc = OCISodaInsertWithCtnt(svchp,
                           (ub4) strlen(key),
                           (void *)documentContent,
                           (ub4) strlen(documentContent),

3.9 SODA for C Read and Write Operations

For all read operations, and for write operations other than insertions, you: (1) allocate an operation-options handle, (2) set some of its attributes to specify a particular operation, and (3) pass the handle to a generic function that performs the operation.

These are the read-operation functions:

  • OCISodaFindOne() — Find and return at most one document.

  • OCISodaFind() — Find multiple documents and return a cursor to them.

  • OCISodaDocCount() — Find multiple documents and return the number of documents found.

These are the write-operation functions:

  • OCISodaReplOne() — Replace one document.

  • OCISodaReplOneAndGet() — Replace one document and return the result document.

  • OCISodaRemove() — Remove multiple documents.

You use function OCIHandleAlloc() to allocate an empty operation-options handle:

OCISodaOperationOptions *opthp;
// Create an empty operation options handle
rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp,
                    (void **)&opthp,
                    (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);

You use function OCIAttrSet() to set a single attribute of an operation-options handle. For example, this sets attribute filter with value {"name:"Ruth"}:

OraText * filter = "{\"name\" : \"Ruth\"}";
// Set the filter on the operation options handle
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp, 

There is no attribute that represents multiple document keys. For an operation that involves multiple keys you use function OCISodaOperKeysSet() to set them.


If you use function OCIAttrSet() to set attribute OCI_ATTR_SODA_KEY on an operation-options handle, and you also use function OCISodaOperKeysSet() to set multiple keys on the same handle, then only the latest of the two settings takes effect. The effect of the first function invoked is overridden by the effect of the second.

See Also:

3.10 Finding Documents in Collections with SODA for C

To find documents in a collection use function OCISodaFind(), passing it an operation-options handle that specifies the particular find operation. To find the unique document that has a given key you can alternatively use OCI convenience function OCISodaFindOneWithKey(), which does not require an operation-options handle.

See Also:

Example 3-12 Finding All Documents in a Collection

This example first obtains a cursor for a query result list that contains each document in a collection. It then uses the cursor in a while statement to get and print the components of each document, as a string.

OraText                 *key = NULL;
ub4                      keyLen = 0;
OraText                 *content = NULL;
ub4                      contentLen = 0;
OraText                 *version = NULL;
ub4                      versionLen = 0;
OraText                 *lastModified = NULL;
ub4                      lastModifiedLen = 0;
OraText                 *mediaType = NULL;
ub4                      mediaTypeLen = 0;
OraText                 *createdOn = NULL;
ub4                      createdOnLen = 0;
ub4                      findFlags = OCI_DEFAULT;

OCISodaDocCursor        *cursorhp = NULL;
OCISodaDoc              *foundDochp = NULL;
OCISodaOperationOptions *opthp;

// Allocate an empty operation-options handle.
rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp, (void **)&opthp,
                    OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS, (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Find all documents in the collection.
// Because the operation-options handle (opthp) is empty, no conditions
// are set on the find operation, so all documents are returned.
// collhp is an OCISodaColl pointer, representing an open collection.
// cursorhp is a OCISodaDocCursor pointer to a returned cursor over the
// resulting document set.
rc = OCISodaFind(svchp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Fetch each document from the cursor, and print all of its components.
while (OCISodaDocGetNext(svchp,
        == OCI_SUCCESS)
  // Get and print components of found document.
  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &key,
  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
  printf("Key: %.*s\n", keyLen, key);

  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &version,
  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
  printf("Version: %.*s\n", versionLen, version);

  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &lastModified,
  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
  printf("Last-modified: %.*s\n", lastModifiedLen, lastModified);

  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &createdOn,
  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
  printf("Created: %.*s\n", createdOnLen, createdOn);

  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &mediaType,
  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
  printf("Media Type: %.*s\n", mediaTypeLen, mediaType);

  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &content,
  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
  printf("Content: %.*s \n", contentLen, content);

  // Important: free document handle before fetching next document.
  // This releases memory associated with the current document.
  if (foundDochp)
    (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) foundDochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);


// Free all handles.
if (cursorhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) cursorhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOC_CURSOR);
if (opthp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) opthp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS);
if (collhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION);
if (foundDochp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) foundDochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);

Example 3-13 Finding the Unique Document That Has a Given Document Key

This example sets up an operations options handle with the given UUID key (E914016C41174F6CBF7C877C7F9EB4C2), which it passes to function OCISodaFindOne() to find the document with that key.

After finding the document, the example uses function OCIAttrGet() to retrieve the document key and content, and then it prints them. Finally, it frees the document handles that were allocated for the collection, document, and operations options.

As an alternative to setting the key attribute on an operation-options handle and using OCISodaFindOne(), you can use convenience function OCISodaFindOneWithKey. It accepts a key argument directly, in place of an operation-options handle.

OraText                 *key = NULL;
ub4                      keyLen = 0;
OraText                 *content = NULL;
ub4                      contentLen = 0;
ub4                      findFlags = OCI_DEFAULT;

OraText                 *inKey = "E914016C41174F6CBF7C877C7F9EB4C2";

OCISodaDoc              *foundDochp = NULL;
OCISodaOperationOptions *opthp;

// Allocate an empty operation-options handle.
rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp, (void **)&opthp,
                    OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS, (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the key of the document we want to find, on the operation-options handle.
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Find the document with the key, by way of the operation-options handle.
// collhp is an OCISodaColl pointer, representing an open collection.
rc = OCISodaFindOne(svchp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Get and print components of found document.
rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                (dvoid *) &key,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
printf("Key: %.*s\n", keyLen, key);

rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                (dvoid *) &content,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
printf("Content: %.*s \n", contentLen, content);


// Free all handles.
if (collhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION);
if (foundDochp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) foundDochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);
if (opthp)     
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) opthp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS);

Example 3-14 Finding Multiple Documents with Specified Document Keys

This example finds three documents using their keys. The keys and their string lengths, as arrays, and the number of keys (3) are passed to function OCISodaOperKeysSet(), which sets up the operation-options handle appropriately. (You cannot set multiple keys and their lengths using standard function OCIAttrSet().) The example then invokes function OCISodaFind(), passing it the handle.

This example uses function OCISodaFind to find three documents using their keys. The keys and their string lengths, as arrays, and the number of keys (3) are passed to function OCISodaOperKeysSet(), which sets up the operation-options handle with this information. (You cannot set multiple keys and their lengths using standard function OCIAttrSet().)


If you use function OCIAttrSet() to set attribute OCI_ATTR_SODA_KEY on an operation-options handle, and you also use function OCISodaOperKeysSet() to set multiple keys on the same handle, then only the latest of the two settings takes effect. The effect of the first function invoked is overridden by the effect of the second.

OraText                 *key = NULL;
ub4                      keyLen = 0;
OraText                 *content = NULL;
ub4                      contentLen = 0;
ub4                      findFlags = OCI_DEFAULT;

OraText                 *keys[3] = {"6B67A10BC6EB4FB7BFA1ECE7E697C507",
ub4                      keyLengths[3];
int                      i = 0;

OCISodaDocCursor        *cursorhp = NULL;
OCISodaDoc              *foundDochp = NULL;
OCISodaOperationOptions *opthp;

// Allocate an empty operation-options handle.
rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp, (void **)&opthp,
                    OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS, (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Fill array of key lengths.
for(i=0; i<3; i++)
  keyLengths[i] = strlen(keys[i]);

// Set keys and their lengths on the operation-options handle.
// You cannot set keys and their lengths using standard function OCIAttrSet().
// Use function OCISodaOperKeysSet().
rc = OCISodaOperKeysSet(opthp,

if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Find documents in collection that match the keys set in operation-options handle.
// collhp is an OCISodaColl pointer, representing an open collection.
// cursorhp is a OCISodaDocCursor pointer to a returned cursor over the
// resulting document set.
rc = OCISodaFind(svchp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Fetch each document from the cursor, and its key and content.
while (OCISodaDocGetNext(svchp,
       == OCI_SUCCESS)
  // Get and print components of found document.
  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &key,
  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
  printf("Key: %.*s\n", keyLen, key);

  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &content,
  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
  printf("Content: %.*s \n\n", contentLen, content);

  // Important: Free the document handle before fetching the next document.
  // This releases memory associated with the current document.
  if (foundDochp)
    (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) foundDochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);


// Free all handles
if (cursorhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) cursorhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOC_CURSOR );
if (opthp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) cursorhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS );
if (collhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION);
if (foundDochp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) foundDochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);

Example 3-15 Finding Documents with a Filter Specification

Function OCISodaFind() provides a powerful way to filter JSON documents in a collection. To use it you pass an operation-options handle that specifies attribute OCI_ATTR_SODA_FILTER as a JSON query-by-example (QBE, also called a filter specification).

The syntax of filter specifications is an expressive pattern-matching language for JSON documents. This example uses only a very simple QBE, just to indicate how you make use of one in SODA for C.

This example sets operation-options handle attribute OCI_ATTR_SODA_FILTER to a filter that specifies JSON documents whose name field has value "Alexander". It then uses the operation-options handle to find the documents that match that filter. Finally, it prints the key and content of each found document.

OraText                 *key = NULL;
ub4                      keyLen = 0;
OraText                 *content = NULL;
ub4                      contentLen = 0;
ub4                      findFlags = OCI_DEFAULT;

OraText                 *filter = "{ \"name\" : \"Alexander\"}";

OCISodaDocCursor        *cursorhp = NULL;
OCISodaDoc              *foundDochp = NULL;
OCISodaOperationOptions *opthp;

// Allocate an empty operation-options handle.
rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp, (void **)&opthp,
                    OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS, (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the filter (query-by-example, or QBE) on the operation-options handle.
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Find all documents in collection that match filter set in operation-options handle.
// collhp is an OCISodaColl pointer, representing an open collection.
// cursorhp is a OCISodaDocCursor pointer to a returned cursor over the
// resulting document set.
rc = OCISodaFind(svchp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Fetch each document from the cursor, and print its key and content.
while (OCISodaDocGetNext(svchp,
       == OCI_SUCCESS)
  // Get and print key and content of found document.
  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &key,
  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
  printf("Key: %.*s\n", keyLen, key);

  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &content,
  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
  printf("Content: %.*s \n\n", contentLen, content);

  // Important: Free the document handle before fetching next document.
  // This releases memory associated with the current document.
  if (foundDochp)
    (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) foundDochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);


// Free all handles
if (cursorhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) cursorhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOC_CURSOR );
if (opthp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) cursorhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS );
if (collhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION);
if (foundDochp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) foundDochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);

Example 3-16 Finding Documents with a Filter Specification and Pagination

This example uses function OCISodaFind() in a pagination query. It passes an operation-options handle that specifies attribute OCI_ATTR_SODA_FILTER as a QBE, as well as attributes OCI_ATTR_SODA_SKIP (the number of documents to skip) and OCI_ATTR_SODA_LIMIT (the maximum number of documents to return). Except for specifying pagination (skip and limit) this example is the same as Example 3-15.

OraText                 *key = NULL;
ub4                      keyLen = 0;
OraText                 *content = NULL;
ub4                      contentLen = 0;
ub4                      findFlags = OCI_DEFAULT;

OraText                 *filter = "{ \"name\" : \"Alexander\"}";
ub4                      skip = 1000;
ub4                      limit = 100;

OCISodaDocCursor        *cursorhp = NULL;
OCISodaDoc              *foundDochp = NULL;
OCISodaOperationOptions *opthp;

// Allocate an empty operation-options handle.
rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp, (void **)&opthp,
                    OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS, (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the filter (query-by-example, or QBE) on the operation-options handle.
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the number of documents to skip on the operation-options handle.
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the limit of the number of documents to return on the operation-options handle.
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Find all documents in collection that match filter set in operation-options handle.
// Honor  skip and limit values set in the handle.
// collhp is an OCISodaColl pointer, representing an open collection.
// cursorhp is a OCISodaDocCursor pointer to a returned cursor over the
// resulting document set.
rc = OCISodaFind(svchp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Fetch each document from the cursor, and print its key and content.
while (OCISodaDocGetNext(svchp,
       == OCI_SUCCESS)
  // Get and print components of found document.
  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &key,
  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
  printf("Key: %.*s\n", keyLen, key);

  rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                  (dvoid *) &content,
  if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
  printf("Content: %.*s \n\n", contentLen, content);

  // Important: Free the document handle before fetching the next document.
  // This releases memory associated with the current document.
  if (foundDochp)
    (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) foundDochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);


// Free all handles
if (cursorhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) cursorhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOC_CURSOR );
if (opthp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) cursorhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS );
if (collhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION);
if (foundDochp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) foundDochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);

Example 3-17 Finding a Particular Version of a Document

This example uses function OCISodaFindOne() with an operation-options handle that specifies the version, as well as the key, of the document to find.

When specifying the document version you typically specify the key as well. But you can specify the version along with a filter, provided the filter specifies at most one document in the collection.

OraText                 *key = NULL;
ub4                      keyLen = 0;
OraText                 *content = NULL;
ub4                      contentLen = 0;
OraText                 *version = NULL;
ub4                      versionLen = 0;
ub4                      findFlags = OCI_DEFAULT;

OraText                 *inKey = "E914016C41174F6CBF7C877C7F9EB4C2";
OraText                 *inVersion =

OCISodaDocCursor        *cursorhp = NULL;
OCISodaDoc              *foundDochp = NULL;
OCISodaOperationOptions *opthp;

// Allocate an empty operation-options handle.
rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp, (void **)&opthp,
                    OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS, (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the key on the operation-options handle.
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the version on the operation-options handle.
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Find document that matches key and version set on operation-options handle.
rc = OCISodaFindOne(svchp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Get the found document and print its key, version, and content.
rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                (dvoid *) &key,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
printf("Key: %.*s\n", keyLen, key);

rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                (dvoid *) &version,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
printf("Version: %.*s\n", versionLen, version);

rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) foundDochp,
                (dvoid *) &content,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
printf("Content: %.*s \n", contentLen, content);


// Free all handles
if (collhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION);
if (foundDochp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) foundDochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);
if (opthp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) opthp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS);

Example 3-18 Counting the Number of Documents Found

This example uses function OCISodaDocCount() to get a count of all of the documents in a collection that satisfy a given filter specification.

OraText                 *filter = "{ \"name\" : \"Alexander\"}";
ub8                      count = 0;
OCISodaOperationOptions *opthp;

// Allocate an empty operation-options handle.
rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp, (void **)&opthp,
                    OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS, (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the filter (query-by-example, or QBE) on the operation-options handle.
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Number of documents that match filter set on  operation-options handle is returned as count.
rc = OCISodaDocCount(svchp,
                     opthp ,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
printf ("Number of matching documents: %d\n", count);


// Free all handles.
if (collhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION );
if (opthp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) opthp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS );

3.11 Replacing Documents in a Collection with SODA for C

You can use function OCISodaReplOneAndGet() to replace a document in a collection, passing it an operation-options handle that specifies the key of the document to replace as well as the new, replacement document. It returns that replacement document, but with all of its metadata filled in, as the result document.

Function OCISodaReplOne() is the same as OCISodaReplOneAndGet(), except that it does not return the result document with completed metadata.

These are the most generic document-replacement functions. There are also other, convenience functions for more specific use cases.

You can use these convenience functions if only the document content is to be replaced. Instead of passing them a replacement document, you pass just the new (JSON) content as a textual argument.

  • OCISodaReplOneAndGetWithCtnt()

  • OCISodaReplOneWithCtnt()

You can use these convenience functions if only the document key is to be specified. Instead of passing them an operation-options handle, you pass just the replacement document and the key of the document to replace. This means that you cannot specify a filter, document version, and so on.

  • OCISodaReplOneAndGetWithKey()

  • OCISodaReplOneWithKey()

The functions with AndGet in their name return the new (result) document as the value of the same parameter that was used for the input document, so you can get its components.

Whichever replacement function you use, it returns a Boolean value as output parameter isReplaced, indicating whether the replacement operation was successful.

See Also:

Example 3-19 Replacing a Document in a Collection, Given Its Key, and Getting the Result Document

This example creates a new document as a replacement for the document with UUID key "3C03C00FA3904FC2BF5182C424A2C6C1". It uses OCI function OCISodaReplOneAndGet() to replace the document having that key, and it gets the result document.

It uses function OCIAttrGet() to retrieve various components from the result document, which it prints. The use of mode parameter OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT ensures that the replacement and any other outstanding operations are committed.

OCISodaDoc              *dochp = NULL;
OCISodaDoc              *tempDochp = NULL;

// Document content: JSON data
char                     documentContent[30] = "{\"name\":\"LiLing\"}";
ub4                      docFlags = OCI_DEFAULT;

OraText                 *key = NULL;
ub4                      keyLen = 0;
OraText                 *content = NULL;
ub4                      contentLen = 0;
OraText                 *version = NULL;
ub4                      versionLen = 0;
OraText                 *lastModified = NULL;
ub4                      lastModifiedLen = 0;
OraText                 *mediaType = NULL;
ub4                      mediaTypeLen = 0;
OraText                 *createdOn = NULL;
ub4                      createdOnLen = 0;
boolean                  isReplaced = FALSE;

OCISodaOperationOptions *opthp;
OraText                 *inKey = "3C03C00FA3904FC2BF5182C424A2C6C1";

// Create a temporary replacement document, which has documentContent as its content.
rc = OCISodaDocCreate(envhp,
                      (ub4) strlen(documentContent),
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
  printf("OCISodaDocCreate failed\n");
  goto finally;

// Allocate an empty operation-options handle.
rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp, (void **)&opthp,
                    OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS, (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the document-key attribute on the operation-options handle.
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// OCISodaReplOneAndGet returns the result document as dochp, so
// before calling it we save a pointer, tempDochp, to the handle that
// was returned by OCISodaDocCreate.  Later we free tempDochp.
tempDochp = dochp;

// Replace the document that has the key set in the operation-options
// handle with the new, replacement document pointed to by dochp, and
// get back the result document.
// The result document has the content of the replacement
// document, but it also has all of the other document components,
// automatically populated by SODA when the replacement document was inserted.
rc = OCISodaReplOneAndGet(svchp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

if (isReplaced) printf ("Document was replaced.\n");

// Get and print the components of the document after replacement.
rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) dochp,
                (dvoid *) &key,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
printf("Key: %.*s\n", keyLen, key);

rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) dochp,
                (dvoid *) &version,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
printf("Version: %.*s\n", versionLen, version);

rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) dochp,
                (dvoid *) &lastModified,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
printf("Last-modified: %.*s\n", lastModifiedLen, lastModified);

rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) dochp,
                (dvoid *) &createdOn,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
printf("Created: %.*s\n", createdOnLen, createdOn);

rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) dochp,
                (dvoid *) &mediaType,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
printf("Media Type: %.*s\n", mediaTypeLen, mediaType);


// Release the session and free all handles, including the handle of the temporary document.
if (collhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION);
if (dochp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) dochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);
if (opthp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) opthp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS);
if (tempDochp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) tempDochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);

Example 3-20 Replacing a Particular Version of a Document

To implement optimistic locking when replacing a document, you can specify both key and version, as in this example.

OCISodaDoc              *dochp = NULL;
OCISodaDoc              *tempDochp = NULL;

// Document content: JSON data
char                     documentContent[30] = "{\"name\":\"Esmeralda\"}";
ub4                      docFlags = OCI_DEFAULT;

OraText                 *key = NULL;
ub4                      keyLen = 0;
OraText                 *content = NULL;
ub4                      contentLen = 0;
OraText                 *version = NULL;
ub4                      versionLen = 0;
boolean                  isReplaced = FALSE;

OCISodaOperationOptions *opthp;

OraText                 *inKey = "3C03C00FA3904FC2BF5182C424A2C6C1";
OraText                 *inVersion =

// Create a temporary replacement document, which has documentContent as its content.
rc = OCISodaDocCreate(envhp,
                      (ub4) strlen(documentContent),
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS)
  printf("OCISodaDocCreate failed\n");
  goto finally;

// Allocate an empty operation options handle
rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp, (void **)&opthp,
                    OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS, (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the key of the document we want to replace on the operation options handle
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the version of the document we want to replace on the operation options handle
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// OCISodaReplOneAndGet returns the result document as dochp, so
// before calling it we save a pointer, tempDochp, to the handle that
// was returned by OCISodaDocCreate.  Later we free tempDochp.
tempDochp = dochp;

// Replace the document that has the key and version set in the
// operation-options handle with the new, replacement document pointed
// to by dochp, and get back the result document.
// The result document has the content of the replacement
// document, but it also has all of the other document components,
// automatically populated by SODA when the replacement document was inserted.
rc = OCISodaReplOneAndGet(svchp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

if (isReplaced) printf ("Document was replaced.\n");

// Get and print the components of found document after replacement.
rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) dochp,
                (dvoid *) &key,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
printf("Key: %.*s\n", keyLen, key);

rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) dochp,
                (dvoid *) &version,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;
printf("Version: %.*s\n", versionLen, version);


// Release the session and free all handles, including handle of the temporary document.
if (collhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION);
if (dochp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) dochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);
if (opthp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) opthp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS);
if (tempDochp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) tempDochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_DOCUMENT);

3.12 Removing Documents from a Collection with SODA for C

To remove a document from a collection you can use function OCISodaRemove(), passing it an operation-options handle. If you only want to remove one document, specified by its key, then you can alternatively use convenience function OCISodaRemoveOneWithKey(). It does not require an operation-options handle — you pass it the key directly.

Whichever document-removal function you use, the function returns the number of documents removed as an out parameter.

See Also:

Example 3-21 Removing a Document from a Collection Using a Document Key

This example removes the document with UUID key "E914016C41174F6CBF7C877C7F9EB4C2". The use of mode parameter OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT ensures that the removal and any other outstanding operations are committed.

OraText                 *inKey = "E914016C41174F6CBF7C877C7F9EB4C2";
ub8                      removeCount = 0;

OCISodaOperationOptions *opthp;

// Allocate an empty operation-options handle.
rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp, (void **)&opthp,
                    OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS, (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the document-key attribute on the operation-options handle.
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Remove the document that has the key set in the operation-options handle.
rc = =OCISodaRemove(svchp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

if (removeCount > 0)
  printf("Successfully removed document.\n");
  printf("Document with specified key was not found.\n");


// Free all handles.
if (collhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION);
if (opthp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) opthp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS);

Example 3-22 Removing a Particular Version of a Document

This example uses function OCISodaRemove() with an operation-options handle that specifies the version, as well as the key, of the document to remove. This is useful for implementing optimistic locking, for write operations.

When specifying the document version you typically specify the key as well. But you can specify the version along with a filter, provided the filter specifies at most one document in the collection.

ub8                      removeCount = 0;

OraText                 *inKey = "0C6132FC780D4F16BF9561FC9E2B4F98";
OraText                 *inVersion =

OCISodaOperationOptions *opthp;

// Allocate an empty operation-options handle,
rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp, (void **)&opthp,
                    OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS, (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the document-key attribute on the operation-options handle.
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the document-version attribute on the operation-options handle.
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Remove document that has the key and version set in the operation-options handle.
rc = OCISodaRemove(svchp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

if (removeCount > 0)
  printf("Successfully removed document.\n");
  printf("Document with specified key was not found.\n");


// Free all handles.
if (collhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION);
if (opthp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) opthp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS);

Example 3-23 Removing Documents from a Collection Using Document Keys

This example uses function OCISodaOperKeysSet() to set operation-options handle attributes for key and key length for two documents. It then invokes function OCISodaRemove() to remove the documents that have those keys. Function OCISodaOperKeysSet() accepts an array of keys, an array of the corresponding key lengths, and the number of keys as arguments. (You cannot set multiple keys and their lengths using standard function OCIAttrSet().)


If you use function OCIAttrSet() to set attribute OCI_ATTR_SODA_KEY on an operation-options handle, and you also use function OCISodaOperKeysSet() to set multiple keys on the same handle, then only the latest of the two settings takes effect. The effect of the first function invoked is overridden by the effect of the second.

OraText                 *keys[2] = {"ACF8C4BDA3E44F4CBF802C9708D00C10",

ub4                      keyLengths[2];
ub8                      removeCount = 0;
int                      i = 0;

OCISodaOperationOptions *opthp;

// Allocate an empty operation-options handle.
rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp, (void **)&opthp,
                    OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS, (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Fill array of key lengths.
for(i=0; i<2; i++)
  keyLengths[i] = strlen(keys[i]);

// Set keys and key lengths on operation-options handle.
rc = OCISodaOperKeysSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Remove documents matching the keys in the operation options handle.
rc = OCISodaRemove(svchp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

if (removeCount > 0)
  printf("Successfully removed %d documents.\n", removeCount);
  printf("Document with specified keys were not found.\n");


// Free all handles.
if (opthp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) opthp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS);
if (collhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION);

Example 3-24 Removing JSON Documents from a Collection Using a Filter

This example uses a filter to remove the JSON documents whose greeting field has value "hello". It then prints the number of documents removed.

ub8                      removeCount = 0;
OraText                 *filter = "{\"greeting\" : \"hello\"}";
OCISodaOperationOptions *opthp;

// Allocate an empty operation-options handle.
rc = OCIHandleAlloc((void *) envhp, (void **)&opthp,
                    OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS, (size_t) 0,
                    (dvoid **) 0);
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Set the filter (query-by-example, or QBE) on the operation-options handle.
rc = OCIAttrSet(opthp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Remove documents matching the filter (QBE) set in operation-options handle.
rc = OCISodaRemove(svchp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

if (removeCount > 0)
  printf("Successfully removed %d documents.\n", removeCount);
  printf("No documents matching the filter were found.\n");


//Free all handles.
if (collhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION);
if (opthp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) opthp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS);

3.13 Indexing the Documents in a Collection with SODA for C

Indexing can improve the performance of QBEs. To index the documents in a SODA collection, use function OCISodaIndexCreate(), passing it a textual JSON index specification. This can specify support for B-tree, spatial, full-text, and ad hoc indexing, and it can specify support for a JSON data guide.

  • A B-tree index is used to index particular scalar JSON fields.

  • An Oracle Spatial and Graph index is used to index GeoJSON (spatial) data.

  • A JSON search index can improve the performance of:

    • QBEs that you might not anticipate or use regularly — it is a general purpose index.

    • QBEs that use operator $contains — full-text search.

  • A JSON search index can also provide persistent recording and automatic updating of JSON data-guide information.

If a JSON search index is defined, and if a B-tree index or a spatial index applies to a given QBE, the B-tree or spatial index is generally used for that QBE, in preference to the (more general) search index.

The invocation of function OCISodaIndexCreate() is the same for each kind of index you create. The only difference is the index specification that is passed to the function as an argument.

You drop an index on a SODA collection using function OCISodaIndexDrop(), passing it the index name.

See Also:

Example 3-25 Creating a B-Tree Index for a JSON Field with SODA for C

This example creates a B-tree non-unique index for numeric field address.zip of the JSON documents in a collection that has handle collhp. A B-tree index specification can be recognized by the presence of field fields.

// Index specification for B-tree index on field address.zip.
OraText *indexSpec = "{\"name\" : \"ZIPCODE_IDX\", \
                       \"fields\" : [{\"path\" : \"address.zip\", \
                                      \"datatype\" : \"number\", \
                                      \"order\" : \"asc\"}]}";

// Create the index.
rc = OCISodaIndexCreate(svchp, collhp, indexSpec, strlen(indexSpec), errhp, OCI_DEFAULT);

Example 3-26 Creating a JSON Search Index with SODA for C

This example indexes the documents in a collection that has handle collhp for ad hoc queries and full-text search (QBEs that use operator $contains), and it automatically accumulates and updates data-guide information about your JSON documents (aggregate structural and type information). The index specification has only field name (no field fields).

// Index specification for JSON search index.
OraText *indexSpec = "{\"name\" : \"SEARCH_AND_DATA_GUIDE_IDX\"}";

// Create the index.
rc = OCISodaIndexCreate(svchp, collhp, indexSpec, strlen(indexSpec), errhp, OCI_DEFAULT);

The simple index specification it uses is equivalent to this one, which makes explicit the default values:

 "dataguide" : "on",
 "search_on" : "text_value"}

If you instead wanted only ad hoc indexing then you would explicitly specify a value of "off" for field dataguide. If you instead wanted only data-guide support then you would explicitly specify a value of "none" for field search_on.


To create a data guide-enabled JSON search index, or to data guide-enable an existing JSON search index, you need database privilege CTXAPP and Oracle Database Release 12c ( or later.

Example 3-27 Dropping an Index with SODA for C

To drop an index on a SODA collection, just pass the index name to function OCISodaIndexDrop(). This example drops index ZIPCODE_IDX.

boolean isDropped = FALSE;

// Drop the index named ZIPCODE_IDX.
rc = OCISodaIndexDrop(svchp,

printf ("isDropped %d\n", isDropped);

3.14 Getting a Data Guide for a Collection with SODA for C

You use function OCISodaDataGuideGet() to get a data guide for a collection. A data guide is a JSON document that summarizes the structural and type information of the JSON documents in the collection. It records metadata about the fields used in those documents.

Before you can obtain a data guide for your collection you must create a data guide-enabled JSON search index on it.Example 3-26 shows how to do that.

See Also:

Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide for information about OCI function CISodaDataGuideGet()

Example 3-28 Getting a Data Guide with SODA for Java

This example gets a data guide for a collection with collection handle collhp, using function OCISodaDataGuideGet(). It then prints the content of the data-guide document.

OCISodaDoc  *dochp = NULL;
OraText     *content = NULL;
ub4          contentLen = 0;

// Get the data guide based on the JSON search index defined on the collection.
// dochp is the handle for the data-guide document.
rc = OCISodaDataGuideGet(svchp,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

rc = OCIAttrGet((dvoid *) dochp,
                (dvoid *) &content,
if (rc != OCI_SUCCESS) goto finally;

// Print the content of the data-guide document.
printf("Data guide: %.*s \n", contentLen, content);


//Free all handles.
if (collhp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) collhp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_COLLECTION);
if (dochp)
  (void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) dochp, OCI_HTYPE_SODA_OPER_OPTIONS);

3.15 Handling Transactions with SODA for C

You can handle individual read and write operations, or groups of them, as a database transaction.

You do this in either of these ways:

  • Use execution mode parameter OCI_SODA_ATOMIC_COMMIT when you invoke a SODA operation. If an operation is executed in this mode and it completes successfully then the current transaction is committed after completion.

    As is usual for a commit, this commits all outstanding changes, not just changes made by the SODA operation. However, if the operation fails then only changes made by the SODA operation are rolled back; any uncommitted changes made prior to invocation of the SODA operation are not rolled back.

  • Use function OCITransCommit() or OCITransRollback(), to commit or roll back, respectively, the current transaction. These are standard Oracle Call Interface (OCI) functions; they are not SODA-specific.

SODA operations of creating and dropping a collection do not automatically commit before or after they perform their action. (This differs from the behavior of SQL DDL statements, which commit both before and after performing their action.)

One consequence of this is that, before a SODA collection can be dropped, any outstanding write operations to it must be committed or rolled back. This is because function  OCISodaCollDrop() does not itself commit before it performs its action. In this, its behavior differs from that of a SQL DROP TABLE statement.

See Also:

Footnote Legend

Footnote 1: The handle is freed here immediately, just as a reminder to free it when you are done with it (the same as any other handle). In practice you would make use of the handle in some way before freeing it.