Upgrade Script (catctl) Parameters

AutoUpgrade and Replay Upgrade use catctl parameters to perform upgrades.


Starting with Oracle Database 23ai, the catctl script is desupported. However, AutoUpgrade and Replay Upgrade integrate the options associated with catctl as part of their upgrade procedure. To use these options, refer to the Global or Local AutoUpgrade catctl_options parameters.

Table A-2 catctl.pl Parameters

Parameter Description


Specifies the number of processes to use for parallel operations.

The number of PDBs upgraded concurrently is controlled by the value of the -n parameter. Multiple PDB upgrades are processed together. The default value is the number of CPUs on your system. A cpu_count equal to 24 equates to a default value of 24 for -n.

Values for the -n parameter:

The maximum value for -n is unlimited. The minimum value is 4. The maximum PDB upgrades running concurrently is the value of -n divided by the value of -N.


Specifies the number of SQL processors to use when upgrading PDBs.

The maximum value is 8. The minimum value is 1. The default value is 2.

-t Uses classic upgrade for the upgrade, instead of the default Replay Upgrade process.


Takes offline user schema-based table spaces.


Turns on production debugging information for catcon.pm.