4 Using the Multitenant Architecture with Oracle REST Data Services

This section outlines installing, configuring, upgrading and uninstalling Oracle REST Data Services in a multitenant container database.

4.1 Setting Up ORDS in a CDB Environment

This section describes how to setup Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) into a multitenant container database (CDB) environment.

Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) introduced the multitenant architecture. This database architecture has a multitenant container database (CDB) that includes a root container, CDB$ROOT, a seed database, PDB$SEED, and multiple pluggable databases (PDBs). A PDB appears to users and applications as if it were a non-CDB. Each PDB is equivalent to a separate database instance in Oracle Database Release 11g.

The root container, CDB$ROOT, holds common objects that are accessible to every PDB utilizing metadata links or object links. The seed database, PDB$SEED, is used when you create a new PDB to seed the new pluggable database. The key benefit of the Oracle Database 12c multitenant architecture is that the database resources, such as CPU and memory, can be shared across all of the PDBs. This architecture also enables many databases to be treated as one for tasks such as upgrades or patches, and backups.

The installation process when you have multiple releases is described in the following section:


If you want to install directly into a PDB (not connected to Root during installation), see Advanced Installation Using Command-Line Prompts for more information.

Preinstallation Tasks for Oracle REST Data Services CDB Installation

  • Ensure that the PDBs are open (not mounted/closed) in read/write mode (except for PDB$SEED, which remains in read-only mode). For more information, see Oracle Multitenant Administrator’s Guide

  • Ensure that the default and temporary tablespaces to be used by the ORDS_METADATA schema and the ORDS_PUBLIC_USER user exist and that you know the tablespace names. The installation procedure creates those users, but it does not create the tablespaces.


ORDS_METADATA and ORDS_PUBLIC_USER are installed in the seed container, and the default and temporary tablespaces exist in PDB$SEED. If these tablespaces do not already exist, then you must create the tablespaces in PDB$SEED. For more information, see Oracle Multitenant Administrator’s Guide

4.1.1 Installation Enabling Multiple Releases

This section describes the installation process when you have multiple releases of Oracle REST Data Services and patch sets in the PDBs in a multitenant environment.

When Oracle REST Data Services is installed into a CDB, the proxy user, Oracle REST Data Services public user (ORDS_PUBLIC_USER) is installed in the root container and is a common user. The ORDS_METADATA schema is a local user that contains the metadata for Oracle REST Data Services. Both the ORDS_METADATA schema and the ORDS_PUBLIC_USER are installed in the seed container (PDB$SEED) and all of the pluggable databases.

Since the ORDS_METADATA is installed as a local user, this provides you the flexibility of installing multiple Oracle REST Data Services releases in the pluggable databases. Command Line Installation

You must provide the SYS AS SYSDBA credentials in the Root (CDB$ROOT) container to perform the installation. Advanced Installation

This section describes the advanced installation prompts for installing Oracle REST Data Services into a CDB to enable multiple Oracle REST Data Services releases.

To install Oracle REST Data Services into a CDB to enable multiple Oracle REST Data Services releases, perform the following steps:
  1. Navigate to the folder where you unzipped the Oracle REST Data Services installation kit.

  2. Enter the following command:

    java -jar ords.war install advanced
  3. When prompted, enter the database connection information for your CDB.

    Enter the name of the database server[localhost]:
    Enter the database listen port [1521]:
    Enter 1 to specify the database service name, or 2 to specify the database SID [1]:
    Enter the database service name:(for example, cdb.example.com)
  4. Verify the Oracle REST Data Services installation.

    Enter 1 if you want to verify/install Oracle REST Data Services schema or 2 to skip this step [1]:
  5. Accept or enter 1 (the default) to install Oracle REST Data Services into the CDB and all of its PDBs.

    Enter the database password for ORDS_PUBLIC_USER:
    Confirm password:
    Requires to login with administrator privileges to verify Oracle REST Data Services schema.
    Enter the administrator username: SYS
    Enter the database password for SYS AS SYSDBA:
    Confirm password:
    Retrieving information....
    Your database connection is to a CDB.  ORDS common user ORDS_PUBLIC_USER will be
    created in the CDB.  ORDS schema will be installed in the PDBs.
    Root CDB$ROOT - create ORDS common user
    PDB PDB$SEED - install ORDS 18.2.0.<JulianDay.Time> (mode is READ ONLY, open for 
    PDB PDBName1 - install ORDS 18.2.0.<JulianDay.Time>
    PDB PDBName2 - install ORDS 18.2.0.<JulianDay.Time>
    Enter 1 if you want to install ORDS or 2 to skip this step [1]:
  6. Press enter to continue with the installation.

  7. When prompted, enter additional information as needed. See Advanced Installation Using Command-Line Prompts for more information.


To use the pluggable mapping feature, see Making All PDBs Addressable by Oracle REST Data Services (Pluggable Mapping) for more information. Silent Installation

Silent installation reads the properties from the Oracle REST Data Services parameter file.

To perform a silent installation, enter the following command:
java –jar ords.war install simple
java –jar ords.war

4.1.2 Upgrading Oracle REST Data Services in a CDB Environment

When you use a new release of Oracle REST Data Services, upgrading its schema in the CDB and its pluggable databases (PDBs) will occur automatically when you perform a simple or advanced installation.

For example:

java -jar ords.war

If Oracle REST Data Services is already installed or upgraded, a message displays the Oracle REST Data Services schema version, and you will not be prompted for information. Migrating Oracle REST Data Services in the CDB to Enable Multiple Releases

This section describes how to migrate Oracle REST Data Services in the CDB to enable multiple releases.

Starting with release 18.2.0 and later, if you have an Oracle REST Data Services schema and ORDS_METADATA that is installed in the CDB$ROOT container, then during upgrade it will migrate the common ORDS_METADATA schema to your PDBs as a local schema. Oracle database and later releases support this change.

4.1.3 Making All PDBs Addressable by Oracle REST Data Services

This section describes how to make all application PDBs in a CDB addressable by ORDS. This step is required for starting ORDS from the CDB.

For more information refer to Making All PDBs Addressable by Oracle REST Data Services (Pluggable Mapping)

4.1.4 Uninstalling Oracle REST Data Services in a CDB Environment

To uninstall Oracle REST Data Services from a CDB, use the uninstall command.

For example:

java -jar ords.war uninstall

Oracle REST Data Services will be removed from the CDB and its pluggable databases (PDBs).

4.2 Setting Up ORDS in an Application Container

This section describes how to setup Oracle REST Data Services in an application container.

Starting with ORDS release 20.2.1, Oracle REST Data Services can be installed or upgraded into an application container using the ORDS SQL scripts provided in the ords.version.number.zip file.

An application container consists of an application root where the application is defined and one or more PDBs that share the metadata about the application from the application root. You can have multiple application containers within a CDB and each container can have different versions of Oracle REST Data Services. Installing or upgrading Oracle REST Data Services in an application container is done against the application root container. When an application PDB wants to use the upgraded version, it must synchronize with the application root. Oracle REST Data Services continues to run in the application PDB with the existing version until the application PDB synchronizes with the application root.


4.2.1 Prerequisites for Creating ORDS in an Application Container

This section describes the prerequisites for installing ORDS in an application container.

Following prerequisites must be met before you install ORDS in an application container:
  • Download ORDS version 20.2.1 or later from Oracle REST Data Services Downloads.
  • Extract the ORDS SQL scripts.
  • To obtain the ORDS SQL scripts, execute the following commands:
    unzip ords.version.number.zip ords.war 
    unzip ords.war 'WEB-INF/lib/ords-installer-*.jar'    
    unzip  'WEB-INF/lib/ords-installer-*.jar' 'db/*'    
    mv db scripts
The ORDS SQL scripts are located in the scripts folder. The scripts folder contains the subdirectories for the install, upgrade, validate, and uninstall SQL scripts. You can run these SQL scripts using SQLcl, SQL*Plus, or SQL Developer. Creating an Application Root Container

This section describes how to create an application root container.

To create an application root container:
  1. Ensure that the current container is in CDB$ROOT.
  2. Use the AS APPLICATION CONTAINER clause of the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement to create an application container.
  3. Open the application container.



FILE_NAME_CONVERT=('pdbseed', 'ords_app_root1');



ords_app_root1 and the admin user in the preceding example can be any valid Oracle identifier.

If Oracle managed files is enabled in the CDB or the PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter is set, then omit the FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause.

The ORDS users, namely ORDS_PUBLIC_USER and ORDS_METADATA, must not exist in the seed (for example, pdbseed) or cloned pdb.

4.2.2 Installing ORDS in the Application Root Container

This section describes how to install ORDS in the application root container.

To install ORDS in the application root container, perform the following steps:
  1. Connect to the application root container.
  2. Run /path/to/scripts/install/core/ords_app_con_install.sql command using the following parameters:
    • Log folder (must include the forward slash at the end)
    • Default tablespace for ORDS schema
    • Temporary tablespace for ORDS schema
    • Default tablespace for ORDS proxy user
    • Temporary tablespace for ORDS proxy user
    • ORDS proxy user password
    • Scripts path (requires the fully qualified path to the ORDS scripts)


    The tablespaces must already exist in the database.

@/path/to/scripts/install/core/ords_app_con_install.sql /path/to/logs/ SYSAUX TEMP SYSAUX TEMP P033w0r6! /path/to/scripts


The ords_app_con_install.sql creates an application named ORDS and assigns the application version to the ORDS product version. The product version format is Year.Quarter.Patch.rJulianDay24HRMM (for example, 20.2.1.r2121800).

The preceding script installs ORDS and creates the following:
  • The ORDS schema, ORDS_METADATA
  • The ORDS proxy user, ORDS_PUBLIC_USER and
  • The related database objects in the application container

4.2.3 Creating an Application Seed

This section describes how to create an application seed.

An application seed is used to provision application PDBs with the application root's applications pre-installed.

To create an application seed:
  1. Ensure that the current container is in the CDB$ROOT.
  2. Alter session and set container to the application root.
  3. Use the AS SEED clause of the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement to create an application seed.
  4. Sync the ORDS application with the application seed.
  5. Compile invalid objects.
  6. Open the application seed in a read only mode.


ords_app_root1 and the admin user in the following example can be any valid Oracle identifier.

If Oracle managed files is enabled in the CDB or the PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter is set, then omit the FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause.

FILE_NAME_CONVERT=('pdbseed', 'ords_app_root1_seed');
ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE ords_app_root1$seed open;
ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER = ords_app_root1$seed;
  sys.dbms_utility.compile_schema('ORDS_METADATA', FALSE);
ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE ords_app_root1$seed close immediate;
ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE ords_app_root1$seed open read only;

4.2.4 Creating an Application PDB from the Application Seed

This section describes how to create an application PDB that is seeded from the application seed

An application PDB is created by issuing the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement from the application root.

To create an application PDB from the application seed:
  1. Ensure that the current container is in CDB$ROOT.
  2. Alter session and set the container to the application root.
  3. Use the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE command to create a PDB from the application seed.


ords_app_pdb1 and the admin user in the following example can be any valid Oracle identifier.

If Oracle managed files is enabled in the CDB or the PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter is set, then omit the FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause.

CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE ords_app_pdb1 ADMIN USER admin IDENTIFIED BY <admin password> 
select app_name, app_version, app_status from dba_applications where app_name = 'ORDS';
--------     ---------------     ------------
ORDS         20.2.1.r2121800     NORMAL

4.2.5 ORDS Configuration Files Setup

This section describes how to setup the ORDS configuration files: Specifying the ORDS Configuration Folder

This section describes how to specify the ORDS configuration folder.

The configuration folder contains the ORDS configuration files. If the configuration folder is undefined, then you are prompted for the configuration folder when you execute the setup command.

To specify the location for your ORDS configuration files, use the following command:

java -jar ords.war configdir /path/to/config Creating the ORDS Configuration Files for the Application Root Container

This section describes how to create the ORDS configuration files for the application root container.

To create the ORDS configuration files for the application root container, execute the following setup command to create the configuration files:

java -jar ords.war setup --configOnly

Where, the --configOnly option must be specified to create the configuration files. When prompted for the service name, specify the application root servicename.

Example 4-1 Configuring ORDS for Application Express

 java -jar ords.war setup --configOnly
    Specify the database connection type to use.
    Enter number for [1] Basic  [2] TNS  [3] Custom URL [1]:
    Enter the name of the database server [localhost]:
    Enter the database listen port [1521]:
    Enter 1 to specify the database service name, or 2 to specify the database SID [1]:
    Enter the database service name: ords_app_root1
    Enter the database password for ORDS_PUBLIC_USER:
    Confirm password:
    Enter 1 if you want to use PL/SQL Gateway or 2 to skip this step.
    If using Oracle Application Express or migrating from mod_plsql then you must enter 1 [1]:   
    Enter the PL/SQL Gateway database user name [APEX_PUBLIC_USER]:
    Enter the database password for APEX_PUBLIC_USER:
    Confirm password:
    Enter 1 to specify passwords for Application Express RESTful Services database users (APEX_LISTENER, APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER) or 2 to skip this step [1]:
    Enter the database password for APEX_LISTENER:
    Confirm password:
    Enter the database password for APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER:
    Confirm password:
    Enter a number to select a feature to enable:      
      [1] SQL Developer Web  (Enables all features)      
      [2] REST Enabled SQL      
      [3] Database API      
      [4] REST Enabled SQL and Database API      
      [5] None
    Choose [1]:

Example 4-2 Configuring ORDS only

java -jar ords.war setup --configOnly
    Specify the database connection type to use.
    Enter number for [1] Basic  [2] TNS  [3] Custom URL [1]:
    Enter the name of the database server [localhost]:
    Enter the database listen port [1521]:
    Enter 1 to specify the database service name, or 2 to specify the database SID [1]:
    Enter the database service name: ords_app_root1
    Enter the database password for ORDS_PUBLIC_USER:
    Confirm password:
    Enter 1 if you want to use PL/SQL Gateway or 2 to skip this step.
    If using Oracle Application Express or migrating from mod_plsql then you must enter 1 [1]:2
    Enter a number to select a feature to enable:
      [1] SQL Developer Web  (Enables all features)
      [2] REST Enabled SQL
      [3] Database API
      [4] REST Enabled SQL and Database API
      [5] None
    Choose [1]: Making all Application PDBs in an Application Root Container Addressable by ORDS

This section describes how to make all application PDBs in an application root container addressable by ORDS. This step is required for starting ORDS from the application root container.

4.2.6 Running ORDS

This section lists the different methods you can use to run ORDS after installing ORDS in the application container.

Once you install ORDS in the application container and create the ORDS configuration files, run ORDS using one of the following methods:
  • Standalone Mode
  • Deploy on Oracle WebLogic Server
  • Deploy Oracle REST Data Services on Apache Tomcat

4.2.7 Validating ORDS in the Application Root Container

This section describes how to validate ORDS in the application root container.

You can validate an application in an application container. These operations are performed in the application root. The application container propagates the application changes to the application PDBs when the application PDBs synchronize with the application in the application root. The ords_app_con_validate.sql script repairs the Oracle REST Data Services schema and verifies if the ORDS schema is valid.

To repair ORDS in the application root:
  1. In SQLcl or SQL*Plus, connect to the application root.
  2. Run /path/to/scripts/validate/core/ords_app_con_validate.sql with the following parameters:
    • Log folder (must include the forward slash at the end)
    • Scripts path (requires the fully qualified path to the ORDS scripts)

@/path/to/scripts/validate/core/ords_app_con_validate.sql /path/to/logs/ /path/to/scripts

The ords_app_con_validate.sql sets the application version to the ORDS product version with suffix "_v_YYMMDD24HRMISS".

For example:



To synchronize the ORDS application in an application PDB with the latest changes in the application root:
  1. In SQLcl or SQL*Plus, ensure that the current container is the application PDB
  2. Run the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION statement specifying the ORDS application with the SYNC clause.

For example:




When you install ORDS, it attempts to find the Oracle Application Express (APEX) schema and creates a view. This view joins the relevant tables in the APEX schema to the tables in the Oracle REST Data Services schema. If you install Oracle REST Data Services before APEX, then Oracle REST Data Services cannot find the APEX schema and it creates a stub view in place of the missing APEX tables.

Oracle highly recommends that you install Oracle REST Data Services after APEX to ensure that the APEX objects that Oracle REST Data Services needs to query are present.

If you install Oracle REST Data Services before APEX, then use the ords_app_con_validate.sql script to force Oracle REST Data Services to reconstruct the queries against the APEX schema.

4.2.8 Upgrading ORDS in the Application Container

This section describes how to upgrade ORDS in the application container.

You can upgrade an application in an application container. These operations are performed in the application root. The application container propagates the application changes to the application PDBs when the application PDBs synchronize with the application in the application root.

  • ORDS must already be installed in the application container.
  • Upgrading ORDS from an earlier release to a new release (for example, ORDS release 20.2.x.x to 20.3.x.x).
To upgrade ORDS in the application root:
  1. In SQLcl or SQL*Plus, connect to the application root.
  2. Run /path/to/scripts/upgrade/ords_app_con_upgrade.sql with the following parameters:
    • Log folder (must include the forward slash at the end)
    • Scripts path (requires the fully qualified path to the ORDS scripts)


    The ords_app_con_upgrade.sql script upgrades ORDS in the application root container to the release that you are using. For example, if the ORDS application version is 20.2.1.r2121800, and the ORDS upgrade script is 20.3.0.r2601900, then the script upgrades ORDS to release 20.3.0.r2601900 in the application root container.

To synchronize the ORDS application in an application PDB with the upgrade changes in the application root:

  1. In SQLcl or SQL*Plus, ensure that the current container is the application PDB.
  2. Run the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION statement specifying the ORDS application with the SYNC clause.


4.2.9 Uninstalling ORDS from the Application Container

This section describes how to uninstall ORDS from the application container.

You can uninstall an application from an application container. These operations are performed in the application root. The application container propagates the application changes to the application PDBs when the application PDBs synchronize with the application in the application root.

To uninstall ORDS from the application root:
  1. In SQLcl or SQL*Plus, connect to the application root.
  2. Run /path/to/scripts/uninstall/core/ords_app_con_uninstall.sql with the following parameters:
    • Log folder (must include the forward slash at the end)
    • Scripts path (requires the fully qualified path to the ORDS scripts)


@/path/to/scripts/uninstall/core/ords_app_con_uninstall.sql /path/to/logs/ /path/to/scripts

To synchronize the application PDB to uninstall the ORDS application:
  1. In SQLcl or SQL*Plus, ensure that the current container is the application PDB.
  2. Run the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION statement specifying the ORDS application with the SYNC clause.

For example:



4.2.10 Verifying ORDS in the Application Container

This section describes how to verify ORDS in the application container.

To verify the ORDS for install, upgrade, validate, and uninstall in the application container:
  • Manually inspect the following log files for any errors:
    • Install - ordsinstall_<timestamp>.log
    • Upgrade - ordsupgrade_<timestamp>.log
    • Validate - ordsvalidate_<timestamp>.log
    • Uninstall - ordsuninstall_<timestamp>.log
  • Query dba_applications to verify if the ORDS application exists and its application version is the same as the ORDS product version.
    SQL> select app_name, app_version, app_status from dba_applications where app_name = 'ORDS';
        --------     ---------------     ------------
        ORDS         20.2.1.r2121800     NORMAL
  • Query dba_app_errors to check for any errors:

    SQL> select app_name, app_statement, errornum, errormsg from dba_app_errors where app_name = 'ORDS';

    no rows selected

    If you are uninstalling ORDS from the application container, the APP_STATUS contains the value UNINSTALLED.

4.3 Making All PDBs Addressable by Oracle REST Data Services (Pluggable Mapping)

Pluggable mapping refers to the ability to make all PDBs in a CDB root or in an application root container addressable by Oracle REST Data Services. To use this feature, follow the instructions described in this topic.

If the Oracle REST Data Services configuration file includes the db.serviceNameSuffix parameter, this indicates that the Oracle REST Data Services pool points to a CDB root or an application root, and that the PDBs connected to that CDB root or an application root should be made addressable by Oracle REST Data Services.

The value of the db.serviceNameSuffix parameter must match the value of the DB_DOMAIN database initialization parameter, and it must start with a period (.). To set the value of the db.serviceNameSuffix parameter:

  1. In SQLcl or SQL*Plus, connect to the root as a user with SYSDBA privileges.

  2. Check the value of the DB_DOMAIN database initialization parameter.

    SQL> show parameter DB_DOMAIN
  3. Exit SQLcl or SQL*Plus.

    SQL> exit
  4. If the DB_DOMAIN value is not empty, then on the command line, enter the command to create the key and value for the db.serviceNameSuffix parameter and its DB_DOMAIN. This will be used to add this entry to the Oracle REST Data Services configuration file.

    echo db.serviceNameSuffix=.value-of-DB_DOMAIN > snsuffix.properties

    For example, if DB_DOMAIN is set to example.com, enter the following:

    echo db.serviceNameSuffix=.example.com > snsuffix.properties
  5. If the db.serviceNameSuffix parameter value is not defined, enter a command in the following format to add an entry to the configuration file:

    java -jar ords.war set-properties --conf pool-name snsuffix.properties

    Where pool-name is one of the following:

    • poolName for a PL/SQL Gateway configuration

    • poolName_pu for an Oracle REST Data Services RESTful Services configuration

    • poolName_rt for an Application Express RESTful Services configuration

    Example 1: You want to make PDBs in a CDB root or an application root addressable globally. Specify defaults by entering the following command:

    java -jar ords.war set-properties --conf defaults snsuffix.properties


    The approach shown in Example 1 (setting the property for all pools through the defaults.xml file) is best for most use cases.

    Example 2: You want to make PDBs in a CDB root or an application root addressable for your PL/SQL Gateway, and your pool name is apex. Enter the following command:

    java -jar ords.war set-properties --conf apex snsuffix.properties

    For example, if the database pointed to by apex has a DB_DOMAIN value of example.com and contains the two PDBs pdb1.example.com and pdb2.example.com, the first PDB will be mapped to URLs whose path starts with /ords/pdb1/, and the second PDB will be mapped to URLs whose path starts with /ords/pdb2/.

    Example 3: You want to make PDBs in a CDB root or an application root addressable for your Oracle REST Data Services RESTful Services, and your pool name is apex_pu. Enter the following command:

    java -jar ords.war set-properties --conf apex_pu snsuffix.properties

    Example 4: You want to make PDBs in a CDB root or an application root addressable for your Application Express RESTful Services and your pool name is apex_rt. Enter the following command:

    java -jar ords.war set-properties --conf apex_rt snsuffix.properties