Export Essbase 11g On-Premise Cubes

If you have applications and cubes that were created in a supported on-premises instance of Essbase, then you can use the 11g Excel Export Utility, which is a command-line tool, to export the metadata and data of a cube into an application workbook. Then you can import the application workbook to create a cube in the cloud service.

Using the 11g Excel Export Utility, you can export applications and cubes created in Essbase on-premises instances:,, 12.2.1, and later. You can't export cubes on these releases to application workbooks.


Download the 11g Excel Export Utility

The cube export utility is supported on Windows and UNIX/Linux.

To download the 11g Excel Export Utility from Essbase:

  1. In the Essbase web interface, on the Applications page, click Console.
  2. On the Console page, click Download Image of the Download icon. next to 11g Excel Export Utility.
  3. Save the 11g Excel Export Utility, which is named dbxtool.zip, to a local drive.

Review Member Names Before you Import an Application Workbook Created by the 11g Excel Export Utility

When importing an application workbook that was created using the 11g Excel Export Utility, you should carefully review member names in the application workbook. Member names are exported to the application workbook as is. If a member name ends with a backslash (for example, mbrname\ or mbr\name\), then the member name is exported to the application workbook as is (mbrname\ or mbr\name\). During the import process, however, the trailing backslash is interpreted as an escape character and the member is rejected (not added to the cube outline).

When the import process is completed, a dialog box provides status details, such as whether a dimension build was successful or if errors were encountered.

For each dimension in which one or more member names are rejected, an error file is created. The error file is named err_DimName.txt or err_Dim_DimName.txt. For example, if the Year dimension has any rejected member names, the error file name is err_Year.txt or err_Dim_Year.txt.

In the dimension error file, each rejected member name is listed, as shown:

\\Record #98 - Error in association transaction [RB6300] to [Curr_EUR] (3362)
"OTHER","RB6300","N","","","Ballsport L","","","","Curr_EUR"

The rejected member record text files are available on the Files page. Review the text files and correct the issues in the application workbook.