Access to Calculations

If you have the Database Update user role, you have access to run the default calculation on the cube (from Smart View), and to run specific calculation scripts provisioned to you. If you have the Application Manager or Database Manager role, you have Calc privileges and rights to execute all calculations, and to provision access to execute specific calculation scripts.

To provision users access to execute calculation scripts in the Essbase web interface, first provision the user to that application with Database Update user role, then add the user on the Roles tab in the calc script editor.

  1. On the Applications page, click the Actions menu to the right of the application name.
  2. Select Inspect, and then select Permissions.
  3. Click Add Image of the Add icon. on the right-hand side of the dialog box.

    A list of users and groups is displayed.

  4. Click Add Image of the add icon. next to a user.
  5. Select Database Update.
  6. Grant calculation script access.
    1. On the Applications page, expand the application and click the Actions menu to the right of the cube name.
    2. Select Inspect, and then select Scripts.
    3. Select Calculation Scripts.
    4. Click on the script name.
    5. Select Roles.
    6. Click Add Image of the Add icon..
    7. Click Add Image of the Add icon. next to the user name.
    8. Click Close.

      The user is displayed as a member of the script.
      Image of the Roles tab in the calc script editor, showing calcuser1 as being a provisioned user for the script.