By default, implied sharing is not enabled in Essbase 21c. You can use this configuration setting to enable it if needed.

If implied sharing is enabled, parent members share the value of their single child members (or of their only consolidating child member), unless the parent member:

  • has a formula
  • is set to Never Share


  • app_name—Optional. If provided, the setting applies only to the specified application; otherwise, the setting applies to the Essbase Server.

    Application-specific settings take precedence over server-level settings.

  • TRUE—Parent is treated as an implied share when it has only one child or when it has only one child that consolidates to the parent.

  • FALSE—Never use Implied Share. This is the default behavior.

About Implied Sharing

Shared members typically are used to calculate the same member across multiple parents; for example, to calculate a Diet Cola member in both the Cola and Diet parents.

The data values associated with a shared member come from another member with the same name, called the prototype member. The shared member stores a pointer to data contained in the prototype member, and the data is stored only once. You use the shared member property to define a shared data relationship explicitly.

Implied shared members act as shared, even if you have not explicitly set them as shared.

If your applications depend on the use of implied sharing, you can set this configuration to TRUE.

Migration Guidelines for Implied Sharing

This configuration setting defines the default implied sharing behavior for Essbase application, when it is first created in (or migrated to) Essbase 21c.

In Essbase 11g On-Premise, the implied share setting could be changed for an application using the IMPLIED_SHARE setting. In Essbase 21c and later, you can set implied share behavior only once, at application creation time.

If you migrate an application from Essbase 11g On-Premise to Essbase 21c, and essbase.cfg has a value set for the IMPLIED_SHARE configuration, that setting will be preserved in IMPLIED_SHARE_ON_CREATE in Essbase 21c. In other words, an Essbase 11g On-Premise application configured as IMPLIED_SHARE TRUE will migrate to Essbase 21c as IMPLIED_SHARE_ON_CREATE TRUE.

If you migrate an application from Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase or Essbase 19c to Essbase 21c, and it has an application-level value set for the IMPLIED_SHARE configuration, that setting will be preserved in IMPLIED_SHARE_ON_CREATE in Essbase 21c.

Changing the IMPLIED_SHARE_ON_CREATE setting does not affect any existing applications or cubes. You cannot toggle this setting for an existing application. If you change this setting at the server level essbase.cfg, then only newly created applications will be affected.

If you need to change your implied share settings for only one existing Essbase 21c application, you will have to recreate it, using the following workflow:

  1. Recreate the application, but not the cube.

  2. Add the IMPLIED_SHARE_ON_CREATE setting with your new chosen value of TRUE or FALSE to the application configuration.

  3. Create the cube and rebuild your outline. Once the setting is applied to the cube, it is retained in the .otl file.

  4. Reload the data.

  5. Run aggregation or calculation scripts.

If you need to change your implied share settings for more than one application,

  1. In the Essbase Server configuration file essbase.cfg, add IMPLIED_SHARE_ON_CREATE with your preferred value of TRUE or FALSE.

  2. Save the file and restart Essbase Server.

  3. Recreate each application (without the cube). If you need a different Implied Share setting for any application than what is defined globally in essbase.cfg, add the IMPLIED_SHARE_ON_CREATE setting with your preferred value of TRUE or FALSE to that application's configuration.

  4. Rebuild the cubes from the source outlines.

  5. Reload the data.

  6. Run aggregation or calculation scripts.



Use Implied Share for application Sample.