This Essbase configuration setting sets a query calculation flow trace to be run and the results to be printed out to a file.


This setting enables query tracing for calculation flows. The query tracing output file includes:

  • The input query

  • An expanded query odometer

  • General information about query calculation units

  • A list of formulas and aggregations

  • An ordered list of all output cells that are calculated or aggregated during the query, according to solve order


  • This setting applies to block storage and hybrid mode cubes.

  • The query tracing output file, query_trace.txt, is written to the cube directory.



Where n should be set to -1, to enable query tracing. The default value is 0 (query tracing is off).

When to Use Different Query Tracing Options

The QUERYTRACE configuration setting is designed for debugging a single query, in case any problems are observed. It prints the trace log to the cube directory as query_trace.txt, and the file is cleared by default before each query execution. QUERYTRACE should not be left enabled in the application configuration for long term use, as it may affect performance.

The TRACE_REPORT configuration setting provides fewer details than QUERYTRACE, but is able to trace multiple, concurrent queries. TRACE_REPORT is a good option for gathering information on many concurrent queries running over a period of time. For more details, see Configuring Ongoing Query Tracing.

Enabling query logging by setting the QUERYLOG parameter in dbname.cfg (in the cube directory) is designed for tracking user query patterns for a cube, in XML format.



Sets a tracing query to be run that includes all tracing features listed in Description.